
Farming As An OP Immortal In DxD With Zenith Greyrat As My Lovely Wife

Immortality at times can cause immortals to become bored of life. This particular overpowered immoral who is known as Lux chose to go a different route in his next life. A route that ended up with him taking Zenith Greyrat as his wife. Partially inspired by Akros_Zero’s story: Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique Skill Great Sage

SkyXanxus112 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


One thing Lux noticed about the world of DxD is that the concept of ki here is very similar to the dragon ball universe. It's just that the potency and usage of ki is different for each universe. He's certain that a person in the DxD universe can achieve similar feats with ki as the people of the dragon ball universe. It'll just take a lot of training with ki by itself just as it does for those in that universe.

His theory turned out to be proven correct when he taught Zenith how to perform a ki blast. It's the reason why the majority of her training was focused on physical exercise such as strength and stamina training while wearing a seal that added weight to her body. Along with mental training such as meditation. He's also been showing her more martial arts to improve her hand to hand combat skills. Being so used to magic, it took her a few days to learn how to manipulate and draw out her ki since ki is a completely different energy from magic.

He also has plans to help her learn Haki but that's way into the future. Some may think it would be better for her to focus on becoming stronger magically before learning a new source of power. However, Lux felt it was fine since Zenith recently crossed over to Ultimate-Class in her magic power over the last several weeks. It's been that long since they've officially consummated their marriage. So his wife can now take on and kill Ultimate-Class beings.

The reason why Lux wanted to teach her how to use ki is simply because she needs something else to fall back on outside of her magic and sacred gear. It's very much possible to suppress or negate magic and Twilight Healing has no combat abilities whatsoever. It's strictly meant for healing. Although it is possible for her to gain combat abilities if she develops a Sub-Species Balance Breaker. Something Zenith told him she wants to try to achieve. Still, even though it's extremely rare, it's possible to negate sacred gears. He obviously wanted his dear wife to be prepared in case she ever came across Rizevim Livan Lucifer.

Lux knew that as long as Zenith continued on her current path of the training he's giving her, she'll be able to easily kill an Ultimate-Class being with a single punch only using her base strength within 6 more months to a year.

It also helps that all of the fruit and vegetables in their farm provide different kinds of benefits to a person's body whether the effects are big or small.

"You want to do WHAT?!" Zenith shouted in shock.

Currently both Zenith and Lux are in a new orchard that Lux planted a week ago. Zenith was practicing her ability to fly using her ki. She loved being able to fly on her own power.

"I want to expand the farm to make an area where dragons can reside." Lux repeated, he was amused with her reaction.

What he was doing was checking out the dragon apples that had grown on the tree in front of him.

"And why are you doing that?" Zenith asked.

"Because I want to start having magical creatures live on the farm. While the farm is beautiful, I want to make it even more beautiful and exotic. Let's not forget that even without this, the farm is still constantly expanding. While I might not need it, you could use some of the animals to help you out with easy tasks to lighten your load or allow you to focus on something else. Not just you but also those who in the future may end up living here." Lux replied.

Zenith couldn't disagree with his reasoning, she too is curious on just how much more beautiful can the farm become in the future. "I get it but is it really necessary? I'm pretty sure with all the crazy produce we're growing, just that alone will make our farm 100 times more beautiful in the next couple years."

Lux told her that he still had many types of plants, vegetables and fruits he planned to grow. She even suspected that in the near future he's going to start using special kinds of animals as livestock.

"Hmmm yes and no. No, because we can easily do without them and still have the best farm in the world. Yes, because when I decided to be a farmer in this life. I had no intention of being a half-assed farmer who only grows a few crops in a decent sized field. I want our farm to be the undisputed best farm in the world to where it seems like a paradise. This means that adding something that might seem unnecessary is actually necessary in our case." Lux finished his answer with a confident smirk on his face. He was feeling excited thinking about all the work he's got to do for their beloved farm.

Zenith smiled seeing how passionate her husband got when talking about the farm. "You're probably the only immortal to ever be so obsessed with being a farmer, I doubt even gods or goddesses of agriculture are as crazy about it as you."

