
Fate/ Bird of Hermes

Abderus. AKA ancient Greek demigod killed by cannibalistic horses. A side character who only exists to add some spice to Heracles' eighth labor: the Man-eating Mares of Diomedes. That's me. And I seriously have no idea what's going on nor do I have the foggiest idea what I should do. All I know is that ancient Greece is filled with overpowered incestuous rapists and bizarre monsters. Just lovely, wouldn't you agree? ...Now, time to survive. (Snarky MC with no Fate/Nasuverse knowledge, Argonaut generation) ATTENTION: This story would be filled with snark, Percy Jackson vibes, and alien nanomachines of Nasuverse. Capiche? Thank you and enjoy!

KarmaIsOP · Anime & Comics
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Prologue: Death by HORSE

Death by Horse.

That was how Fate determined me. Or would do in the near future.

Yeah, you heard it right. No, I'm not kidding. The greek myths literally say that my death is due to horses.

...Ain't it just peachy being a Greek demigod?

How can you die from a horse, one may ask. Many ways, is my answer.

For one, this is the ancient times of the gods.

Horses could fly and breathe fire or dive into the deepest parts of the ocean, and conjure up thunderstorms that can easily light up your sorry ass in seven different colors.

So, yeah. A whole buffet from where you can choose how to die. Get burnt, frozen, drowned, dropped, kicked...or munched on.

No, I'm not talking about some 'adorable-little-pony-munching-on-your-hair' type of affectionate munching. I meant the 'how-dare-you-try-to-ride-me-you-puny-hoooooman' kind of cannibalistic munching.

What? I don't sound like a typical greek demigod? What, you don't like my sassy attitude and snark? Well, too bad for you, 'cause I have much more serious problems to worry about.

Like, how not to die from 'horse'.

Just do stuff that does not lead up to my death? Stay away from horses? You think you can cheat on a bitch- I mean, a lady like Fate?

No sir. Nuh-uh.

Like most tragic fate greek heroes face, trying to avoid or running away from fate always ends in a painful and gruesome death.

Asking an oracle or praying for divine intervention?

Oh, don't even mention that. An oracle would most likely mislead you with its cryptic riddles before you gain anything useful enough, and for divine intervention...

Let's just say, history teaches you a lot. The Trojan War? The Odessey? Ring any bells? I can go on and on.

Now, some of you might be sharp enough to ask me how the hell I know so much. I'll answer you with one word.


Yeah, Isekai delivery services hit...every. Single. Time.

If that's not cliche enough, I was reborn as a demigod. In the same generation as the argonauts.

At least I was not some bigshot as Heracles, Theseus, Orpheus, Achilles, or Jason. Definitely not Atlanta or Medea, so no TS. Nothing against transgender, but I would prefer to keep my balls...especially in rapist paradise aka ancient Greece, thank you very much.


My name is Abderus.

If you are one of those greek geeks out there who let out a sympathetic 'ahh', then bless your soul. For those who have no idea what that name means...let me explain in simple terms.

It means a demigod of Hermes who was munched to death by a couple of cannibalistic man-eating overgrown ponies which was also Heracles' Eighth Labor: The Man-Eating Mares Of Diomedes.

Yeah. I'm not even kidding. A demigod eaten by horses. Like, there has to be a punchline somewhere. Let's see...

Demigod of Hermes FUCKED by Horse

There, catchy enough? Thank god that was not a title I would choose.

"Abderus? Where are you, little one?"

A soft and playful voice that I came to love as my mother.

Now, it is a well-known fact there are A LOT of variations when it comes to the bloodline of a demigod. And when I mean a lot, I mean it. Even I, Abderus, a minor demigod of Hermes, have about three variations.

In this world, it seemed to be a mishmash of several variations.

My father, as you already know, is Hermes; the herald (armed emissary and messenger) of the gods. He is also considered the protector of human heralds, travelers, thieves, merchants, and orators.

Famous for his ability to move at speeds that break the boundary of light itself and as one who can traverse freely between the worlds of the mortal and the divine, he also plays the role of a 'soul guide' of sorts—a conductor of heroic souls into the afterlife.

With his iconic winged helm and his winged sandals, along with a twin snake staff that is reminiscent of a Urobors, Hermes is a god of many things. He is also very chill compared to other Olympians, so that's a great plus in my books.

My mother Thronia is a demigod of Poseidon. Yeah, confusing, I know. There are several women with the same name, with one that connects Greek myths to Egyptian myths, but I'm not delving into that.

Anyways, that makes me 3/4 divine. In other words, 75% divine. Wow, lucky me. The horses would be literally salivating for a piece of me. Hooray.

"Abderus. There you are. Come to mother."

"Yes, mother."

Two arms gently scooped me up. I let out a small sigh and closed my eyes, letting her warmth envelop me like the ocean.

Hey, a four-year-old boy needs his beauty sleep.

My survival plan shall wait for another day...zzzzz...




Far above, a muscular man dressed in a white toga raised his helm-covered head.

His winged helm almost had a futuristic design, which weebs of the 21st century might describe as a 'scarlet rot goddess/valkyrie helmet'. The small metal wings on his sandal fluttered like the wings of a beetle, showing the feelings of their master.

The man looked at his boy, his son, sleeping in the arms of the daughter of Poseidon.

When his lord father Zeus found out the boy was 3/4 divine, Zeus being Zeus, a paranoid control freak, got the brilliant idea to feed the life-blood of Hera...Hera of all goddesses to his infant son, Alcides.

The man let out a deep sigh, and with one last glance filled with longing at his son, he flickered out of existence.

A scissor was raised and placed against a golden thread.

Fate smiled, and the seed was planted.

This is the story of one who should have been nothing more than a tragic side character of Heracles' legends.

This is the story of Abderus, son of Hermes, and grandson of Poseidon.

Aaaaand rap!

An MC who knows nothing about Nasuverse is just succulent. Chef's kiss and all.

Please review all that sweet stuff if this scratched your itch for all things greek!

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