
Fate's Silent Song

In the quirky town of Asakusa, where love seems to tango with destiny, meet Ryusei Kujikawa, an 18-year-old with a knack for seeing "soul threads" – those invisible strings that apparently determine who's meant to be with who. The catch? Ryusei can't find his own thread in this tangled mess of fate. Determined to untangle the romantic knots around him, Ryusei plays cupid, hilariously intervening in couples' disputes like a mystical relationship referee. But when he crosses paths with a mysterious girl who's onto his not-so-silent matchmaking antics, Ryusei's life takes a turn as unpredictable as his attempts at love. Join Ryusei on a journey filled with laughter, love, and a few too many awkward encounters, as he discovers that destiny's silent song might have a quirky sense of humor – and that even in the most tangled threads, laughter might just be the best untangler of all! Get ready for a romantic-comedy(maybe dark sometime) that'll have you laughing, sighing, sad and questioning if your love life needs a cosmic intervention.

Sorin_8377 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: A Day in the Life of 'Love Sensei'

The morning sun spilled its golden hues into Ryusei Kujikawa's room from the window, rousing him from a not-so-restful sleep. With a yawn, he groggily rubbed his eyes and checked the time.

Time to face the day, complete with its threads of destiny and a generous dose of high school drama.

In the cozy kitchen of his modest apartment, Ryusei concocted a culinary masterpiece, or at least attempted not to burn the toast. Well, his culinary skills are not bad as he's practically living alone.

The scent of miso soup and the sizzle of eggs filled the air as he prepared his typical breakfast fare. He was no gourmet chef, but survival in the culinary jungle of single living required some basic skills.

After eating his fill he dumped the dishes in the sink and went to take a bath.

'What's better than a refreshing morning bath,' Ryusei thought.

[A/N: You guys might not agree but I love morning baths and it's the most refreshing thing]

After dressing himself in his school uniform, Ryusei checked himself in the mirror. The threads around him seemed to shimmer with a newfound energy, perhaps a sign that today would be different. As he headed to school, the autumn breeze played with his hair, and the familiar streets of Asakusa greeted him with their timeless charm.

At school, Ryusei's popularity wasn't due to his academic prowess or athletic achievements. Though he is not bad, he's at least mid ranged in both.

But, he was the unofficial love guru, the go-to guy for relationship advice in the tangled web of teenage romance. Greetings of "Hey, Love Sensei!" and "Cupid Kujikawa!" followed him down the hallways.

<>P.O.V. Ryusei<>

"It's certainly my fault that my nicknames became like this. Who told me to become unable to bear a relationship being destroyed." [ Ryusei thought]

While I was thinking about this, I woke up from my thoughts as I got pinched in my ear by my homeroom teacher.

Her name is Ms. Hina. She's also like me, ehem, I mean she's also one without any thread coming out of her. But she's certainly one of the most good looking women I have ever seen.

Maybe I should try the forbidden relationship with my homeroom teachylike those I read in manga.

I felt sharp pain in my ear and couldn't help but let out a grunt.

" Ouch.. What are you doing, Ms Hina?"

"What do you think?"

I just tilt my head not understanding what this is about.

Letting go of my ear she gestured for me to follow her to her office room. I had to oblige to her demand.

After coming to her office, she sat down on her chair and I kept standing. After some time she looked at me and said,

" I have been your homeroom teacher for quite some time and I have seen you closely. You are a good boy and have an above average grade. But you got to work harder to get into a good university and stop doing foolish things around giving everyone love advice."

Hearing this I become a little awkward. I also don't want to become a love sensei. But I just can't bear it.

" Yes, Ms. Hina."

"So, my favorite love expert. Have you considered your future plans after high school? Time waits for no one, you know."

" Ah. I haven't got the time to think about it yet. There's a lot of time and I will certainly think about something. Don't worry. Hehe. And when I think of something, I will certainly tell you first who cares about me the most," I said a little flirtingly.

Well, my relationship with Ms Hina is always like this. Who wouldn't want to flirt with a woman as beautiful as her.

Knowing what I was doing Ms Hina gave me an intense look and said, "Ryusei, life is not a romantic comedy. You need a plan. Get serious about your future! Time and people don't wait for anyone."

Then she drove me away. After driving me away she let out a sigh and said in a low voice, " How much more are you going to make me wait?"

<>P.O.V. Ends<>

The bell rang, signaling the start of class. As Ryusei took his seat, Ms. Hina came to the classroom and made an announcement. "Class, we have a new transfer student joining us today. Please welcome her."

A beautiful girl enters the classroom, she was wearing the typical school dress. She had blue hair and green eyes. Her smile was so bright that it can ignite spark in people's hearts.

She came to the class Ms Hina told her to introduce herself.

"Good Morning, Everyone. My name is Murasakibara Sakuya. Nice to meet you all and I will in your care from now on."

After saying that Ms Hina told her to sit down showing the empty seat beside Ryusei.

After sitting down beside Ryusei she introduced her to Ryusei with a smile. Ryusei also did the same. Then there was no more conversation between them.

But Ryusei was feeling a little weird. He doesn't know why but the girl beside him is making him restless. He noticed that this girl sometimes peaks at him from the corner of her eyes. Ryusei found it strange but shrugged it off.

Lunch break turned into a chaotic scene as the class swarmed Sakuya, eager to learn everything about their mysterious new classmate. They bombarded her with questions about where she's from, what her hobbies are, and whether she liked ramen or something else.

Amid the flurry of questions, Ryusei couldn't help but notice her frequent glances in his direction. It was as if destiny had woven a new thread, and he couldn't decipher its silent melody.

As the day unfolded, Ryusei couldn't shake the feeling that his status as the love guru might be facing some unforeseen challenges – challenges that just might involve a certain new transfer student and the threads of destiny that seemed to intertwine their fates. Little did he know that the rhythm of fate's silent song was about to pick up its tempo.