
A Day's End

The doorbell rung again, signaling someone come to visit despite the close sign that hung behind the clear glass of the front door.

Rorona peeked her head, still stirring her pot that bubbled in a mixture of green.

"Hmm, who is that?"

"Rorona, I'm back."

Came the voice, ah, it must be the newcomer. His voice left her on a good impression, the soft voices of a boy. After all, the only few men she acquainted was the older business partner of her master and that annoying knight who comes to check her progress.

"Oh Shirou, I wonder what took you so long. Come on in, the wind must feel cold in this evening."

"Not really, here the herbs you've requested."

With a heavy THUD, he placed the basket over the shop counters. It was rather full of herbs, and the monster loot he managed to pick. The rest of the cooking ingredients that he foraged was kept in his satchel.

"Whoa, that's fairly lot. I didn't expect this, the best I can do is collecting half of it."

He raised an eyebrow, "Then, what's with the request?"

"Hmhm," She closed her eyes in a smug of the face. "Hear Shirou, set the bar high so only the qualified will take it." She told him, then touching the base of her chin. "At least, that's what my master said."

He only shook his head at the girl's way of assessment, "Sure, I can see that with you being the one who manages this shop alone."

She smiled weakly at that, "Hehe, can't argue with that one. Sometimes the bar is set too high, it's out of my league. But on the other hand, is that fire crystal I see in the basket!?"

She said in excitement before cusping the said crystals, to his amazement the crystal seem to glow slightly before it dimmed once more.

"So, that's a fire crystal. It was dropped when I destroy a gate while gathering the rest of the herbs. What does it do?"

"Like any magical crystals. They are a great power conductor, mages and witches often use them to power their spells, or fueled the ritual they about to do, even maintain a barrier although it was the other type of crystal. A blacksmith can use it to make a magic sword, even it also a good ingredient for medicine and potions."

Rorona then shifted her attention to the various articles held inside the basket.

"I'm not sure whether you went to the grocer to buy the herbs Shirou, did any orcs attack you?"

"A few dozens, though I still wonder why they so vehemently attack me. Some drop items as you described, but really? Rice, Oil, chocolate, and wine?"

Were they planning to have a party or something?

She gave a weak chuckle at his exasperation. "Not much is known about them, even there's advice to any travelers. When hungry, don't hunt animals, but seek for Orcs and goblin."

"Still, it was a wonder that you managed to gain this much. Only a few lucky ones will get drop items, even they attack you in hundreds only a few of them will actually drop anything. Guess, a high luck stat is affecting how often monsters will drop their item."

He found himself intrigued over her last sentence, "Luck stat?"

She looked at him before nodding, "Yes, luck stat. A few years back then, a group of mages managed to create and catalog a magical item that capable to appraise someone potential that will be simplified in numeric order, and we simply call it Stat."

She shrugged before continuing, "Supposedly if you have great stamina, the appraisal item can calculate how much stamina you possessed, even other things such as luck, defense against magic and physical impact."

"That sounds convenient."

It makes him wonder, whether they would read his parameter and skills as well. And that damn E-rank luck is finally shown its worth.

"Yes, even it becomes mandatory to appraise your worth at the coming ages. Thanks to that, people know what direction will they take, and not recklessly dive ahead to dungeon or area that is too dangerous for them."

"Well do you think that's all?"

"Ehm, good job Shirou. Do you think you wanted to sell this crystal to me?"

The response was nod.

She handed him a pouch of coins, which he accepted. This is a job after all, while he may move to help and get to know with people, it doesn't mean he can also establish a business relationship with them.

"Oh," Then Rorona dive back to her counter, rummaging over something. "Take this back, Shirou. Think of it as an extra payment for your job."

She gave him, what it seems like a few salves and green liquid in small containers. "It's healing salves and potion. While it may not very effective in treating heavy injuries, it's good enough as a first treatment. People used to carry it for its portability."

"Thank you, Rorona."

"Don't mention it. And come back some more, if you need anything!"

"I'll keep that in mind. See you later."


With that, he went out of town. The day kept getting darker as the ambiance sound of bug painted the land in its melody. It was a good day he thought, meeting… wait, why everyone he met is girls?

Oh, there's Colette brother, but that doesn't count as he hasn't met him yet.

Many things he'd learn in a single day, more than just sitting and practicing in the Inn courtyards.

He needs to hurry before he missed the dinner time as it's his turn tonight. Not like there's turn in the first place, as Pia will only cook squid from wherever she got the ingredients is still a mystery as much as Sakuya questionable cooking skills.

But all in all, it was a great day.

Hopefully, it's not getting stale. And thanks for reading!

Abbeysenseicreators' thoughts