
Fate's Possibility

[ Quick warning, I am not the best when it comes to words. so try to bear with it.] Short Summary: A fun story of a guy who's sent to another world with servent cards

Slime_King_Rose · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Saving Sakura, with a side of Revenge

After Kayira left for the Einzbern castle, Ezra disabled the bounded field set up around the warehouse. Afterward, he headed out towards the Matou household. his original plan was to simply teleport there and back, but considering the distance. he would mostly run out of mana if he did that, instead deciding its best to use teleportation to get away after saving sakura.

Entering spirit form, Ezra started swiftly running through the city. As he did, his senses quickly picked up a large burst of magical energy nearby. being very curries on what this might be, he stopped his movement as he materialized on top of a building nearby. looking down, the only thing that caught his eye was a swarm of cops hanging around a building. Thinking it might be a false alarm, Ezra was about to move away when he saw a group of kids running out of the building. 'are those the kidnapped kids?' he thought wondering if someone found caster. that's when his memory clicked when he saw a little girl in red hiding away from the police. 'oh Shit, this is when rin saved her friends. Wait, originally Kayira should have been here to save her from casters demons.'

Just as he remembered, Rin was surrounded by a group of demon tentacles. jumping down, Ezra quickly casted an ice spell instantly freezing solid the demons before they could even react. landing right next to rin, he simply patted her head casting a weak sleeping spell to knock her out. picking her up, he casted a high tier fire spell burning the demons to ashes. moving away from the alleyway, Ezra brought rin to a nearby park bench laying her down. "Now what do I do, how did Rin's mom find her originally...." just as he finished saying his inner thoughts. He saw Rin's mom running down the road towards their location. quickly grabbing onto rin, Rin's mom made sure she was safe before looking at Ezra. "Who are you? What do you want with her?" she asked suspiciously at Ezra charctor., "Don't worry miss, I was protecting her from casters demon creatures. he's been taking children and your daughter just saved some of them, but she, unfortunately, ran into strong creations of his. I was lucky enough to notice before she got attacked." He said feeling no reason to make up some random story. "But who are you?" "oh, hum, I'm a servant on this war. As a hero, I honestly can't leave a girl get hurt, even if it's from an enemy family," he said as he quickly jumping off away before any more questions where asked.

After that little confrontation, Ezra quickly made his way towards the Matou house without any delay. within a few minutes, Ezra was standing a few miles from the Matou's house. His original idea was to simply charge in and take sakura but after thinking it through. he decided against that instead taking a more stealthy approach. Taking out a class card, he whispered: "Install, Assassin".

Soon after the words where spoken, a dark aura starts covering Ezra's body, as his skin darkened a bit, giving a nice tanned look. His clothes where no different to the changes, what was once a plain white t-shirt was now replaced by black body armor. His face now Covered in black bandages and a red hood that wrapped around his neck into a scarf. Around his waist was a holster that carried a large number of knives. In the back of his mind, Ezra could feel he could call upon even more weapons.

After equipping his card, Ezra actives Presence Concealment vanishing from nearly all forms of detection. Soon after, he rockets forward rushing straight into the house. As he steps foot, he carefully looks around before sneaking through the house making sure to not set off any traps. As he makes his way to the second floor, he started hearing the sounds of insects crawling around the place. 'Does that bug ever sleep' he thought carefully opening the door into sakura's bedroom. Walking forwards, he quietly casts a sleeping spell so she wouldn't make up in the middle of the rescue. Picking up sakura, his presence concealment skill quickly deactivates. Since this counted as an interaction with a living being. Giving out a sigh of annoyance, he steps back out the door walking carefully downstairs hold onto sakura.

Just as he was about to exit the house, he started hearing the buzzing of bugs behind him followed by a voice. "So you think you can take that girl easily now, did you?" Zoeken spoke in a creepy voice staring at Ezra. Turning his head, he stares back at Zoeken through the bandages. "3 seconds, leave now and I won't hurt you," Ezra said in a very gravel voice still recognizable to Zouken, holding up his free hand Ezra started to count. "You dare..." "1" "You aren't going to leav..." "2" "alive Einzber..." "3" "GET HIM" Zouken Yells sending a swarm of bugs towards Ezra. "Chronos Rose: Time Stops," he says softly, and instantly The World stops moving as everything gray shifts. "Yare yare daze" he sighed as a gun materializes in his hands. placing sakura down gently, he loads the gun with an origin bullet. a bullet built to kill magi, when it hits a mage it will rip and tear their magical circuits. then binds them back together in the wrong fashion. The ends result, the magus can never use magic ever again. Aiming it at Zouken, he pulls the trigger firing the bullet off. even in the frozen time, it still moves a considerable distance before freezing. Pulling some knives from his pockets, he rapidly launches them at each bug coming towards his way.

"Time Resumes," he says as time started to move and color returned to the world. Instantly, all the knives pierced straight through the bugs like paper pinning them into the walls behind Zouken. The bullet when it hit Zouken caused a ripple effect through his body. Immediately, Blood starts bursting from his body as he fell onto the ground gasping for breath. The pain it delivered was unfathomable, the bugs he was connected to started systematically exploding into dust. Everywhere in the house, the sound of mini-explosions could be heard. Zouken wasn't doing any better, as he was currently on the ground as his body began to twist and turn unnaturally. not wanting to see this gruesome sight through, Ezra simply picked up sakura before stepping out simply remarking "Even if you let us go, The same fate still followed."