
Fate and the power of happiness

i'm between two worlds Where we all live, the atmosphere and rules are different here, people are measured by their face and their ability.Although it is said that people who live like heaven are better.And the people living on the side of hell are evil. my name is bluebell My father threw me out of his house, because I did not listen to him, I never his, and I live with my grandfather,Before now my dreams were different, but when everything has changed then I have to change my life too I am still very young, but I have to live my life myself, will never take anyone's help from now on .

Ash_quwwnnn · Teen
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4 Chs

my sister is a doll

My mother has taught me a lot, even though today I am a 14 year old girl, but I know a lot. I not very beautiful nor more intelligent, I am only me. Nobody likes me. That's why everyone always likes my elder sister, everyone mom, dad, brother, uncle, grandmother, everyone .

I used to be jealous of my sister earlier, I used to suffer a lot,I used to cry, try to kill myself But when I grew up a little, an angel came and explained something to me.

You are very beautiful and very nice, your heart is very soft , Be it you or someone else, every human being is born with his own merit, he is special. He is not like anyone, no one can match him. because what he has is not what others have .

Look bluebell, you cannot match your sister, and neither can you be like her. just you can be better than her .

Or not proving yourself, you just make your life better, be happy and make others happy.

what do you mean?

I mean you try to please your parents, but does it have any effect,Wouldn't it happen, I know. So if you wanted to please others, do it to the people who need you the most. With this you will be able to keep yourself happy too.

That's why I decided that I will help others and make them happy. But it wasn't all that easy, For that too many things were needed, Like lots of money. At first I tried for a few days but also heard a lot from Grandfather. I am still small, due to which I do not have much money.

Or then I am forced to live with my grandfather, Because I did not want to go to my father, I do not have any, I persuaded my grandfather for this with great difficulty She used to think that she could not handle me, and then she did not listen to some of her words. But I promised him, that I will listen to all his words .I will do what he says !

At his behest, I did everything, did all the household chores, gave my own clothes, cooked my own food, then my grandfather kept me in his house.

My grandfather used to talk to me something else, and my grandmother used to say something else, understanding the opinion and son of both of them was different, my grandmother wanted to keep me with her But my grandfather didn't let him stay with me, he used to think that if I go to him, my dad will get very angry, that's why he didn't let me go to her .

If I had been with my grandmother today, my life might have been a little different but it is not like this.

My grandmother's house is far away, the atmosphere there is very different, but it is also very good Lives in a small country next to the fairy countries where the living is very different from the way of life here, Everything there has the fragrance of yesterday, there man loves each other, wants each other, helps each other, everyone is always well , and i also wanted to stay the same but because of my father i have to stay here and i don't want everything at all it is just my compulsion my mother tried to send me there but everything went bad .

And where my grandfather and I live, here everything is different, understanding people's thinking, everything is here, people compare themselves with money and beautifully, here no one looks at anyone's feelings. All the people here just look at the money car, beauty, just looking at all these things, compare a person, how he is and how he is, no one understands anyone's helplessness.

I live in the middle of two worlds, where everything is different, on one side there is land of angles and on the other the land of Gods. And among us dirty people, it was only for us, because We used to do wrong things, to keep an eye on us.

There was one more thing here, our house was small but very beautiful, there was a river in front of my house, there were many small trees in front of it, which were very beautiful. It was a good place to visit here, there are high mountains, many ponds, rivers, fields and forests.

This is the only thing that is good, and the rest of my friends are also good, those friends I have met very hard but are very good friends.

And the place where my mom and dad live is not worth visiting, there is just a big building,They are museums, aquariums and stadiums, and there is not much else there. But one thing which is the most there is the respect that my father has more than my father, my father has a lot of money, people of our family respect a lot and some people are even afraid. But all this is of no use to me and that's why I had to leave the house when I was little in my childhood.

But one is the most even here, And the rules and regulations that we have to follow, And that's why my father wanted me to , He said that I should be like a doll, which anyone can buy and the richest person can buy, and my sister was like a doll but it was impossible for me to be like her I was never a doll and will never be, it is not my habit to show off in front of people, I never learned this thing nor will i ever do this .

my sister looks like a beautiful doll she is 1 year older than me but sure so young so beautiful i can't tell her blonde hair blue eyes fair skin it's all so beautiful , no it was never all, loved her she used to talk very well most, we were not much then the message was 6 years old and she was 7 years old But his words were very sensible, due to which my father used to be very happy, Always used to say that my daughter will get a nice house, they meant she would marry in a big house, she is very beautiful But getting married is not everything, but my father used to believe that every person believed that money, car, bungalow, everything is here, but nothing else .

And everyone else used to tell me the same thing when I became a little older that you should wear nice clothes and speak well so that anyone would like you, But I was not in any such mood, that's why I ran away, that's why I don't want to be there, I just pass my time with great difficulty I am always in a hurry to go home because of this my mother always gets angry.