
Farming As An OP Immortal In DxD With Zenith Greyrat As My Lovely Wife

Immortality at times can cause immortals to become bored of life. This particular overpowered immoral who is known as Lux chose to go a different route in his next life. A route that ended up with him taking Zenith Greyrat as his wife. Partially inspired by Akros_Zero’s story: Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique Skill Great Sage

SkyXanxus112 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


In the middle of an open field, Zenith could be seen trying to attack Lux. The reason? It's because Zenith is being trained by her overpowered immortal husband.

A little over 3 months has passed since the first batch of the Senzu Beans and Chakra Fruits appeared. During those months, the bond between husband and wife had grown a lot stronger from the time they spent together everyday.

Now Zenith can confidently say that she feels pride in being the wife of her husband, she felt proud of being Zenith Arcadia more so than she ever felt when she was Zenith Greyrat or Zenith Latreia.

Around Lux she truly feels at ease, she can never get tired of his presence. He just makes her feel so loved every single day. She tries her best to return his affection to show her feelings for him.

"Too slow." Lux bluntly stated as he easily dodged her attempt to punch him.

His wife nodded and kept on attacking him, trying her best to land a hit. She tried to knee him in the stomach, he caught it then pushed her back. As soon as she got herself stabled, she jumped towards him attempting to elbow him in the jaw.

Of course, she missed unsurprisingly. Though she kept on attacking.

"Damn!" Zenith cursed, taking a couple deep breaths. She was sweating pretty hard since they've been focusing on her training for 5 hours now.

Lux chuckled. "No need to get so worked up my dear, your technique is improving, that's all that matters."

"I know but constantly fighting you makes me feel like I'm not improving at all." Zenith replied.

"Hey, you're the one who asked me to train you. Plus compared to how you originally started, the difference between you then and now is night and day." Lux told her.

Hearing his words did make her feel better, as usual. She also had to agree with him, her skills hand-to hand were basically nonexistent when her training started. It was so embarrassing when she tripped over herself and fell on her face trying to throw a punch at her husband during the first training session.

Thankfully Lux was such a sweetheart since he didn't laugh at her. He just helped her stand up then began showing her how to correctly throw a punch.

Zenith isn't weak, before her training she was at the level of a Middle-Class Devil. However her strengths were more towards a support type. Which is not a bad thing at all, but Zenith knew that she needed to be way more than just a support type.

"That we can agree on, I feel much stronger compared to before." She said to her husband.

"Good, now what do you want to work on next?" He asked her.

Her training had started about 2 months ago, thanks to Lux now she's at the level of a peak High-Class Devil. Over the past few months, Lux has produced even more absurd fruits in the farm that give great benefits to those who eat them.

One fruit resembles an orange that is the color pink instead of orange, it has the ability to permanently increase a person's magical/demonic power by 2 times. The fruit doesn't have a name yet, it can be eaten by a person only 4 times a year and only 2 every 6 months. If a person tries to eat more than 4 within a year then they won't gain any gains from the fruit. All they will receive is intense pain in their stomach for months until it finally goes away.

Another fruit that was grown has the ability to permanently increase a person's physical strength by 2 times, it can be eaten twice every 3 months.

Then there is a peach that can increase durability by 3 times. It can be eaten up to 4 times in a year. As well as the plums that permanently increases a person's attack power by 2 times. After it's eaten the second time, a person will no longer gain benefits if they eat the plum a third time. These plums can only be eaten twice a year.

Many would kill to have any of these four fruits if their existence were known about. Those same four fruits massively benefited Zenith in her training. According to Lux, she's close to reaching Ultimate-Class in power.

It made her extremely happy knowing she's about to cross over to that threshold of power so quickly. She knows it all thanks to her wonderful husband.

"I think we should work on my magic now. Didn't you say earlier in our cabin that you were going to teach me a new spell?" Zenith replied.

"Yeah I did say that, now is as good a time as any. Watch." Lux said.

The immortal farmer pointed his index and middle fingers of his left hand like a gun toward the sky. A second later bullets made of compressed flames shot out of his fingertips rapidly at high speed.

Zenith looked at this spell in interest, when it came to elemental magic she specialized in fire, water and lightning. Under her husband's tutelage, she's learned several new elemental spells for those three elements. Soon the blonde woman is going to branch out to another element.

After a minute Lux stopped shooting his flame bullets, he looked at his wife to see her expression. "This spell can be a bit tricky to pull off the first couple of times, as with most spells it gets easier to cast the more you practice it."

