
Chapter 294 Cancer cells have spread

Watching the black car leave, Nina Hill hurriedly took the suitcase and walked into the apartment building. He had just stayed outdoors for two minutes, and a row of fine sweat appeared on his forehead.

Back to the apartment, immediately turn on the air conditioner, close the shading curtains, and the indoor light dims.

After a while, the air conditioner was dense and finally cooled down.

Nina Hill leaned on the sofa for a few minutes, and then took out his mobile phone to order takeout.

I went to Imperial Capital for more than ten days, but there was no food in the refrigerator.

Just after ordering takeout, a new message popped up at the top of her mobile phone. Qin Yu sent her a Facebook and asked her to have dinner.

Nina Hill tapped the screen with his finger and replied to him: "I have returned to C city."

Nina Hill: "Wait until the next time I go to Imperial Capital to have dinner together."

After a while, the news came back from the opposite side.

Qin Yu: "Good."
