

Air India Flight,

Economy Class,


Liam sat with folded arms and closed eyes, releasing strange noises from time to time that only served to estrange him in the eyes of fellow passengers.... Rows upon rows of seats filled with both local and foreign individuals..

'I still don't see why we didn't raid one of Indra's temples.'

Vritra, was in her spiritual form and had been annoying the Zepter ever since he'd decided against plundering from a Deity known for being petty... Though the true reasons were that the female dragon had tried to force him into doing it so he didn't, 'Give me a reasonable explanation... and give me food or I'll eat you.'

The magus' lips twitched, his finger tapping against his arm restlessly, yeah this woman was annoying. He wanted to kick her ass.... Even his current method of travel... displeased him. He stared at the closely packed seating and middle aged woman to his right, but then again, he didn't have much of a choice at the moment...

'Can you stop complaining?'

"Look who's talking." Liam instantly shot back, once again returning to his humming.. Getting on the flight was relatively easy with some basic spells that made others not notice his presence until they made physical contact.... Of course he was well aware of and pleased with the fact that he'd taken over some poor sod's seat, not caring about how said sod would be faring. In fact, he'd gotten to the airport by hypnotising some poor fuck that had the shit luck to cross his path.

'I've not compl-.... nevermind... I'll make you pay for ignoring my presence..'

Liam only hummed louder.

It was a 6 to 8 hour flight and they'd be landing in Tokyo, he decided it would be best if he got some rest considering the Grail War could possibly already be underway.


'Oi human, do you sense that?'

Having dozed off with a book covering his face somewhere along the way, Liam was abruptly woken up by Vritra's voice, almost falling over...., "...What happened?" He spoke groggily, rubbing his eyes and checking if his hair was still tied up.. It got annoying when let free, "Nevermind I got it." His head shot to the side, eyes alarmed...

'I'm beginning to question your intelligence.... At the same time, are you sure you're human?'


There was a magus on board, not something he would have noticed if the dumbass wasn't trying to conduct some sort of ritual that was causing fluctuations in the magical energy all around... But then again, he or she probably hadn't accounted for the presence of another magus.

In less than a second, the Zepter was already on his feet and sniffing the air with closed eyes.

'Are you some kind of dog?'

Ignoring Vritra's commentary, Liam calmly proceeded to ignore something totally unnecessary he'd done out of sheer habit and observed his surroundings before coming to the realisation that the magus was probably at either the rear or the front, "Check the cockpit, I'll check the back."

'....I refuse.'

"Do it and I'll make you something."

'..... On it.'

Vritra did not like how her curiosity regarding how far humans had come when it came to cooking allowed her summoner to order her around.

Once she left, Liam only sneered and made his way backwards, all the while keeping an eye out for some sort of irregularity.. It was just his luck, not one peaceful flight.


"Got you now, bitch."

Ignoring the other passenger's shocked gazes, Liam ran and drop kicked a suited man sitting solemnly on his seat, not bothering anyone else.. The hit was strong enough for the seat to break under it and the man..no, magus as Liam had identified was flung back, crashing near one of the windows with wide eyes, gasping for breath.


"Done with your shit..." The Zepter was already on his feet, rushing for the magus and grabbing him by the throat, "Fuck you." He smashed his fist into the older man's face.

'Anger issues?'

"Nah, just didn't want the opportunity to go to waste." Rarely did he ever get the chance to beat the shit out of someone while being in the right. Liam threw the magus down, shaking the hand he'd punched him with, a small grin on his face....

Needless to say, said magus wouldn't be getting up if he survived in the first place.

The strength Liam Zepter had infused into himself was that of an elephant, and taking a charge from him wasn't going to go well for anyone, much less an unreinforced magus... It was only Liam holding back that prevented him from becoming a bloody mess at first contact.

The other passengers hadn't even processed the situation that played out before their eyes and as such were slow in their reactions... not that they truly got an opportunity to actually react after Liam, without giving two shits about consequences, cast a spell to mindfuck them into sleep... The potential side effect was amnesia but hey, what was a little memory loss when the alternative was removing them to avoid leaving witnesses.

Vritra manifested by his side, staring down at the whimpering magus with an unfeeling gaze, "What about him?"

"Didn't you say you wanted to torture someone? Have at it." Liam didn't care what she did with him so long as he wasn't bothered, the man had brought it on himself by putting the Zepter in potential danger.

"....I'll take you up on that then." Grinning savagely, the evil dragon dragged him away.... Seeing people suffer was a great pastime, whatever said suffering was didn't really matter and she'd be bored just sitting around anyway.

"Just get rid of the corpse." Liam waved his hand dismissively, walking back to his seat yawning and scratching his back.... Being broke did things to a man... He almost wanted to wish for money using the Grail to be completely honest.

Wasn't it supposed to be infested by some emo faggot that wanted to burn humanity or something cause he hated it?

Yeah, that sounded about right.

Yawning, Liam once again took his seat, covering his face with a magazine and tried to fall asleep with one leg over the other, leaning against the window.


The Sun had set an hour or two ago and now it was night, stars shone brightly in the sky and artificial lights illuminated the massive sprawl that was Tokyo, with modern high end buildings being it's bread and butter.... Certain people were only now returning to their homes after working for far longer than what was required or even healthy.

"Ah we're here..."

Liam took in a deep breath as the masses passed him by, not registering his presence.

"Smells like cuck."

He insulted a whole nation before putting a hand to his chin... They'd landed in Tokyo, Vritra was in her spiritual form hanging close by... thankfully, her massive tail wasn't exactly inconspicuous and even he wasn't retarded enough to think it wouldn't matter.

Soon enough, he was out of the airport and searching for a bus stop, hoping that there was one headed directly for Fuyuki, "We need some funds though."

"You say that like you have an aversion to ruining the lives of others." Vritra's tone was sarcastic and amused, he was an asshole by human standards, taking what belonged to others without a moment's hesitation when necessary.

"What you talking about? I'm a saint."

"So the magus didn't happen?"

"....He ruined my sleep." Sticking out his tongue for a moment, the Zepter casually made his way through the city, avoiding people and infrastructure as if it was instinct...., "We have another problem."

"Great, what now?" Vritra felt he was a handful, the feeling was mutual.

Liam only silently pointed at a street sign prompting the Dragon to stare at it for a few seconds, completely confused, "What about it?"

"...Yeaaah..." Liam Zepter couldn't, "I can't read that."

Vritra smacked Liam.. except this time, he smacked her back.

"How did you survive till now?!"

"It's Japanese. I'm not Japanese!"

"You're a magus though!"

"A Magus from America! So go on, translate.. Don't tell me the mighty Vritra can't even do that much."

And that was the tale of how a Dragon that was meant to devour all of creation was forced into being a translator.


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