
Fate's Game [GL]

Fate likes to play a fool game with Liz, after her mother's death everything goes downhill with her and her father's relationship, until one day there was a point of no return for both of them. Liz would never be able to overcome those scars of that day and has to wear them with her, hiding it deep in her heart, unable to let them heal. And if only this would be the only thing she had to worry about, but it wasn't, even her new life had plans to make it difficult for our young girl, now known as Emilié. Let's see if Emilié will be able to turn the table on fate and dictate her own life through her own will. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Trigger warnings, especially at the early chapter. Please, read with caution!!]

Quhon · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
61 Chs

Consumed (R-18)

♠️Gore, have a full filling read... Wait! I mean emptying read, at least I had to stop myself from gagging♠️

"What do you want? Grace said, giving the birdy guy a fierce glare.

What he reciprocated it with a boisterous laugh. "Hahahaha, still a stubborn snake until the last breath I see."

His face then turned back into a contemplating look, as if he recalled something important.

"Ayy, I almost forgot how much you hang on to that little skinny snake behind you." He sight, exaggeratingly pointing at Sera, who flinched and squeezed herself behind her brother's back, out the birdy guys view.

She would love to step up in front that disgusting man, who kept on bullying her brother by using her, but she was too afraid of him.

"How about that, for today's 'fun', I won't touch the little snake of yours, if you.." He shook the box up and down making it squeak louder. "..eat this." He said, the grin on his face splitting open showing a row of teeth.

Grace didn't break his fierce glare, no it became even intenser than before.

That was the initial deal between them; Grace does whatever they want without raising any protest and Sera would be fine.

But Birdy went back on that deal already.

Now he doesn't give Grace a way out with this new deal, but threatens him with his sister.

He tells him hidden under the lines 'if you don't do what I say, I will lay a hand on Sera'. Since he knows Grace cares more for her then his own life, he would take it silently.

That was pure blackmailing and not a worthwhile promise!

Yet, it was the only way out for Sera even when the chance was minuscule.

Obey and hope.

"I only have to eat it."

That was not a question Grace uttered, but a statement for birdy to keep his oily fingers away from Sera.

"Yes" Birdy threw the box to him. "Enjoy your meal!" All three, superior and subordinates fell into stark laugher.

The thing inside the box went into a squeaking frenzy, as if feeling a predators vibe in its close proximity, rattling the box vehemently.

Grace opened the box seeing a big fat rat trapped in there, his face clamped into disgust by its sight.

A hand tugged his arm, tearing his eyes away from his 'meal' and a worried Sera entered his field of vision.


Grace hid the disgust that was fully displayed and slipped on a fake smile on. "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

His words hope filled, but his heart empty.

Fred should have already been here, it was past the said hour he would do the check-ups.

If Fred doesn't come, there won't be any escape route for Sera after they are done with him.

But now wasn't the time about thinking of Fred and when he will arrive.

He had to trust birdy would keep his words this time.

Grace took a deep breath and dipped his hand in the box grabbing the black rat, which in retaliation in his fears of the unknown thing forcing itself in its comfort zone; bite in Grace's hand.


'squeak squeak squeak'

Grace hissed slightly in hurt and anger, squeezing the rat harder in his hand.

Even a lowly rat dared bully him, what a lawless world!

Who did the d*mn rat think he is?!


A hiss rolled out his throat. He imagined the rat in his hand being birdy, a oily clump of meat squirming in his hand.


He opened his mouth, his sharp teeth gleaming in the dim light.



His teeth embed itself in the furry flesh. Sinking themselves deeply, following with 'CRACK' 'CRACK' sounds, breaking its bones.

The inner organs of the animal popped out in his oral cavity, filling his senses with a metallic taste and a puke inducing smell that stemmed from the rat.

Normally, Grace would buckle down and retch, emptying his stomach content from this grotesquerie, but right now he reeled in this predatory feeling of having taken down its prey.

The blood seeped out his mouth rolling down his chin, painting his face into a ferocious beast.

Then he didn't swallow the rat like he was told to, but spit the disfigured carcass of the rat on the ground.

♠️Safe for a while♠️

A tingle slithered down his body, as if a snake was coiling around his body parts, rubbing its scaly skin on him; it was a little bit itchy even.

He felt unusually cold. The cold severing his control over his limbs.

