
Fate's Curse: The Love of a Hundred Years

Once upon a time, hundreds of years ago. A man fell in love with a lady. It was sweet and beautiful, the kind of love that will make people envy. But fate has other plans, and found a way to separate the two people in love. They killed her, in front of him and she died, in his embrace. But she did not utter words of hatred, instead she smiled and told him of how she loved him too much. Due anger, frustration and pain the man went mad. He wrecked havoc around him and it instantly became a waste land. He was mad from the sadness of losing her, of losing his heart. There is nothing more that he wants, than having her in his arms again. Now a hundred years have passed, and here he is kneeling in front of the reincarnation of his beloved. Now his beloved Queen, while he is her loyal Knight. . . . . . "My sword is meant for protecting you, my heart beats just for you, and I live for the sole reason of loving you." "I am the bearer of the crown. I have a lot of responsibilities and citizens to protect. My heart is numb, and I have no time for such things as love."

Heaven_Amorr · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A Harp

Fifteen years later.....

Inside a wide room, filled with books. Phelice is sitting by the big window from the floor to the ceiling. Covered by a thin white curtain, the sun rays from the dawn got through, hitting Phelice's tender white skin.

Covered with just a thin green nightgown, her arms and neck are a bare sight. Barefooted, she sits on a chair, and in front of her is a silver harp which her hands are running and dance around.

The soft and mellow music echoed inside the four walls.

Her eyes are closed, as if sleeping, but her hands continued to dance on the strings. A beautiful painting of a lady, pure and innocent was created. It was a beautiful sight that one would like to keep and hide.

The birds outside are singing together with her harp. As she hums softly.

Her beautiful icy blue hair that looked unkempt yet still looks soft, reaches her thighs as she sways her head softly.

When Lira, her head made sent by the queen entered her bedroom with the six other maids, they saw the bed empty. As the soft music from the harp got through the door and walls. They then knew, that the princess is in her library.

Instead of going in, they just stood by the door quietly, and waited for the princess to finish and come out.

The reason was, the princess hates it when someone disrupt her while she's playing with her harp. The results will be unbearable for them, they can't have a princess having a bad mood. It will be a challenge and torture to have her feel better.

They knew, for they once experienced it. If not for her older brother, who surprised her by coming back from his university without notice. She would have been in bad mood the whole day, and they will have a hard time and be swallowed by guilt.

An hour passed, and finally, the music stopped. But they did not complain, not a single word of complaint came out of their mouth. They are used to this situation, and the princess's songs are beautiful and relaxing.

But still, they waited for a few minutes before Lira knocked on the door. "Princess, your bath is ready."

Silence was what covered them, before they heard light footsteps getting closer. Until the door opened, they immediately bowed their heads.

"Good morning, princess." They greeted her in unison. The princess just nodded her head.

Then they started. They brought the princess to the bath that was scented with roses and milk. She relaxed her body inside the bath, and let the maids massage her body and hair. After that, they washed her body well and her hair too.

Phelice just closed her eyes and let the maids do their jobs. After they dried her, they helped her wear her dress. Tightened her corset, and dressed her with a simple off the shoulders pastel pink dress that made her skin look whiter. Then she wore a white shoes, and they started fixing her hair.

It was braided and tied with a white ribbon, and rested on her right shoulder. Her light makeup is finished as soon as they put on her blue pearl headband and same earrings and necklace.

Her image shouts elegance and innocence, but her face is cold and emotionless like it has always been.

She didn't wear any perfume, she hates it. The scented bath is enough.

She glanced at the clock, and it strikes at 7:29. So she went out of her room which is situated on the left wing of the mansion. The rooms of her older brothers are here too. While their parents room in on the right wing. So is the main library and her father's office.

She went down by the stairs and walked to the dining room. There, her parents and brothers are waiting.

Unlike other noble houses, they rise up early. For breakfast is their only time together in a day, dinner is too at times.

"Good morning father, mother, eldest brother and second brother." She gave them a smile, and so did they to her.

"Good morning Lice, come and sit." Said by her mother and tap the chair beside her.

She took her sit and they started to eat. Her father, is sitting at the end of the table, on his right is her mother. Then on his left, is her eldest brother, Elijah and second brother, Aaron.

