
Fate's Fault

Leslie Brooks's sweet dreams turned into her worse nightmare when she learned of the death of her fiancee, the unassuming, sweet, and handsome love of her life, Richard Prescott of the Prescott Empire. Maybe in their four years together he refused to divulge enough information about his health, so his sudden death was as painful as being dropped from the sky only to land on a rock instead of the promised cushion. While attempting to put the pieces of her life together, pieces such as their beautiful daughter Elizabeth Prescott and the beautiful baby boy she was baking in her oven, Dylan Prescott the proud, very much assuming and the distinct opposite of his brother came to destabilize the already shaky life of his dead brother's fiery headed woman. His only plan was to walk in, shake her life upside down enough to make her back off from his brother's fortune, and walk out in the same manner. How come the plan changed to him walking in, getting kissed, slapped, and then kicked out in a very different manner. She needed to protect her children. He needed to protect his brother. Maybe they just needed to protect each other. #Humor #Love #Baby #Comedy

Bookworm_faith · Urban
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While Dylan was practicing just the perfect stern look and the choice of words he would say to infiltrate the already dilapidated world of the infamous Leslie Brooks, Leslie was very busy crying her eyes out in the privacy of her bedroom as Elizabeth and her beloved godfather was out on a spin by the creek.

Leslie was glad her daughter was not there to see her efficient, take shit from nobody mummy looking so miserable and heartbroken. the newscasters confirmed it, the New York Times confirmed it, what more evidence does she need to comprehend the fact that she has lost her man, the father of her children— yes, children because she was pregnant again— to none other than cancer.

How could this have happened right under my nose, how could I have been so blinded not to have noticed the subtle signs, the bald hair, the nose bleeds and sudden fatigue and why did he have to lie to me, to our daughter, why?

Bitterness, anger, and sadness deafened her ears to the sound of little pitter-patter flip-flops of her daughter 's feet until the door swung open to reveal beautiful Elizabeth Brooks, the apple of her father's eyes and even the thought spurred more tears until little Lizzy understood that Mummy is very very sad.

'Momma, do not cry, sorry momma', Little Lizzy said over and over again, tears welling up in her own eyes as she made up her mind about her weeping mum, 'I miss papa too', and that just intensified the wailing just as Leslie wrapped her arms securely around her daughter.

'I know, baby, I know now shush and tell me where your uncle Danny is', after a couple of seconds of silence Leslie looked down only to find her daughter's face all scrunched up, fingers posed against her lips.

'What are you doing honey?', Leslie asked confused

'Huh?', Lizzy whispered her face still scrunched up

'What's with the look?'

'shush', with a finger still posed on her lips Lizzy looked like a stern teacher shushing a class full of unruly students.

'What?', now Leslie was just plain confused.

'You said to shush', Lizzy replied

'When---- Oh my God, seriously, is that why you did not say anything?', the bereaved mother burst into heartfelt laughter, truly her daughter is the balm to her soul and her broken heart.

'I heard my name, princesses'

'Uncle Danny!!!'

'Do not sound so enthusiastic, you just saw me like two seconds ago'

'Uncle Danny but I missed you' Lizzy said, batting her eyes

'No, you didn't, you are just so cute that I want to eat you up, you little flirt', Danny replied while tickling the already skittish Liza who couldn't help but laugh and scream at her Mummy to save her from Uncle Danny the bully.

'Danny, if she pees on her person, you are cleaning it up, no excuses'. That was enough warning for Daniel to drop the screaming Liza carefully on the bed.

'So what were you guys up to at the creek?'

'Nothing much, but we had lots of fun, right Liza?'

'Yup momma, we skipped rocks and caught lots of fishes, and then Uncle Dan called me a Chicken, see mummy I can chicken', and Liza proofed herself by waving her arms around until Leslie could not help but burst into laughter.

If this is what Danny has been teaching his goddaughter, he needs to up his game because he is just terrible at it, just too terrible, maybe next time he would teach her to neigh like a horse or moo like a cow.

'I can also moo---', Lizzy got interrupted

'Nobody is going to moo in this house, and Danny what have you been teaching your goddaughter?, and that is enough chickening for one day, you have chickened for all the chickens in Texas, your arms need to rest and Danny, lunch?'

'Mac and cheese obviously'.

Daniel has been quietly observing Leslie's mood and he has picked up on a few things like the fact that she had been crying again and she was about to start another episode of crying.

'Liza, why don't you go downstairs and tell Aunty Clara what's for lunch, yes baby?'.

'Mac and chi, mac and chi, aunt Clara we are having mac....' Liza's voice fade away she hops down the stairs two at a time. Normally, Leslie would have scolded her for running down the stairs but the only expression on her face was pain, slowly unmasking pain and as her limbs collapse underneath her like cooked pasta and the whole of her being starts to shudder convulsively, of course, Daniel was there to catch her but she did not want his arms or his comfort she wanted her prince charming, her Richie but he is dead, Richard is dead. her head kept on ringing and reminding her of the headlines, she kept seeing his face, his smiling handsome face and the words unconsciously slipped from her lips.

'Richard is dead, Daniel, dead, he is dead, My love is dead, Daniel, he left me, he left us, Daniel the baby, Elizabeth, me what do I do--I can't breathe, Daniel, Dan---'

Daniel was just as confused hearing such words from her mouth what did she mean by Richard being dead, where had she heard such rumors or were they rumors, was it true? despite his confusion, he knew he had to help Leslie out before she choked herself to death.

'Leslie, listen to me, you will be fine, everything would be just fine, okay, now put your head between your legs and inhale, that's my girl, that's my girl, now come here, there, there, such a good girl, I am sorry baby, I am so sorry', Daniel said, cradling her in his arms and rocking her like a new baby, ' You will be fine, the baby would be fine, we will take it a step at a time, a day at a time until the pain becomes bearable'.

'I need to get rid of the baby before it is too late, I can't do this, I can't do this alone, I can't do this, I really can't--- I can't do this without him, I am really tired'.

'No one is getting rid of anything, okay, the baby is going to be his legacy and you would not deprive him and yourself that, now sleep for me, go ahead I am right here'. Daniel continued to rock her until Leslie fell asleep and even then he could not let go.

Even in death Richard still heard such stronghold on her.

I can never have a chance, never he thought.


I am a little bit unhappy and discouraged, okay a lot discouraged.

I have been meaning to just scrap this book off but still, Leslie will not let me neither would Dylan as he still needs to let off all of that steam and come to terms with his brother's death, he still needs to help Leslie heal, love Elizabeth as his own, help watch his brother's children grow and pave way for Daniel to win Leslie's heart or not.

I do not even know if anyone is reading this *chuckles*

Bookworm_faithcreators' thoughts