Slowly, a feral instinct overwhelmed his mind, consuming him bit by bit, making him aggressive and angrier than he ever was in his life.

The angriness that unfurled came from unearthed hatred -hidden in his foggy memories that should have been long forgotten- and feasting from the hurt and betrayal.

His body began twitching and his reptile-like traits from his hair, to his eyes, to the bit of scales on his arms and neck, slowly turned from a green color to a deep deep black.

Hence, in the future Grace named his organization Black Viper. It was his Code-Name and described his outer traits on point.

"Hey! Leader told you to eat it, not spit it out!" Complained the lankier one of birdy's goofs, after seeing Grace spit out his 'meal'.

He strode over to Grace with wide steps, his bony chest puffed out building up a pathetically domineering presence and yanked the unresponsive Grace by his collar.

"Are you mute or what! I asked you why you spit out your 'meal' you ungrateful son of a b*tch! Don't think we won't touch your sister now!" He raised a fist descending it to his face.


A hiss arouse from Grace's throat after he mentioned his sister.

It was a push back to himself, as if someone turned on his switch and he felt the severed connection from his limbs back and the feral senses recede, but... the anger was still there seething and swamping over.

His hand intercepted the upcoming fist. He raised his face, his soulsucking black eyes piercing into the lanky guy.

The lanky guy just now realized how something was oddly off about Grace and it wasn't anything good.

It was those eyes!

Why did he feel like a steak on a silver platter when he looked in them?


Alas, before anyone could answer his question, a mouthful of blood oozed out his mouth spraying on Grace and Sera.

The lanky guy looked disbelieving in Grace's hand, his eyes wide open.

Grace stood in front of a gaping hole, clutching onto a beating heart and so, one life was gone and two were still left.

Grace's mind was occupied with only one thing right now, if this is a lawless world, then he would establish his own rules.

Eliminate all the obstacles on his path!

"You!" Shouted birdy in terror.

He saw many gory scenes in his line of work, but seeing a skinny boy killing one of his subordinates in front of him, was not one of them.

Furthermore, this skinny boy didn't look like the skinny boy he bullied and treated like sh*t.

This one was a monster!

Grace's face was grim, approaching both his prey in an adequate speed, not to fast and not to slow, letting the reality settle in both their minds; this was no joke, this was reality.

And they are next!

"S-Stay away from me you monster!" Birdy screamed, catching his second subordinate unprepared, pushing him to Grace to buy himself some time to swipe his card and get out this f*cking hell of a quarter.


As if Grace would let him slip away! The subordinate didn't even buy him a second!


He shifted his upper body lightly to the left, avoiding a head-on collision with this moving piece of flesh.

Then he raised his hand, sticking his two fingers precisely in the eye sockets of his weak prey, piecing them to a pulp right into the innerst of his skull.

Ironicallly, his eyes were destroyed with the momentum the subordinate got from his OWN superior!

"AAARGHHH" He screamed in agony.

Grace pulled out his fingers and kicked him still alive to the side, letting him clutch his now destroyed eyes and roll around the ground in pain.


♠️safe for now♠️

Giving no heed for this pitiful worm, he steered his strides to birdy, who now trembled, shriveling down on the spot, dropping on his knees.

"P-Please let me go, ok?" he begged. "I ha-have treated you bad, b-but I never touched your sister, never picking on her, never bullying her, so c-could you have mercy on me this once?" He asked, his tears and snot dangling down his oily wabble, giving it a shiny gloss.

Grace stood in front of him, gazing a little lost, his dark eyes were glazed over with something muddy.

"D-Does that mean I-I can go?"

After birdy saw no reaction from Grace, he assumed he approved to let him go unharmed, but that was not the case here.

Birdy stepped on many of Grace's sore parts.

Birdy betrayed his OWN trusted man to run away, then he tried playing the pity card to beg himself free and even when he got his way out from here, he would come back for them tenfold.

He knew the despicableness of birdy very well.

But, the cherry on the top was, he dared using his SISTER as a leverage over him!!

Now that he had back his memories, it reminded him why they, both this pitiful pair of sister and brother were here in the first place.

It was thanks to that poisonous aunt, who killed their mother and took root in their home by seducing that stupid man called father, and afterwards, got rid of them like the weed they were in that woman's eyes.

His mother was betrayed by her own blood sister!

His father KNEW, and still let them be bullied and be sold out to this country as experimental subjects.