"Would you like to go to a picnic, Lice?" Elijah asked her. This brother of her is just like her, cold and emotionless. They are almost like twins, if not for their age gap.

Elijah is twenty, splitting image of their father. Black hair and gray eyes. Currently, he works under his father as a training to inherit their father's title. But he is also a member of the royal knights.

"Yeah, that would be fun Lice, let's have one before you're birthday. Let's have our own celebration with just us five." A cheeky grin appeared on her second brother's face as he agreed to their eldest brother. He inherited their mother's simplicity. They are both happy with simple things, but he's much deeper than their mother. let us say, that he's a mischievous kid.

One can say, that her second brother, Aaron inherited both their father and mother. He was much more of a complicated character than her eldest brother. While he has his father's hair, he has his mother's green eyes. His image is a combination of their parents best features.

"Mm, alright elder brothers."


After their breakfast, her father and eldest brother headed to the capital to work, Aaron went to the training grounds and her mother went to a tea party with her friends.

She was left in the mansion but it was nothing new to her. She just went to the garden, with a basket on her left hand and scissors. She alone picked flowers in the garden, and did not mind the sun. It is still passed 9 in the morning, it's not that hot.


Inside the mansion, a guest came suddenly unannounced. But they politely welcomed the young man. It is normal for them to greet and receive this young man as a guest. He is not new to them, but still they do not disrespect him and treats the young man with proper respect.

"The princess is picking flowers in the garden, dear guest. Would you like to wait in the pavilion for her?" The head butler, Gerard asked the guest.

The young man just smiled, thinking how lovely the view would be from the pavilion would be. "Alright"

The head butler led the young man to the pavilion, which is situated in the middle of the lake in the middle of the garden. The beautiful stone path led him to the arch bridge made of stones that's covered in vines and roses.

The way the young man walk and move shows his familiarity in the garden. For his chat with the princess mostly happens in the garden.

In the middle of the pavilion is a set of table and chairs. The pavilion itself is a beautiful image, covered with vines and roses. It has the best view in the garden.

He made himself comfortable on a chair, and the head butler served him tea brought by the maids.

He moved his eyes around, finding the princess, and there, he found her. She's busy picking flowers under the sun, that did not even bother her. She picked the violet ones, she'll give it to her second brother for later. She plans to visit him and have an outing with him. She wants to go to town again. But she's only allowed to with guards and maids. But if it's her brother, it would be alright.

Half an hour then passed, as she, the princess, is picking flowers with beautiful petals and bright colors. Then she's done.

After making sure she's done, the head butler came to her. "Princess, you have a guest. He's waiting in the pavilion."

The moment she heard it, she already knew who that guest is. She stood up and faced the pavilion's direction. "Make sure that no one comes near to the garden."

"Yes, princess."

After giving out an order, the butlers and maids walked out of the garden as per princess's orders.

The young man saw the princess turning her head at his direction. He saw her giving out an order and the servants then left the garden.

Then, he watched her walking her way to the pavilion where he is waiting for her. He calmly took a sip of his tea. Then when Phelice is in front of him, she stepped forward her left foot and her right at the back. Bending her knees and bowing her head, while she lifted the skirt of her dress up lightly. Curtsying gracefully at the young man in front of her.

"Your majesty"

He laughed at her, then he stood up and helped the princess up. "No need for a courtesy, princess. Have a sit."

He helped her to sit, and then served her tea. The princess just eyed him, but didn't say anything as if his actions did not matter. She just received the tea served by him, and drank it.

"I wonder what might the king like yourself needs to a princess like me. It's still early, your majesty."

Again, the young man laughed. His laugh was like music to the ears of those who may hear, except for her. He knows how cold and emotionless this princess can be. But despite that, he knows how kind and sweet she is.

"It's my fault of course, coming unannounced Phelice. I just want to visit you before I continue my travel." The king smiled at her, a kind of smile that would catch a lady's heart in an instant. But it's just a gesture of showing your teeth in her mind.

"Your majesty, our mansion is not a place for you to come and go as you please. You are after all the king of Scymn Grestt. What will the others say if they heard that our country, Vexlhor, can not even have the king reach his right destination?"

