
Fate DxD:Archer Reborn

Archer Emiya has reborn as his alternate self in a world of that mix fate kaleid liner and dxd what he will do in this world with his new life as a part of Rias peerage?

Raylight25 · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Chapter 15 - Fear and Rebirth.

Kiba Pov

Koneko-chan and I followed Emiya-san to the front of the old church which was no longer used. And when the two of us finally saw Emiya-san again, he was already surrounded by exorcists who were ready to attack him at any time. when I was getting ready to help Emiya-san, Koneko-chan held me back and said:

"It's look like Emiya-Senpai will do something interesting Kiba-senpai, how about we see what is Emiya-Senpai goal is ."

Since I was also curious about what Emiya-san would do, I gave up on helping him and chose to keep an eye on him.

What Emiya-san did next really shocked me. Because now I saw Emiya-san's true strength.

Around the exorcist that surrounding Emiya-san appeared an immense number of golden ripples. And from those ripples appeared various kinds of swords and weapons that I had never seen before. Emiya-san said that his Gate of Babylon is a storehouse of various weapons. But I didn't think that he could take out such a large amount. Even though before he said that he couldn't bring out a strong weapon at all or in large numbers because it would drain his strength. Why did he lie to Buchou and all of us? Does he just want to hide the power he have? Or did he not trust Buchou and the ORC members at all?

The attacks that Emiya-san made were really fast and terrifying. I couldn't see at all when the weapons was launched from those golden ripples hit the bodies of the exorcists. and as soon as the weapons hit their bodies all splattered with blood as the exorcists' bodies exploded due to Emiya-san's attack. What a terrifying sight, Koneko-chan's face turned pale from seeing the splash of blood. Emiya-san killed all the exorcists without any hesitation as if he had killed many people before. And the speed of his attacks surpasses the speed of my body or the speed of my teacher.

Gate Of Babylon is indeed a very terrifying Sacred Gear. It's not wrong if that Sacred Gear is called a Sacred Gear at Longinus level.

After Emiya-san killed the leader of the exorcist by slashing his neck and stomping on his head which was rolling on the ground. Emiya-san entered the abandoned church. I was about to catch up with Emiya-san secretly, but Koneko-chan restrained my body by pulling my shirt.

"Koneko-chan, why are you pulling my clothes like this?" I asked her.

"D-Don't approach that person," Koneko-chan said to me. "H-he's too terrible and cruel if Kiba-Senpai gets close to him, I'm afraid Kiba-senpai will be killed by him! "

I didn't expect the massacre shown by Emiya-san would make Koneko-chan so scared. Even though Koneko-chan herself had done the same thing with the stray devils, but now when Emiya-san is the one who did it she became so scared? Did Koneko-chan feel something towards Emiya-san when he slaughtered those exorcists? I don't know, but it's better right now I make Koneko-chan calm down first. Only then we will meet Emiya-san.

Koneko Pov

When I forced Kiba-Senpai to wait for what Emiya-Senpai would do, I had no idea that Emiya-Senpai would slaughter the exorcists who surrounded him in such a sadistic and terrible way. The weapon he fired from the golden ripples in the air. Makes the exorcists' bodies explode and spurt out large amounts of blood. And the scariest thing of all is that he looked so happy when he did all the massacre! I've killed a stray devils before but that doesn't mean I like killing. I did that because killing a stray devils was my job as part of Rias Buchou peerage.

My body immediately felt uneasy after seeing the massacre carried out by Emiya-Senpai. He was completely different from the Emiya-senpai I had known during his time with the ORC. Is this the real him?


When Shirou has finished killing Raynare. He pulled Gaebolg from Raynare's corpse and then making it disappeared.

(You sure are merciless Archer,) said Zelretch. (You kill that Fallen Angel right away using GaeBolg)

"She doesn't deserve to life Zelretch's," said Shirou. "She is just a stupid fallen angel who looks down on everyone but herselfand if I let her life, I'm afraid she will do worse thing than what she is doing now. "

After that Shirou took the Twilight Healing that hovered over Raynare's corpse and put it back into Asia's body.

Shirou put Raynare's corpse into the Gate of Babylon. Because Shirou felt that Raynare's body it would be of useful to him one day.

With the return of Twilight Healing to Asia's body. The Blade Pieces' speed in healing Asia's body was getting faster, and soon Asia started to open her eyes.

"Shi-Shirou-san," said Asia who looked at Shirou who was in front of her when she just opened her eyes. "W-what happened to me? Wh-why am I still alive?"

Shirou immediately hugged Asia tightly then said to her.

"I'm sorry Asia, to let you die like that and have your Sacred Gear taken away by that fallen angel, but now you coming back to life again and I won't let you have something like that happen to you again!"

Asia who felt Shirou's warm embrace and sincerity. Hug Shirou back and said:

"I've forgiven you Shirou-san, it's not your fault I died and my Twilight Healing was taken. It's all the fault of the fallen angels."

They hugged each other for a few minutes then Shirou led Asia out of the basement where Asia was being held.

Asia then realized one thing that was very surprising to her, how could Shirou bring her back to life?

"Shirou-san how did you can bring me back to life again?" Asia asked.

"I'll tell you at the right place and a right time," replied Shirou. "It's better now that we get out of this place first, I really don't like being here long."

"Al-alright," said Asia.

Author Note: Support me on Pa.treon.com/Raylight25