
Fate: Faithful Knight.

A human from modern Earth was transmigrated to Chaldea. Unsure of his surroundings yet determined to unravel mysteries, Ian relied on his Simulation System. With this, Ian can leave his mark through history. *Britain will be the first simulation, Morgan's knight. -------------- Story not mine, just translating it.

CountHeim · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

41. The king’s defeat was also a God-given opportunity

  Ian was not surprised at all when he heard the news.

  King Uther's failure was a fate that even he himself had acknowledged.

  It would be better to say that being able to deal with Vortigern for such a long time under such circumstances can be considered as trying his best.

  If that's the case——

  Ian looked at the British knights in front of him.

  These people should have been evacuated from the defeated front line.




  Ian estimated the number of knights in front of him.

  It should be enough to kill them by himself - after all, they basically have wounds on their bodies.

The news of the frontline's defeat must not be allowed to spread back to Camelot so easily.

  Ian's hand stopped on the sword at his waist.

  "Where did you escape from?"

  The leading knight's question pulled Ian back a few steps from his overflowing murderous aura.

  He had to force out a fake smile and replied:

  "I didn't escape from somewhere."

  "I am the garrison of Camelot."

  "The garrison of Camelot..." The leading knight nodded thoughtfully, and then suddenly remembered something.

  "Then you must have met the princess!"


  Ian hesitated for a moment and chose to tell him part of the truth directly.

  "Well...actually I was the knight who escorted her all the way back to Camelot."

  The leading knight was stunned for a moment, and then took Ian's hand with excitement.

  "Are you...the knight named Ian?"

  "Yes, it's me."

  "Hey!" The leading knight immediately waved to the people behind him, "Come here quickly! This is the knight named Ian who has been discussing in the military camp!"


  [The defeated knights move toward you. ]

  [They cast admiring glances at you. ]

  [This surprises you. ]

  [You start to ask what's going on. ]

  [The defeated knights quickly told you everything. ]

  [You finally have a chance to know what the situation is like on the front line after you and Morgan left. ]

  [King Uther did not announce the real reason for driving his daughter Morgan back to the capital. ]

  [Instead, he chose to explain the problem clearly to his troops on the grounds that "Camelot needs her guard." ]

  [As for you, King Uther concealed all the truth as "a knight who can only be intimidated by the princess". ]

  [This is considered his most failed decision. ]

  [Because Morgan is invincible in the minds of the knights, and you are a brave general who is impressed by her. ]

  [As Britain's military strength began to decline, this argument became more and more intense. ]

  [The absence of you and Morgan seems to have been unanimously considered by the knights as the fundamental reason for the defeat of the war. ]

  [But you, who know everything, know that this is what King Uther did intentionally - this may be the last bit of care he has for Morgan. ]

  [You realize that the situation may be a godsend. ]

  Ian calmly pressed the blade he originally planned to pull out back into the scabbard.

  "So much happened."

  "Thank you for your hard work."

  "It's not hard work..." The leading knight showed a regretful and sad look, "The king was defeated, and so were we."

  "It's not entirely your fault."

  Ian patted his shoulder and comforted him.

  "We also have a responsibility - we should have insisted on staying on the front line."

  "Lord Ian, we..."

  "Okay, don't regret this anymore." Ian stopped the knights' sadness, "You have to look forward, the road is always at your feet."

  "Tell me, how many people like you are there around here?"

  The knight shook his head.

  "Not sure."

  "Everyone is running away. We are just a small group. They are now parked in the village in front."

  "I see."

  Ian was a little glad that he didn't rush to take action just now - after all, he might scare a few away due to too much movement, which would be a big problem.


  Ian parked his horse.

  "Take me to meet them."


  [With the guidance of the knights, you can enter the village. ]

  [Talent Affinity·Chivalry has been activated: neatly dressed, you are considered a powerful knight, and the villagers do not show any objection to your arrival. ]

  [You met the other knights. ]

  [They are sitting around a campfire, looking quite tired. ]

  [The wounds on their bodies are more shocking than those of the knights you have encountered before. ]

  [Obviously, this is a group of more seriously injured knights. ]

  [You can feel from those wounds the way they fought for King Uther. ]

  [To be fair, as a former colleague, you do feel a little heartbroken for them. ]

  [The knights just now told your identity to the others present. ]

  [They expressed considerable surprise. ]

  "Lord Ian..."

  These injured knights braced themselves and planned to stand up to show their respect.

  "No need to get up."

  Ian stopped them immediately.

  "My status is not much higher than yours."

  This is true - because these knights obviously don't know that they are married to Morgan.

  Or to be more precise, it should be that the grand wedding did not affect this remote village.

  After all, what Ian felt from the villagers' eyes as he walked in was more curiosity than respect.

  "You don't need to be so respectful."

  As Ian spoke, he distributed the rations he brought to the knights.

  "Let's eat something first."

  "Thank you so much!"

  The knights were grateful for Ian's generosity, and this exchange made them relax a lot.

  "May I ask how the princess is doing?"

  "She is very good." Ian replied without hesitation, "Under her management, Camelot has become more prosperous than before."


  Upon hearing this, one of the knights hammered the ground.

  "If only we could defeat that damn Vortigern!"

  "If we could bring victory back to Camelot, we wouldn't need to feel guilty like this now!"


  Ian somewhat wanted to tell everyone present that this war was actually doomed to fail.

  But in the end, he hid all his thoughts deep in his heart.

  If it's unnecessary, don't mention it.

  "So, how did you come to this village?"

  Ian glanced at his surroundings.

  "Did you come here by chance like me?"

  "It can't be said to be entirely accidental."

  "What does it mean?"


  The knights looked at each other and nodded.

  It was still the knight who took the lead just now who explained:

  "A young man named Artolis brought us here."


If you want to read more.

Visit my p@treon account.

There are 25 chapters ahead there~
