
Fate's Possibility

[ Quick warning, I am not the best when it comes to words. so try to bear with it.] Short Summary: A fun story of a guy who's sent to another world with servent cards

Slime_King_Rose · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Biology 101 With Magic

Ezra stood quietly inside the shrine, in front of him was a magic circle glowing faintly. For the past 3 hours, he's been prepared to construct and transfer irisviel into a new body. he was 70% sure this was going to work, Which was acceptable. setting all the material around the magic circle, he did some last-minute check-ups to make sure he didn't miss anything. after checking everything, he slid open the doors and walked outside. Taking a seat right next to the Tempel gates, he waited for everyone to arrive so they could begin.

Using his item construction skill, Ezra materializes a plain notebook in his hands alongside a pen. Flipping open the book, he starts casually skitching the shrine in front of him. For him, it has been a while since he started drawing. before his holy grail began, he was planning on making a career in art. which fell down the drain when he was forced to take up the einzbern legacy and participate in the holy grail war. even after winning the war, he still ended up dying. but having given a second chance. nothing is honestly stopping him from pursuing that hobby.

giving out a sigh of bored, leaning his head back against the gate. he puts the notebook down looking up at the sky, currently, it was later afternoon. the sky was covered in shades of warm orange, it was a pictures scene. "Wonder what movies came out during this time, it would be funny showing lion King to Saber," he said thinking out loud. "Lion King huh, never heard of it." said a voice coming behind the gate. turning his head, Ezra peered through the gate down the staircase. when he does, he saw Kiritsugu walking up fallowed by Saber who helped Irisviel up and Kariya carrying Sakura. "What took you so long, I've been waiting for hours," Ezra said getting up from the ground. "I had to make sure we weren't followed." Kiritsugu said sternly looking at Ezra, "now tell me, why did you ask to bring everyone here." "it's elementary my dear gramps, we are going to end this war and destroy the grail within like a day or 2." "how are you planning on doing that without killing Archer and Rider. They are powerful servants that can't be easily beaten." "I will tell you later, for now, bring irisviel inside. we need to first make sure she doesn't die." Ezra finishes before walking off.

walking into the shrine, Ezra slides open the door telling everyone in. "okay so, I have everything set up and ready to go. Saber, please lay irisviel inside the magic circle. Kariya could you stand guard outside with Sakura." after ordering them, he stepping forward standing at the edge of the magic circle. Saber slowly carries Irisviel into the circle before placing her inside. "Okay, this where the tricky part starts," he says kneeling in front of irisviel. Forcing mana into his figure tips, he places his hand on her stomach before pulling back. This causing a bright to be imminent from irisviel as Avalon comes out. Placing the sheath onto the side, he steps back out of the circle before taking a deep breath. "Okay, Kiritsugu I'm going to make a clone body of Irisviel that's completely human, and when I say it. I want you to place Avalon inside the fake body."

Stand back, he closed his eyes before taking a deep breath. Focusing his mana, and gathering more from around the temple. Opening his mouth, he starts an incarnation using an old dead language."zii do wuth, Zii do goraan. Hiif zey ahrk kiibokin do drog ahrk zir kopraan kovon fah daar ruv sil. Wahl girvoh tol los wah dii hah, kopraan ruv do jul ahrk stin do vosod do jul." Soon a massive wind form erupts around Ezra pushing everything back. as be finished his incantation, The materials he gathered start slowly drifting into the air before moving towards him. gathering to gather in one spot, the materials then start combining in wired ways until it is nothing more than liquid. Soon, the liquid starts to take form molding itself into a replica of Irisviel flouting in the air. when the body satisfies, it then slowly floats down towards the ground before setting down.

"Now kiritsugu" he yells, immediately grabbing into the sheath. he moves it toward the newly created body before placing it inside of her. Ezra kneeling placed his hand onto her body before sending a mana pulse through the clone giving it a tiny smark of life. immediately after, Avalon Knicks in and reconstructs her body repairing any damaged or broken bits that Ezra missed when constructing the body.

Placing his hands on top of both Irisviels', he got ready to transfer The real Irisviel's memories into the clone's body. Calming his nerves, He Said two words "Sil Vuld" Causing a magnificent explosion of light as the air wished back with such force it throws kiritsugu into a wall. Saber equipping her armor withstood the outwards force as she held her ground. When the transfer happened, Every memory and experience Irisviel has gained got absorbed into Ezra's body, then after quickly got transferred into the clone. it was a dangerous process that could normally leave people mentally scared. but luckily, with his survivor skill, the odds of that happening decreased exponentially freeing any risk.

After a solid minute, the blight subsided as the wind settled down. letting out a breath of relief, Ezra simply commanded "all done, she's safe." before materializing a fabric of cloth onto The clone's body. stepping up from the floor, he gives out a sigh before stepping forward, but as his feet touched the ground. he immediately collapsed slamming against the ground. "Ezra!" Saber yelled out moving quickly to check if he's alright. after making sure he was still breathing, she gives out a sigh of relief before looking towards Kiritsugu. "He just Overused his Mana."

Getting up from the ground, Kiritsugu rushed over towards irisviel making sure she was alright. Opening her eyes slowly, Irisviel slowly raised her hand towards Kiritsugu's face giving a gentle smile. "What's wrong Kiritsugu, Did it work." She said in a weak voice, she was on the brink of collapse but forcefully stayed awake so she could talk to him. "Yes Irisviel, it worked out," he said returning the smile. he was genuinely happy that Irisviel was saved, after leaning the grail was corrupt. he could not worry about that would happen to her when she becomes it, but now he doesn't have to worry. he could no rest easier knowing she was safe. Giving one final smile, Irisviel finally collapsed from exhaustion.

Placing her down gently, He looked towards Ezra then towards Saber before saying "Could you carry him to another room and let him rest." Saber simply giving a nod, picked up Ezra and carried him off so he could rest comfortably until he woke up.

You know the funny thing I realized when I finished yesterday's chapter. Ezra unintentionally achieved true magic, since he met the root and gained the ability to travel to other worlds[specifically uncontrolled other world travel].

He also achieved heaven's feel when his soul healed back. So that's going to be fun to play with, Having heavens feel down just making his functions immortality. it also means he has unlimited Mana generation.

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