
Fate Grand Order: Corruption

The lives of two siblings are interrupted when something happens to their Grand Order games. Zelretch presents them with a once in a lifetime opportunity: to become masters of Chaldea. Now they must travel through the singularities to rescue the servants who have been corrupted for a strange reason and continue the story. Can they do it?

I_Am_Not_A_Writer · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Annoying Olga

"The enemy Servants have been eliminated." Mash was finally able to relax, Rika came to hug her.

"You did excellent Mash-chan!" She was very happy, the red-haired girl was quickly embarrassed by the hug.

"Rika, you're embarrassing our Kouhai." Haji could already laugh after all that time, the danger was over for the moment. A few seconds later, they both checked their cell phones, Mash watched them with some curiosity.

"Those devices... I saw that they did something with both sabers."

"That's right Mash-chan, we captured them. - Rika started to explain. "Those black auras that surrounded them weren't normal, so we have this app that we can capture the heroic spirits with, that way they are purified and it's a way to make them make a contract with us."

"I get it... it will be very interesting for the doctor to find out about it."

"In the meantime... why don't we introduce our new companions." They both opened the storage menu, displaying a single icon that corresponded to the Servants they captured.

Pressing on this, light once again emerged from their cell phones, at which point two female figures began to materialize in front of them.

"I am a Saber-class Servant. Are you my master?" Artoria introduced herself first.

"I am a Saber class servant, since I am still in training, you can call me Lily, I hope to count on you from now on." Finally the little girl introduced herself in a more cheerful way.

"Welcome, we are masters of Chaldea, we hope we can count on you." First of all, Haji introduced himself. "I'm Haji Shimamura, I'm your master, Saber." He approached Artoria.

"And I'm Rika, nice to meet you Lily." The red-haired girl was more cheerful, suddenly hugging the little girl who was surprised.

"Master!" Being suddenly hugged by her new master confused her.

"To think I would be here... and also my younger version was summoned... the situation is not good." Arturia commented softly. Haji watched that, she seemed to have no memory of when she was possessed by the black aura. "What are your next orders master?"

"As you should have noticed, we are in Fuyuki, but it's not as you knew it, this is called a singularity, it's like a piece of history set apart from the world, we must find out more about it and find a way to escape."

"Senpais, I detect a ley line near here." Mash warned, they saw each other to follow. Now, the group of five began to move following the Shielder. It wasn't long before they arrived precisely toward that line. "All right, this is where she should be."

It wasn't long before they heard a shout, which caught their attention, obviously both brothers knew who it was. Mash hurried up a small hill, it was then that he noticed it.

"Headmistress Olga?" he saw that gray-haired girl being chased by a group of skeleton warriors. Already the other four were approaching.

"Mash, you must rescue her, go the same Saber." ordered Haji, they both nodded.

"Why is this happening to me! Lev, help me!" Olga was running for her life, about to be overtaken by the skeletons. At that moment Mash and Arturia arrived, starting to finish off the enemies, Olga was stunned to see them. "Mash?"

"Director Olga are you all right?" for a few moments she was still in the clouds, already then she finally recovered.

"Yes, I feel better, thank you very much." Seconds later the other three approached, the girl saw them. "You guys, what the heck are you doing here?"

"... This, hello." Rika wanted to say hello, obviously Olga wasn't in the mood.

"No hello! What happened, suddenly Chaldeas started to suffer a malfunction... damn, what will I do... if Lev was here."

"Don't worry director, I've already connected to a ley line, I must contact Chaldea."

"Very well, go ahead." Olga ordered. Mash activated the communication device, already then the hologram with Roman emerged.

"Mash, looks like you were able to get him, and everyone is safe, that's good."

"Doctor Romani!" Olga shouted.

"Oh... director Olga."

"What the hell are you doing in the command seat! Where's Lev, put him on right now!"

"Well... you see director... it's just that he has disappeared after the incident, we don't know what happened."

"It can't be... Lev is dead?" the peligris fell to the ground on her knees. Haji and Rika watched everything, talking to each other.

"It's just the same dialogues, it doesn't seem to change anything in this." The red-haired man commented, Rika let out a sigh. "It's true, you didn't like her at the beginning."

"Who sends her to be so bossy..." She puffed out her cheeks. Olga already then looked at both of them.

"It can't be that being the hope of humanity falls on two random masters, plus almost all the candidates are in danger of dying... the Animusphere family's reputation has been ruined."

"This... headmistress, you have nothing to worry about, the Senpais have proven to be quite good as masters, they both have a savoir after all." Olga looked up, observing the two Arthorias.