"I most certainly am, although to be fair I do have the advantage of having knowledge from other worlds that they don't know exist. You'd be surprised how many gods are restricted to their universe." The immortal said.

"Well, I don't mind you adding magical creatures. I've already been living in this forest with you for months now. So it shouldn't take much to adjust to them being on the farm. But how exactly are you going to get dragons here that actually want to stay here? I highly doubt any dragon in the Forest of Death is going to want to." His wife wondered.

"Easy, I plan on creating them." Lux answered nonchalantly as if creating living beings is a basic ability.

Zenith nearly lost control over her ki when she heard his answer. Luckily she didn't or she would've dropped to the ground on her ass. "Y-You can do that?!" Zenith was stunned, how can he create dragons?

"Yes, creating a 100 dragons as powerful as Ophis or Great Red is as simple as blinking for me. My energy reserves won't be affected in the slightest either. Unless I do something that's completely outrageous by my standards, only then my reserves will start to drain somewhat before instantly refilling back up to maximum capacity." Lux said.

"H-Holy shit…oh god our future children are going to be little monsters." Zenith realizes.

"Hey it's not only me they'll get it from, after all my beloved Zenith you are far from weak." The immortal smirked proudly, he always had a thing for powerful women. Whether they are powerful from birth or start out weak and train themselves up to become powerful. It doesn't matter as long as they are strong. He's helped many of his past lovers in his former lives who were weak become strong as long as they had the desire to achieve great strength.

Zenith blushed seeing his expression. "It's all thanks to you dear, but how can you create dragons? Wait! Is it some kind of life magic?"

"Correct, I've learned several different types of life magic just out of sheer boredom a long time ago. Any of them will get the job done as long as I have the power. I can create any living or non-living being I want, nothing is out of my realm of capabilities. The biblical god isn't the only one who could create humans." Lux told her.

"Oh…well not like this changes nothing. I already knew you were stupidly overpowered, at the end of the day you're still my lovable overpowered immortal husband who is obsessed with farming that I love so much." Zenith smiled brightly.

"You must really want to continue where we left off earlier in our bedroom." Her husband smirked at her.

"I definitely do but not now. We still have a lot of work to do today. So what kind of dragons are you planning on creating first?" The blonde woman asked him.

Lux answered her, not minding her continuous flow of questions at all. "For now baby elemental dragons, we will start out with 50 of them. Fire, water, earth, lightning, wind, ice, magma, storm, light and dark types."

"Hopefully none of them will be aggressive toward me." Zenith sweat dropped.

The immortal chuckled. "No need to worry about such fantasies Zenith, all of the magical beasts I create will instinctively know to listen to you and behave. Even the beasts who will only have a simple form of sapience."

"That's good to know, not that I was truly worried. Do you think other dragons around the world will be able to sniff or sense our dragon apples?" Zenith had a sudden thought.

"If I allowed the scent of the apples to get out then most likely they will. I'm curious if I do then who will be the first to approach us? Although I still don't want to make myself publicly known to the supernatural yet. Probably not until sometime around our first anniversary. But who knows, I may let some strays in if they turn up somehow just for the hell of it. Life is always more entertaining when unexpected surprises happen." Lux picked a dragon apple off a tree.

Anybody can eat these apples but for dragons who need to eat, these actually help sustain or build up their life energy. Also dragons tastebuds can be very picky surprisingly.

Lux is planning to grow more produce specific for dragons. He doesn't want to be lazy by only feeding his dragon these apples all the time.

"If that's what you want, I'm assuming around that time is when we'll start selling some of our produce. You told me that you don't care or need money, what do you plan on taking as payment?" His wife asked.

"Actually I was going to ask you your opinion on that, as you know no one really has anything to really offer me anything that I will see as value. While I'm willing to accept money or gifts anyways, at the same time it will be like we're giving away our product for free if I don't value what they are offering." Lux explained.

