

This is a story about something that happened long ago when your grandfather was a child. It's a very important story because it shows how all the comings and goings between our world and the land of Magica first began. This story is of a boy named Victor who is a bit confused between his imagination and reality. He is made to travel between realms and even has to jump timelines because he has to fill the space of Vasilus. Victor along with his friends will solve all the mysteries which will come in their way to take their revenge for the "death" of Vasilus. Their journey to the past and future will also make you visualize the acts before your eyes.

Vidit_Verma · Fantasy
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264 Chs

Lost in the Shadows

Lyra stood at the threshold of what was once Arcane Haven, her heart heavy with a mix of dread and sorrow. The once-grand academy, renowned for its flourishing magic and vibrant community, now lay in ruins. The air was thick with a haunting silence, broken only by the distant echoes of devastation that seemed to linger in the air.

As she stepped cautiously over the rubble-strewn grounds, Lyra's gaze swept across the landscape, taking in the magnitude of the destruction. The majestic spires that once reached towards the heavens now stood broken and charred, their glory reduced to mere skeletal remains. The walls that had once held the promise of knowledge and enlightenment now crumbled, like forgotten pages torn from a book.