
Chapter356 He doesn't like you 1

Nina Hill looked out of the window, and there were no pedestrians on the road.

"It's raining too hard and it's not safe to drive." Southbuckwheat took back his sight.

"There is a shopping mall ahead. Go in and avoid the rain."

Zoe Ross looked gloomy and drove into the underground parking lot of the mall.

There are many cars in the parking lot, all of which come in to avoid the rain.

Zoe Ross drove around to find an empty parking space.

Parked the car and the two went upstairs in the elevator.

The interior of the shopping mall is different from the sultry garage, with heavy air conditioning.

They found a tea shop, ordered a cup of milk tea and rested in the shop.

There is no rain outside in the shopping mall, so Nanqiao took out his mobile phone to watch the weather forecast.

"This rainstorm will probably last for two hours."

Zoe Ross leaned over and took a look, then frowned and took out his mobile phone. "I'll see if there is any movie, let's go to see a movie."