
Fate's Possibility

[ Quick warning, I am not the best when it comes to words. so try to bear with it.] Short Summary: A fun story of a guy who's sent to another world with servent cards

Slime_King_Rose · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

True Magic

Ezra stood in the middle of a wide-open, the grass slowly moving along with cold winds blowing along. in the far distance, a field of beautifully colored flowers could be seen as a tower floated above them with multiple small islands drifting slowly around. It was a breathtaking view, place only told in fairy tales. Most would be captivated by the scenery, but only questions fielded Ezra's mind. Not a second ago, he stood inside Ryuudou temple finishing up his experiment. but now, he stood here a place he has never seen before.

"You alright there boy?" a feminine voice appeared from behind. Quickly jumping back a few feet, he looked towards the women in front of him. She stood there with her arms crossed, wearing a green gown that looked as if it merged with the ground, Her green eyes and hair shining faintly against the sunshine. Even if she looked innocent, she gave off an aura of pure divinity he has never sensed before. "Who are you? and where am I?" "Calm down there Boy, You're in Avalon. I pulled you here to have a chat." "Wait What, how is that passable. did I die again, WHO ARE YO..." before he could continue is confused yelling, a severe cough broke out as he falls onto the ground clutching his heart. every breath he took was painful, it was trying to breathe water.

The cause of this problem was the mana density, within Avalon the mana is like poison for anyone normal. holding several times what the normal world has, any magus from the modern era would die instantly. the only reason he lasted this long was because of servant physiology. even that failed as his body got flooded with excise mana, quite literally drowning him. "Huh, you lasted longer then I thought." the woman said before snapping her figures. Soon the air started to shift before all the mana within a mile radius quickly got pulled back, instantly decreasing the mana density to a safer level. finally being about to breathe again, Ezra slowly got back up on his feet still holding his heart. "Wh....who are you," he said in a slow tone. he felt as if he was going to pass out any second, his heart and lungs burning painfully. "I'm Gaia, The Will of the Planet. Now I will get to the point, Why in the name of the root did you try casting third magic so recklessly. You nearly triggered the Counter Force with that stunt." she said very much Annoyed by his actions. "Third magic? I never used third magic, I never even seen Third magic." "You used Third magic with the Homunculus when you did the transfer. her soul was the holy grail, what you did was create a new soul for the girl by separating the information from the grail. No normal mage can do that, only someone who unlocked heaven's feel could manipulate the soul." "Wait, WHAT? When did I get it, why am I learning this now? why is my life one big mystery," he yelled out having a panic attack.

When he came to this world he expected cool stuff to happen and him to have fun. But, this was too much for him to handle. Achieving true magic was a mage's dream, but he just went out and accidentally got it. This is too much from to process, even if he never cared for Magecraft, Getting True Magic was one of his dreams. Watching Ezra Freak out, Gaia simply gives out a sighed before stepping next to him. Patting his back, Gaia tried to calm him down "Take a deep breath and calm down. we have time for questions." taking a deep breath, Ezra tried his best to clear his mind. he had too many questions right now to be panicking. "Okay, I'm calm now," he said looking up at Gaia before giving a smile. "Now, could you please tell me how I even got True magic, and how to use it."

"You got it simply from the root when you were brought back to life. The reason why you don't realize, is that I've been limiting it. Because, if you didn't know, Third Magic makes you have full control over souls and gives you infinite magical power. I didn't want you running around with that until you get your bearings, but since you decided to forcefully use that help that women. I needed you to understand the situation your in because you nearly triggered the counterforce." Sitting there quickly, Ezra Listened to her explanation. for the most part it made sense, "Wait why is the counterforce triggered." "True magic is rejected by the counterforce. As long as you don't do stupid things like create souls, you will be fine." she said as her attention gets drawn somewhere else, "It seems that's your about to wake up, but before you go. Remember, you will have access to Heaven's Feel Mage, so try to keep your power in check." As she finished her words, Ezra's body started to fade away.

True magic and it's infinite mysteries.

well have fun reading, idk what in say at this point.


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