Her tone was cold and emotionless, but the sarcasm in it is leaking out. This again caused the king another round of laughter. Truly, it really is truly great to have the king laugh by just the princess's words. Who could even have such a feat?

"You are really different princess. Others would apologizing for making this king wait, yet you are not only not apologizing, you are even lecturing this king. Ahhh... "

The princess just eyed him with cold eyes, but that didn't stop him from laughing his heart out. It's not always like this, after all. This kind of moment is what he treasures the most.

"Why would I, your majesty? Like what you just said, it's your fault coming unannounced."

His smiled reflected on her cold gray eyes. "Then I apologize princess, please excuse my rude behavior."

Her eyes just looked at him straight, then she sip her tea. Her cold yet graceful actions did not offend the king, it only made him smile.

"Why did you visit then, your majesty?"

"I just want to what birthday gift would you like me to give you, princess."

Her birthday is on seven days from now, it will be celebrated here at the mansion. King Vikram, is one of her special guests. Also, one of the those she can call friends.

He watched her think about what he said. Phelice knows she has almost everything she wants and desires. People give her even the things she doesn't need. Her status as the successor of the crown, is a privilege but she never really thought about it. She just thinks of it as a big responsibility that she has to fulfill when she's come of age.

Then suddenly, the one thing that she wants popped out of her mind. It is something she wants, but can't have unless it's given by the king of Scymn Grestt himself.

"A harp"

"A harp?" Shock filled him. He knows how the princess hates extravagant things like jewelry, shiny stones or dresses embedded by jewels and colorful stones. But a harp?

Harp, is an instrument that is uncommon. So uncommon that only a few people plays. Even though it creates a sweet and melodious sound, it is still unpopular to people. Most people plays piano and organ, especially nobles and royalties. Even violin is something that is used by royalties.

Only a few appreciates the harp, even the current queen plays an organ.

"Mm, a harp."

"What kind of harp then princess? Your request would not be something so simple for you to have asked this king, if what you want a simple harp."

Phelice nodded her head, agreeing to what the king said. "I want a harp, made by a wood from the fairy tree and strings woven from a crystal stone. These can only be found in your kingdom."

When the king heard this, he was shocked. Though those materials are commonly seen in his kingdom, it is still at the very least rare. Especially when those are only seen in his kingdom. But is there anything that he won't give the princess? None.

"Then it will be as you wish it to be, princess." The moment his voice fell, the voice coming from his aid was heard.

"Your majesty, it's time for you to leave."

What his aid said made his heart ache a bit. He still want to talk to this little princess. But he doesn't have enough time. After all, he still has to meet the queen.

So stood up, and so did she.

Vikram walked towards her, then he held her hands and kissed her knuckles. When the wind blew, and the king's long silver hair tied with a black ribbon, swayed. It was picturesque, a beautiful image of a gentleman and a cold lady. Truly, a sight to behold.

"Then I'll have my way out, princess."

"Have safe travels, your majesty."


Inside the carriage.

After a moment of silence, Vikram opened his mouth.

"Devan, send a message to the kingdom. Have the best craftsman make a harp, out of a wood from a fairy tree, and strings woven from a crystal stone. Specifically, have them use the crystal fairy tree, and water crystal stone."

The moment Vikram's words sink in Devan's ears and processed in his mind. He stilled, don't even mention the common fairy tree, but a crystal fairy tree? It was rarer than any fairy trees. And water crystal stone? It can only be found under the deep sea. What kind of value does it have, only to be made as a harp for the princess?

Even the king himself and the past kings before him never made such an extravagant request. That harp made by those rare and priceless materials can be any kingdom's treasure.

"Did... Did you decide about it, your majesty? Or... Or did the prin... princess requested for it?"

"Of course I did, the princess just told me what she wants, I added the details."

Devan was dumbfounded, but what can he do? His king fell for the princess, though he knows... Haaaah, such a...

"Also, have them carve some butterflies and roses. She love those. Make sure to have them deliver the harp a day before her birthday. "

His heart breaks for his king. But what can Devan do? He's just a simple aid.

"As you wish, your majesty."

I'm glad that some took a notice of this. Though I think this book is a little.... erghh!


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