
01 - Meeting a ROB

Third Person POV

In a seemingly endless green pasture a young man could be seen laying in the grass. His name was Adam Garner. Adam awoke just a few moments after he appeared here.

"What the fuck?" Adam said as he started to look around for clues to where he was. Left, right, up, down, front, back, Adam turned every which way he could to try and catch a glimpse of something other than the expanse of an open green field. Just as he was about to start walking in a random direction a white silhouette appeared within his vision.

"Holy shiiiiayy I mean sugar." Adam spoke this time directly toward the silhouette. Without missing a beat a chipper voice came from the silhouette. "Ahh, you're here already. Well I guess let's pull off the band-aid. You unfortunately are dead."

The young man stood there blankly looking at the figure who just seemed to turn his world upside down "I'm sorry what? Wha wha *deep breath* What?" Adam struggled to get out.

"Ahh well it's like this, you where minding your own business when I ummm accidently killed you." The being said in a somewhat matter of factly tone.

"Killed me?.... Wha.... Okay... Nope, Killed me?" Adam questioned as his breathing started to become rapid.

"Yeah, I sort of wasn't paying attention as I was floating around and you walked right through me, at which point my power came into contact with you and basically your body couldn't handle it so you dropped dead." Said the being with a shrug of it's shoulders.

"I'm dead." Adam said with a realised look on his face. Then for 30 minutes no one said a word, the only sound was of the wind brushing against the grass. Internally Adam was going over each and every step of the day he had been having. When he found nothing out of the blue he thought further back to try and find some reasoning as to why he was actually in a green open field. Eventually Adam regained some focus as he came to the conclusion that he isn't crazy, hasn't been kidnapped and that no one drugged him so he might actually be dead.

Adam then looked at the figure and asked "Well what now? Heaven? Hell?".

"Not quite, well I can give you two choices. One I can leave your consciousness back in the void, or two I can have you reincarnated into whatever world I float off to next." answered the being. 

"Huh? What about heaven or hell. Wait who are you? Aren't you an angel or God?" Asked Adam.

The silhouette shrugged and said "Nope, I don't have a name I just sort of do what I want float around and stuff. Haven't seen anything like me around in your world, but if your looking for a name just call me ROB".

Adam stood there for a couple minutes again as he had come to terms with being dead and going to heaven but then to only find out it doesn't even exist.

Breaking the silence he asked "So I just like get dumped into a new world?"

"No this does happen on occasion so I'll go by the book and give you three wishes when we arrive at my next stop." said ROB.

"Wait so like those web novels people read? Where they die and get wishes?" Adam asked.

"Like what? People know about this?" ROB countered.

"I guess maybe? We have quite a lot of books, comics and shows with that as a concept I guess." Adam explained.

The silhouette started walking off muttering to itself "Damn idiots always leaking the manual."

Just as Adam was about to ask if anything was wrong the scenery changed from an expanse of pure green fields to being on a glass platform in space with a planet that looks exactly like Earth in the distance. "Ahh we're here, just give me one moment." ROB said as he seemed to flicker in and out of existence for a short while. "All right I got the gist of it I guess. This world is pretty much the same as your last one, but with some key differences that are going to take place in the future. Basically the humans on this Earth have polluted the planet so much that in the near future the Earth itself will create a large amount of 'domes' and force humans to only settle within them. Earth will reclaim a lot of it's dying land while slowly pushing the populace to live in the 'domes' that it will create."

"The Earth can do that?" Adam asked.

"Of course it can all planets are alive." ROB replied as if it was the most obvious thing for a planet to be alive and conscious. "Aren't you humans aware of this type of thing?" ROB continued. Adam looked at him sheepishly as if someone found out you didn't know something completely obvious. "You don't have to worry to much though as Earth knows there as some among humans trying and that have tried to save it. So it will bless some future humans with some small abilities, however she seems kind of vengeful as it takes quite a lot of training to get anything noteworthy out of them." "Well anyway onto your wishes." ROB finished.

