
A Dog Appeared!

"Hey, Shirou!"

Sakuya tried to shook the shoulder of the young man whose face just stood jaw agape towards the lake… Pia followed his line of sight which fell upon to another young man who sported the same face as Shirou.

She looked back Shirou, then to the blue-haired weirdo with colorful outfit… and a knowing smirk dawned upon her.

"Hehe, Shirou… I don't know if you swing that way, no wonder if you not charmed of our beguiling mother already."

That first line prompted his mind back, moreover the latter.

"That's not it."

Despite the initial shock, he answered calmly… too calm for Pia to erase her suspiciousness as the smirk still linger faintly.

"Lancer, why are you here."

It was more a confirmation than a question, Shirou already grasped the hilt of the blade in his waist.

"I can ask that to you, Brat. Ruining my morning like that, damn my E-rank luck."

The Irishman with a relaxing manner speaks, though his other hand was already grasping something to the side as hoping something would manifest.

"Well, I would welcome another challenge yet."

The tension was raising, Sakuya and Pia reading the atmosphere step to the side, huddled together in fear of coming tension. It was already ingrained to them, if a duel between men about to happen, a woman's job is to make sure they didn't get in the way and support their man afterward. It was more correct in the Sakuya case since she had lived in the Eashen where duel in the street is something common, and Pia only followed what her sister does.

"Is that so?"

Though it soon receded when a voice gets in the way of their heated discussion that sooner will exchange between pointed blades rather than words.

"Yes, yes. Stop right there. Chu don't you fight with our customer, you understand."

A fishing pole of all things bumped the head of the Irishman and with a swift motion, the hook immediately latched to the collar of the shirt and flung the bewildered Irishman far to the side of the building near the lake.


Pia and Sakuya tilted their head, eh? And the swordsman only smirked knowingly of the fate befallen to his fellow dog.

"Then what do you need, Handsome fellow?"

Carmen asked energetically, resting the rod to her shoulder.

"No, it's Sakuya that have the matter to attend… in your shop?"

"Right, right, welcome to Carlos's Resort, where the fish of your dream awaits!"

Remarked cheerfully the girl. Though it was mild fully entertaining for him to hear those lines.

"Carmen, you know… "

Sakuya who already on Shirou's side, motioned her eyes towards Pia and a flash of understanding passed through her mind.

"What are you talking about, you two?" Pia tilted her head in the confusion of their hushed talks. Shirou, on the other hand, nodded in understanding. Pia already swore eternal crusades against the Squid for their crime of eating fish as their main diet, and they don't want her to add human in her already long hit list of the genocidal quest.

"Nothing Pia, you stay here with Shirou. Meanwhile, I and Carmen have a business attended to." Carmen and Sakuya hurriedly enter the establishment, leaving them alone with the Irishman who sluggishly crawl his way out from the heap of falling barrels.

"Then, Lancer what are you doing here?"

"I can ask the same to you, brat, and hell as I know."

Replied Lancer, who seems abandoned all his hostility and fixed the fishing rod that placed on the pier. He cast the line before sitting at the end of the pier.

Shirou and Pia followed suit since there's nothing to do until Sakuya concluded her business.

"One morning and I'm already here. The sibling took me in, out of their kindness."

"Right, anyone else?"

"Nothing as far as I've been living here… or that they hide well, I don't know."

It seems fair enough to Shirou that lancer won't know why he was here. The Irishman was more a battle junky, and never care about what in is surrounding unless it could bite him back. Is the old vampire had that kind of authority to pull servant from the throne so willingly?

It should be tad impossible even for the master of Kaleidoscope… or simply, he could pluck the one who fought in the grail war, for all he knows this is a mere amusement for the old vampire no matter how grave the situation is.

"What are you talking about, Chu."

Asked Pia who been playing with the water as somehow fishes swarmed around her, making Lancer cursed his breath for catching yet another tin can out of the lake.

"It's nothing. Just an old matter. Hey, Pia can you ask the fish to eat my bait?"

The lancer seems familiar enough with the townspeople denoting how he was doing overall in this new world. Then again, even the evilest person in the world had another facet in their life.

Pia only answered with "Humph, why don't you just eat the tin can, Mr. Chu." The lancer responded in a groan, as this time a black worn boot was caught in the line.

"Curse my E-rank luck. Why are you staring at me, brat!"

"It's nothing… I have to admit, it's weird seeing you out of your… normal outfit Lancer."

"What are you regarded me off?"

The silence was the answer, "Okay fine, but that's a time ago 'kay. It's not like you can catch a break in the grail war. And rather, I'm more comfortably fit in this town anyway."

A tinge of nostalgia that seems out of place from the hound of ulster, it was weird enough that the lancer exposed his back so readily. Perhaps it was the air of the town, he can't help but also to relax and bask in its atmosphere.

It was so… detachable from his former life as a counter-guardian or human before. So peaceful, and so quiet. Everyone seems content enough of their life, as they idly go by in a way of amusing monotony.

"At least you can eat the tin can now Mr. Chu!"

Cried Pia happily, when Lancer's fishing rod pulled out an intact can of corned beef.

"I guess."

The lancer remarked dryly at that, inspecting the can, but evident happiness was apparent in his voice.

Well, I have to say thanks to everyone who suggested such wonderful ideas, I will keep it in mind. Thank you for reading!

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