
Chapter 116 Colin's?

Looking at the birth inspection report that fell out, Nina panicked and immediately reached out to pick it up.

But a hand picked it up one step ahead of her.

It's Felix.

"Give it to me." Nina immediately leaned over to grab it. Her voice was high-pitched, with a bit of anxiety.

Felix froze. Seeing Nina's anxious appearance, he unhurriedly opened the inspection report in his hand.

In the next second, the words of the birth inspection report came into view.

Below is the name of Nina.

Felix's narrow eyes widened unconsciously. For the first time, an incredible expression appeared on his always stern face.

He was stunned and incredulous.

Is Nina pregnant?

Taking advantage of Felix's distraction, Nina grabbed the birth inspection report, stuffed it into her bag, and pulled the door again.

The door didn't open, the car was locked.

"Open the door." Nina reached out and knocked on the partition. She was a little panicked when Felix saw the maternity examination report.