
Fate: Faithful Knight.

A human from modern Earth was transmigrated to Chaldea. Unsure of his surroundings yet determined to unravel mysteries, Ian relied on his Simulation System. With this, Ian can leave his mark through history. *Britain will be the first simulation, Morgan's knight. -------------- Story not mine, just translating it.

CountHeim · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

47. Girls also have their moments of perseverance

  [Blessing of the Lake+ activated: Your magic power has been improved because you have visited the lake where Morgan was born. ]

  [You sense that something is wrong with the magic on Artoris at this moment. ]

  [You realize that this is not the magic she possesses - it comes from the foreshadowing laid by others in advance. ]

  By no means did he witness the entire process of blasphemy from the beginning.

  It was only after he had the intention to kill Artoris that the magic manifested from her—even just a concept, not something he saw.

  The feelings it gave Ian were complex, but not impossible to summarize.

  "For now, anything other than letting her die is allowed."

  "Maybe there are loopholes in this statement. I'll add it when I think of it."

  The lazy and casual tone was just like the unmanned armor that had only taken one step in the forest under the moon.

  Can't be wrong.

  This is definitely what the same magician does.

  But even so——

  He won't stop either.

  Ian, who was determined to kill, did not move his hand from the scabbard.

  He fully understands the consequences of constant interruption.

  Especially when there are many doubts about Artolis.

  As long as the sword blade can pass through her chest, everything will come to a perfect end.


  Can't do it.

  [You want to pull the sword blade out of the scabbard, but find that you can't do it no matter what. ]

  [It's not that stabbing Artoris with the blade cannot happen, but that even pulling the blade out of the scabbard is not allowed. ]

  [You can't break through this understanding even if you try your best. ]

  [In addition, even if you want to try other methods of killing Artoris, there will always be various cognitive denials. ]

  [You realize that the strength of her magic is probably far beyond your ability to resist the magic. ]

  "Mr. Ian...has it...been over?"

  "Have I...successfully proved that I am not a girl?"

  Artoris spoke intermittently, feeling like he would make a sound of defeat at any moment.

  "Not yet, Artolis."

  Ian realized that the magic in the girl was far more than the one he had just touched.

  She seems to have strong misunderstandings about her gender.

  Going against the body's feelings to achieve another kind of recognition - is this kind of thing really possible?

  Ian doesn't believe in this evil - he has a more extreme method.

  He pulled the horse's rope and stopped the horse under him that had just received its name not long ago.

  "Artolis, let's dismount and take a walk."

  [You dismounted with Artoris, who was slightly tired. ]

  [You took her to the lake. ]

  [This is the lake you discovered on the way here. Unexpectedly, it will come in handy now. ]

  "Mr. Ian...Is this what you want?"

  Artolis looked at the lake in front of him, a little at a loss.

  "I'm more or less tired after riding for so long."

  Ian stretched.

  "Artolis, come and take a bath with me."


  Artolis's eyes widened.

  "Isn't this bad?!"

  "Mr. Ian, you go ahead, I'll wait for you outside!"

  After saying this, the blushing Artolis wanted to run away quickly.

  But how could Ian let her go so easily?

  He took her hand and said:

  "Artolis, don't you want to prove that you are not a girl? This is the best chance."

  "But Mr. Ian, isn't this right?"

  "Yes, if you are a girl, it is indeed rude and shameless for me to do this."


  Ian's eyes did not avoid Artoris, but stayed on her chest.

  There are no majestic and proud curves, only slightly undulating hills.

  "You don't admit that, do you?"

  [Artolis was brought into conflict by you. ]

  [Her dark green eyes were already in deep confusion. ]

  [You feel that you may have found a way to deal with this magic attack. ]

  [However, the result is not as you expected. ]

  [Artolis made her choice. ]

  "I see."

  Artolis did not avoid Ian's questions;

  The girl's white, soft and petite body was displayed in front of Ian in her own way.

  Artoris blushed and put his hands together behind his back in bewilderment.

  "Mr. Ian, is it okay if I look like this?"


  "Please also be honest with me!"

  [Artolis is mainly a guest. ]

  [But it was only a momentary change of attitude. ]

  [As a hypocritical villain, you don't mind taking off your armor in front of a young girl. ]

  [You met Artolis' gaze and forced her gaze back. ]

  [You took her hand and walked into the lake. ]

  Even though Artolis did as he asked, Ian did not acknowledge her statement.

  Because although that body is not very attractive, it is impossible to deny the unique charm of the girl.

He knew he had to get Artoris to admit this - it would also mean that her magic was not unbreakable.

  After arriving in the lake, Ian became more aggressive.

  He held the hand of the girl next to him, keeping her from getting too far away from him and keeping her in the same state at all times.

  And his gaze stayed on the other person's body without any hesitation.


  Ian didn't do much more than touch her like this - otherwise it would have been a complete betrayal of Morgan.

  But this was enough to shock Artolis, who had never been exposed to this before, both physically and mentally.

  Ian felt the time had come.

  "Artolis, you should understand, right?"

  "No matter how much you deny it, your body's instinct is something you can't reverse."

  "But Mr. Ian..." Artolis's chest rose and fell, appearing very nervous, "Although I do show many instincts that cannot be hidden."

  "But that doesn't mean I don't have the same persistence as you."


  Artolis turned around slightly, with a determined expression on his red cheeks.

  "There are things that have to be done."

  "I definitely don't admit that I am a girl."

  "So Mr. Ian—"

  "Even if it's like this, it won't shake my mind!"

  [Artolis sat down on his own initiative. ]

  [After she raised her head and let out a gasp, you realized what happened. ]

  [Your proof failed. ]

  [But you also realized something. ]

  [During this period of separation, Artolis's cognition has undergone tremendous changes. ]

  [She does not deny her feminine characteristics, but at the same time she pursues masculine fortitude. ]

  [And all of this is inseparable from the magician who uses flower petals. ]

  [This is extremely important information. ]


If you want to read more.

Visit my p@treon account.

There are 20 chapters ahead there~