That families blood was disgusting, eating themselves like barbaric dogs!

Instead of sticking together and building up an unshakeable fortress with trusted people by their sides, they ruin everything under their reign.

Blood is thicker than water they say, but this blood is contaminated with parasites.

He would soon take care of them and take back what should belong to him, but first, this never ending wagging tongue needs to be ripped off.


Birdy was about to stand up, when a heavy hand pushed him back down his knees with a loud 'thud', almost shattering his kneecaps.

Wait! What was going on? Didn't the snake indicate he could go! Why was he back on his knees?!

Then he saw Grace's black scaled arm and the next second he had a hand sticking in his mouth grabbing his tongue.

"You talk to much." As he heard the cold voice pass his eardrums, his fat hidden eyes tore wide open, almost popping out.


A shrill voice echoed out, very different from birdy's actual deep voice. One could almost think, that he was in truth a woman and not a man.

His pinkish tongue was ripped off mercilessly, filling his senses with iron.

Isn't this ironic? Ha Ha... no.

Well, whatever it was, Grace would pay him back everything he owed him slowly and thoroughly.

He took the wailing blob of fat's hand, glancing at the well-preserved fingernails.

Birdy managed looking up through his pain and when he saw Grace's stare on his hand, he sensed what was about to come.

He shook his head furiously, what let him lose another mouthful of blood to the floor.

He peed in his pants from fear, looking at him with begging eyes.

Please don't!

But Grace didn't even flicker him a cold glance.

His fingernails were slowly peeled off like shrimps and his fingers were then twisted in a new angle afterwards.


A blood curdling scream with pain connected to his heart.

♠️No more♠️

After torturing the birdy to death and the other subordinate dying from severe bleeding.

The seething anger cooled down giving him a calmness and a sense of relieve.

'hic' He heard a silent suppressed sob.

He turned around surprised seeing Sera cowered in a corner, watching everything helplessly play out.

What shock she might have gone through, witnessing her brother be so gruesome.

Realization hit Grace hard, he did all those bloody things never taking Sera into consideration, even though all he had done was for her sake.

It was to protect her.

"..Sera" he murmured.

Staggering to her, afraid she wouldn't acknowledge him and flinch away from him.

His heart was beating fast and his breathing rhythm an utter chaos.

Suddenly, Sera sprang in Grace's arms.

"Idiot, I thought I lost you" She gripped him hard weeping.

Sera was not afraid of him, but afraid for him.

She thought she has lost her gentle brother in the onslaught of madness he fell in. But thank god he was still there by her side.

A smile played on Grace's lips, his eyes back to a gentle light, long lost from the frantic he was in.

"I will never leave you Sera."


Everything shone in a bright red, followed by a deafening alarm. Footsteps neared their quarter.

Grace broke the embrace with Sera readying himself for another confrontation.

How strange, how fast they have found out Grace having killed a group of their researchers.

It was not like a camera was installed in their room or so, so how?

No, no matter what, Sera was the most important!

"Grace, Sera!" A shout came their way.

Fred and Vivien came in their view, with a malnourished boy in tow.

"Holy moly!" Fred shouted incredously, when he saw the bloody, one-sided battlefield inside the quarter, and let's not speak about the complete transformation of Grace.

"What the hell happened in here?!" He asked.

"Fred, we have no time for that!" Vivien cut him off, before he started a long session of Q&A.

"Yes, yes, the door" He opened the door. "Grace, Sera, we need to get out of here fast, follow me!"

On that night, an unknown number of children escaped with Fred and Vivien, and the whole facility with all its employees and experimental subjects burned down to ashes.

It was the biggest catastrophe of the year, yet none of the public get even the slightest whiff of what went down there for real.

But, what was known to the public was, that a medical lab burned down through an unsuccessful experiment exploding.

It was said the explosion was bound with no casualties, so nothing was to worry about...

Alas, that was the birth of the Black Vipers, who swore with their blood besmirched hand to take away from K Countries government what was owed to them.

And now, it was the revenge of two -one small girl's, and an enormous entities- colliding together.

Does Fate likes to play?

Yes, it does.

Well babble:

Yeah, oh well. The gore was ok, I know.

But for me it was a bit too much, since I imagined myself under the receiving end ugh! Not appetizing at all! So I cut the gore short : P

Hope you enjoyed this loooong chap : )

XoXo, Quhon

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