"I see... they must be reliable for something, very good." Already she finally recovered. "Listen, for some reason we are in singularity F, we have to solve the problem of this place, and since I have more experience here, I will be the leader of this group."

"Despite not being a master or having the strength to fight." Rika commented to tease, receiving a bad look from the headmistress.

"I'll ignore that you said that... let's move forward." With Olga in front, they started walking, the sabers walking close to their masters and Mash trailing behind to protect them. Haji looked at Artoria out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a certain look of concern in her. He knows very well that strengthening the bonds with his Servants gives them more strength, if he wanted to start, this was the right time.

"Is something wrong Saber?" the red-haired man asked the swordswoman, she was surprised for a moment.

"It's nothing master...it's just that...this place...it shouldn't be possible, but I remember very well about two wars that took place here, and everything I did."

"This place then is familiar to you...I wouldn't like it if, because you feel uncomfortable, you can't fight with everything, so I could listen to your concerns and see if I can help you."

"I don't mean that, I appreciate the help... but it's something I have to face on my own... I have a feeling that what happened in this place is related to me... as if for no other reason, I always cause misfortune wherever I go."

"Know..." Artoria's lament seemed to be great, as they were just starting a bond of master and servant, there's not much he can do, but he would really do what it takes to fix it, if he wants to have a good relationship with her.

"What is this place!" Suddenly they came to a place full of statues, they seemed to be people who were made stone because of their expressions, both brothers knew it. "I don't want to stay in this place anymore!"

"Calm down Headmistress, I sense an enemy presence nearby." Mash warned, the Artorias likewise went on alert. At that moment a chain went straight for Olga's head, Mash was able to protect her in time, while the girl fell to the ground in surprise.

"Well, well, well... I didn't expect to find more Servants here" They heard a deep voice, appearing behind a statue a female figure came into view, wearing a tight dress and with a mask covering her eyes, they could recognize her as Medusa. "I thought this kind of war was over, but I see there are still Servants who keep their sanity."

"Director, Senpais, stay back, we'll take care of this." Mash and the Artorias stepped in front, Medusa smiled sideways licking her lips.

"You don't know how bored I was until recently, turning these poor deluded people into statues against their will, you should have heard their screams, cheering for help and begging me not to kill them... they really are deluded. Now it's your turn." Medusa began to move quickly, already the three Servants were in position to fight, when suddenly... "Aaargh?"

Medusa was quickly pierced by an object in her chest, something that was some kind of spear, right in her heart, that caused her to spit blood.

"No... it can't be... damn..." She suddenly began to glow until her body disappeared.

"The heroic spirit has disappeared... but who could it have been." Mash wasn't letting his guard down at all. Haji and Rika looked at that spear closely, it was then that they recognized it instantly, their eyes suddenly widened.

"Hey, is there a party here?" They heard an easily recognizable voice, landing next to that spear and grabbing it. That bluish hair, a full body suit with rune markings, the greatest Celtic hero ever, Cu Chulainn. - They should have warned me earlier.

"Lancer!" Artoria exclaimed as she saw Cu, he smiled.

"Oh Saber, I didn't expect to find you here, not a happy reunion to say the least." A black aura began to surround Cu, it was another servant possessed. "And look there's three of you, that's not something that can be called fair... good thing I'm not alone either."

Flames went flying towards them, the Servants protected each one, Mash with Olga and the Arturias to their respective masters. So it was that two other figures appeared.

"You're not thinking of keeping all the fun for yourself?" it was practically the same voice as Cu that was speaking.

"Don't hog everything, my future self." A third voice the same only a little younger. They watched already to see, it was two other Cu Chulainn. One wearing a blue robe and holding a staff in his hand, another had a plush blue t-shirt and shorts, as well as younger features. They joined the original Cu.

"Now that we are here, we can properly introduce ourselves, I am Cu Chulainn, Lancer."

"Cu Chulainn, caster."

"And I am also Cu, Lancer but a little younger."

"I hope you can entertain us ladies." Challenged the original Lancer, Mash and the Arturias got into position, from behind were Olga, Haji and Rika.

"Nii-san, it's time to fight." Announced the pelinaranja, Haji nodded.

"I feel sorry for the three Cu, but they took advantage of their low standards of luck... Know, Mash, you must defeat them!"

"Same Lily, give it your best!"

"Understood master!" The three girls exclaimed, quickly rushing forward to fight the three Cu, another battle that can't be avoided, but they are confident that they can win.

This is today's last chapter. See you guys tomorrow with more

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