"R-Right." Adam stuttered eager to brush past his lack of knowledge on the past subject. As the young man began to ponder he asked occasional questions to ROB like what powers would some people on Earth have, are there ways to get out of the 'domes', will electricity and food be a problem in the 'domes', do I get to choose where I go or is it random, etc. What he eventually found out was the people that will be born with these powers won't be superhero's or mutants from any famous shows or movies it will be more like they can summon water or create smalls bolts of electricity. Only after immense amounts of practice will it be truly something that can be useful but that would have to be seen on his own in the future.

He also found that there is no way to get out of the domes however after a while a gate can appear to connect the domes, if the residents of said dome allow others to venture into their dome. Otherwise the gate will just look like an closed of giant portal. As for electricity and food it will depend on where your dome is. If it was a city food may eventually be scares and electricity comes from the grid system so it will most likely shut down quite fast. If you are in a quite rural area you may need to worry less as farms are around to grow your food but electricity is still an issue. That problem could be solved by storing extra fuel, solar or wind electricity Adam thought. Finally onto where he will be placed the ROB said he doesn't really mind where and that Adam can choose where he will be placed as either way it won't change much as he will eventually be put into a dome by the Earth.

After some more time going over different wishes in his head Adam came to a conclusion. "Alright for my first wish I want a magical farming game in my mind like this web novel I once read. Second I want an Improved Physique, and for my last wish I want Total Recall." He said feeling rather proud of his choices, all until ROB turned to look at him and said.

"Yeah your going to need to explain most of that for me."

Adam's smile froze as he began to realise that this ROB wasn't someone that really payed attention when in these other worlds, he really just does what he said which is float around. So Adam began to explain his first wish of the novel he had read. (here)1. After that he explained that he wanted a better physique so he can easily do farm work, defend himself and if he is so lucky then use the powers he may get from the Earth easier. For Total Recall he explained to ROB that it meant being able to remember everything you have seen, heard, felt or basically done before.

After some contemplation ROB thought that they were acceptable and asked "Alright that works. Where would you like to go then?" As a large projected version of the Earth appeared in front of Adam. He walked up the the projection and touched the United States as he did the projection changed as it started to zoom in further and further. Adam understood fairly quickly that it was like using Google Earth all he had to do was zoom in and out but there isn't any search function or road names popping out. Eventually Adam found a nice sized town in North Carolina called Freeman. It wasn't completely out of the way of everything as it had general things like a Walmart 30 minutes away and a McDonalds 14 minutes away. It had a couple places to eat, a supermarket, gas station, drug store, school, among other things, but what was great about it was that mostly surrounding it was farmland.

"Here, this is the place." Adam said as he continued to eye the town to see what other things he could find from the satellite view.

"Alright here goes then, anything else before you go?" ROB asked.

Adam shook his head indicating that he was ready for the journey to come.

Then Adam disappeared and the ROB sighed in relief then said to himself "Thankfully that's over with, damn I'm so lucky he didn't report me.".


First Person POV

In the next moment all I saw was darkness, all I heard was muffled noise. Then something I didn't expect happened I felt like he was being squeezed on all sides, it really began to hurt and before I knew it I realized what was happening I was being born again. As a blindingly bright light pierced through my eyelids I tried to open my eyes but quickly had to to squint. I honestly thought it would be a calm moment after being born however I was quickly whisked away to who I guess was a somewhat more experienced nurse as the younger one that was lifting me had a frantic look on her face. It took me a little to realize what was going on as she kept tapping me on the back and butt. She was frantic because I wasn't crying, I mean yeah it hurt being pushed out but not enough to ball my eyes out continuously. 

After the older looking nurse confirmed that I was breathing fine and wasn't suffocating she handed me over to a woman who had tears in her eyes. This new woman was quite pretty even with her hair sticking to her face from sweat. I quickly figured out she was my mother. When placed in my new mothers arms I felt a warm and comfortable feeling, the only other word for it to be described was that it felt safe. As I was gazing up at her she looked down at me and said "You really scared us there didn't you, but don't you worry your perfect and I love you so much."

I then turned my head as I heard a deeper sounding voice ask "Have you decided on the name honey?".

To which my mother replied "Yes, I think I will go with the one we both wanted." She then looked down to me while smiling sweetly and said "Hello, Art."

Hey I'm brand new at this and I'm not sure when a new chapter will come. Any feedback is welcome though. :)

Jelbo4creators' thoughts
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