
FATE/Fairy Tail

[Fate/kaleid] Shirou Emiya gets transported into the world of Fairy Tail. (Yep I suck at Synopsis :p and if you guys are wondering yes that is my own cover art.) NOTICE: I don't own the FATE and Fairy Tail Franchise and all Characters belong to their rightful owners.

LuvSpaghet · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Introductions.

Sorry for short chapter next chapter will be bit longer due to introducing some good shizzz.


As Shirou and Makarov waited for Ezra to come back, Makarov instead thought Shirou the world he was transported in. He thought him the currency of the kingdoms of Ishgar and all of the kingdoms located in Ishagar. He also told Shirou about Guilds and what they are and he told him that if he wants to learn more about this he can go to the library in the guild for more information. As soon as they finished Ezra came back in with a tray filled with food.

"Ah Master! Am I interrupting something?" Ezra asked as she puts the tray of food on the table near Shirou, "Here's your food."

"Good timing Ezra! Shirou here has decided to join our guild!" Makarov grinned gleefully as he grabs Shirou's right shoulder.

"I hope we can get along." Shirou said while bowing. Seeing Ezra nodded with a smile, Shirou went on to eat the food laid beside before the Master introduced him to the guild. While Shirou was eating Ezra and Makarov went to wait for Shirou outside the bay.

Finishing his food Shirou gets up from the bed to follow Ezra and Makarov outside. Upon standing Shirou noticed that the after effects of his magecraft was gone and was replaced by his usual skin color. He also noticed that he was wearing a white shirt instead of his tattered shirt.

'I guess they healed the after effects of Reinforcement' Shirou thought as he walks out of the Med bay, waiting for him outside was Makarov with Ezra missing from the vicinity.

"If your looking for Ezra, don't worry I sent her ahead to quiet them down." Makarov said before motioning Shirou to follow him.

Following Makarov for a few minutes, Shirou could already hear the chaos outside the door in front of them as the sound of yelling and sounds of fighting was louder than usual. Looking over to Makarov he could see the old man sigh before barging in and yell at them to be quiet.

"You brats be quiet! We have new member right now and he wants to introduce himself!" Makarov shouted as he motions to Shirou to come out as the hall becomes silent.

"Ah..My name is Shirou Emiya due to some unexpected events I will be joining this guild. Please take care of me!" Shirou introduced as he scratches his head. After Shirou finishes introducing himself the hall once again erupted into a merrily celebration.

"Hahaha! They're always like this don't worry." Makarov laughed from seeing Shirou's stunned face, "Now come let's give you your guild stamp."

Snapping out of his stupor Shirou followed Makarov to the bar counter. When they reached the counter, Makarov rummaged through the back searching for the box containing the stamp, this took a while before Makarov finally finding it.

"Now tell me my boy where would you like the stamp to be and what color would you like?" Makarov asked as he removes the stamp from its box.

"How about my right bicep with the colour…um..black I guess." Shirou answered as he lifts his shirt to show his right bicep.

"There! Now you are officially a member!" Makarov smiled as he stamps Shirou's right bicep, "Now let's go party!"

Hearing the Master's words, the hall cheered even louder as they party even harder. Seeing this Shirou couldn't help but smile from the scene before he knows it a pink haired teen gets up to him with a wide grin with a flying blue cat float right beside him.

"Hi! I'm Natsu Dragneel and this is Happy it's nice to meet you Shirou! Now fight me!" Natsu declared.

"Leave him alone flame breath!" a naked black-haired teen warned, "By the way I'm Gray."

"Gray your clothes!" The barely cloth female brunette shouted from across the room. Gray noticing his predicament went to grab his clothes quickly.

"Haha…ha.. maybe next time." Shirou uncertainly replied.

"No fighting okay Natsu!" Ezra glared at Natsu causing the pink haired teen to straighten his back while sweating profoundly, "He's still recovering from his injuries."

"Y-yes ma'am!" Natsu replied with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Good! Now Shirou how about I introduced you to everyone and explain how the guild works, sounds good?" Ezra asked. Seeing Shirou nod Ezra motions him to follow her.

Introducing Shirou to everyone took a few hours. Shirou was introduced to the Strauss family, which consists of siblings Mirajane, Elfman and Lisanna, Cana Alberona, Levy McGarden and many more. Another hour was also removed from Shirou's time due to Ezra explaining the Job and Quests in the Guild. Finishing the introduction and the explanation Shirou went back to the counter with a tired look. Makarov seeing this couldn't help but chuckled as he takes a sip from his drink.

"Shirou because of your predicament for now you can use the spare room in the Guild. Also, here's 20,000 Jewels to starts you off." Makarov offered Shirou as he hands him a bag of jewels.

"Thank you." Shirou replied with a slight smile in his face as he accepts the bag of jewels.

"No problem your family now!"Makarov smiled before chugging a mug of beer, "Now let's party!"


Spoiler Title for Next Chapter- Chapter 5: Nibelheim ;)

a bit short but eh (TUT) Still trying my best

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