Zenith thought hard on her husband's words with a serious expression. An idea came into mind. "You want our farm to be a paradise right? Then how about accepting working bodies? With you not wanting to use a lot of magic or clones to farm, we will need all the extra help we can get. Just have any factions offer up workers if you don't want to always accept their money. However, if our farm develops into a village or town in the future then you'll probably need to accept money on top of working bodies for our economy."

Lux immediately replied. "If I have to become a mayor or some shit I'm leaving all the paperwork to a clone. I refuse to do it myself, I just want to be a farmer and loving husband."

The immortal did not want to go down this route, it'll end up with him turning his farm into a damn powerhouse country if he's not careful. Forcing him to worry more about running a country than his farm.

Zenith smiled. "You certainly can, we'll just have to designate others to handle other responsibilities that will allow you to work on the farm all you want while still being the leader."

"That's true, anyways we can worry about that down the road. Everything will work out in the end as long as I have you by my side." Lux smirked, turning around to look at the blonde woman.

His wife flew over to him and brought him into a heated kiss.


"Artificial biomes?" Zenith repeated.

"Yeah, some magical beasts prefer living in a specific environment that has to be artificially created. Plus while they are certain plants or fruits that grow best in specific environments. Yes I can still grow them with my farming tool, but I want to see if the crops will have a greater effect if I use my farming tool in the environments they grow best in. It's extremely similar to how some medicinal herbs only grow in certain environments." Lux responded.

The married couple were standing in the middle of an open field, Lux decided to create his dragons here since this is where they are going to be most designated at. He knows some will end up roaming around the farm but the majority will want to stay here. Most dragons don't like roaming around a lot, they like spending their time either sleeping or eating. Some like to test their strength against each other to establish their dominance. This field is specifically made to handle all kinds of damage, any crater will automatically repair itself. His dragons will also know to not allow any of their roughhousing outside of the field.

The last thing he wants is for them to accidentally destroy any other part of the farm. This is also why he planned to create Dryads to help the baby dragons in check as they grow just in case some end up getting a little too wild. After all, his magical beasts will have a will of their own so accidents can happen even if they know better.

Zenith nodded. "I see, I'm a bit surprised you didn't create them sooner."

Lux shrugged. "Eh, I always planned on adding artificial biomes. I was just focused on other parts of the farm first."

"Oh? Sounds like to me that my big bad immortal husband was procrastinating some of his farmer duties." Zenith playfully teased him.

Lux blinked, then he blinked 3 more times. "Oh…shit you're kind of right my dear wife." He felt shocked at himself for not realizing his bit of laziness in his responsibilities as a farmer.

Zenith laughed at his expression, finding him very cute at the moment. "Well it's not entirely your fault, a lot of your attention has been focused on me. So I'm to blame as well."

No, that's still no excuse but it's also not worth thinking too hard about either." Lux shook his head. "I'll just have to do better, besides sacrificing time on the farm in order to do other things with you is a hell of a trade off if you ask me." He grinned.

"I can agree but I myself enjoy spending more time working together with you on the farm." She replied.

"I noticed, alright I'm about to create the dragons now. I'll also make sure no one senses a bunch of High-Class to Ultimate-Class power levels popping up out of nowhere." Lux said.

Zenith only nodded, watching her husband create a thin blue magical barrier. Next he held left hand, 50 golden orbs of energy appeared in the air in front of them. Each orb quickly spread out across the field, then the orbs began to change shape. Forming outlines of small dragons before flesh started to form. She watched in amazement as bones and flesh came together, organs created along with skin and scales. Within 30 seconds all 50 dragon hatchlings were officially created and born into the world.

"Amazing…." The blonde woman uttered in pure awe, life magic is truly mind blowing.

"Yeah I know the feeling, it took me some time to get over my excitement of mastering my first life magic spell." Lux admitted, proudly staring at his elemental dragon hatchlings.

And to think this is only the first batch, imagine when he creates uru or vibranium dragons? Not to mention adamantium dragons. What about storm wolves, water pegasus' or ice phoenixes? The ranch he will build for them all will be massive.

And he couldn't be any happier, Lux truly loves working on his farm.