"Where did you learn that spell from?" His wife asked out of curiosity.

"I copied it from a guy who was a pirate that had flame powers." Lux answered.

"A pirate?" Zenith raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Lux nodded. "His name was Portgas D. Ace, I'll tell you more about that world later on. Are you ready to learn?"

"Born ready, after this let's go eat. I'm really hungry." Zenith grinned.

Being an immortal, Lux doesn't need food, water, sleep, or air. He chooses to still eat, drink and sleep because he likes doing so.

"Who is cooking this time?" Lux asked her.

"You are, your food no matter how much you deny it always tastes 10 times better than mine and I know I'm great at cooking." Zenith replied, she loves that she has a husband who can cook. Paul was horrible at it.


Several days later, the married couple was taking a stroll through the Forest of Death. It was Lux's idea after the couple spent a majority of the day working on their farm. It was expanding as time went by. Zenith kept growing more fond of the farm and working together side by side with Lux. She told Lux that she never had this type of relationship with Paul even before he started to change.

Lux obviously knew that, he did see her memories of their marriage when he saved her back then. Although it did make him happy to hear her admit to him herself.

While they were on their stroll, Zenith noticed it was getting close to sunset. She gasped lightly when she turned her head towards a lake, the way the sky looked and how the sun was reflecting off the lake looked very beautiful to her.

"Beautiful scenery huh?" Lux noted.

Zenith nodded. "Very much so." A bright smile appeared on her face as she turned to look at her husband. "Do you mind if we go closer to the lake and watch the sun set?"

"Not at all, we won't always get to see this kind of scenery." Lux said.

They walked hand in hand toward the lake, once they got towards the edge Lux noted how there wasn't a dock which isn't surprising to either him or Zenith.

However the immortal did not want his wife to sit on the hard rocks, so he used his wood release bloodline to build a dock. It was created within seconds.

His wife shook her head with a smile. "You didn't need to do that, you know. I was fine with standing."

"Don't you think it'll be less romantic that way?" Lux questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Well…." Zenith couldn't deny that.

Lux chuckled. "Come on my dear wife, let's put our feet in the water."

She nodded in agreement, both husband and wife were wearing sandals, making it easy to kick off their shoes.

As for clothes Zenith had on a green t-shirt with light gray shorts that stopped at her mid thighs. Lux had on no shirt, just a pair of black shorts. One thing Zenith noted about her husband over the past few months is that he doesn't wear shirts 70% percent of the time. Of course she didn't mind it, hell she loved it! What woman wouldn't enjoy seeing their husband's muscular body uncovered?

Lux was the first one to sit down at the edge of the dock and dip his feet in the water, Zenith followed after him, the cool water surrounding her feet didn't bother her at all.

Not a word was spoken for some time, they just sat next to each other while holding each other's hand, fingers interlocked. Zenith was leaning her head against Lux's shoulder.

Looking at the sunset, she thought of how their marriage is progressing. While it might have started out due to extreme circumstances, in the end Zenith didn't regret becoming Lux's wife at all.

She hasn't told him yet but she's definitely fallen in love with him, it would be odd if she didn't after everything he's done for her. The man gifted her the ability to have children again. He literally changed her life for the better.

It made her think back to a couple weeks ago when Lux told her if she wanted he could revive Rudeus and Norn for her. She was surprised yet not surprised at the same time.

What did not surprise her is his ability to resurrect the dead, she knew how overpowered her husband is, logic hardly applies to his existence. Although what did surprise her is that he offered her the chance. Something she knows most men would never do the same if they had the same ability. Those men if they had the choice would not want their new wife to have a connection to their ex-husband in any way. In their mind, why would they want to bring back to life their wife's children if they are not of his blood as well? Just out of pure jealousy they wouldn't want their wife to be reminded of ex-husband. A lot of men are insecure like that, the same goes for women too.

This action, just as many others, once again showed her that Lux was different and she's not talking about the obvious, meaning his power.

It touched her heart deeply that he would do so for her if she said yes. To the point where she couldn't restrain herself from kissing him on the lips.

Her answer to him had been no, Zenith knew that bringing back Rudeus and Norn is only going to be a constant reminder to her about Paul. She also felt that it would be unfair of her to ask that to Lux. Plus she knows deep down, no matter how much it makes her a terrible mother for thinking it, that she won't be able to have a true fresh start in her life by bringing them back. She's come to terms that her children are dead. Zenith felt that she needed more time before she's ready to become a mother again.

Then another example is the fact that they have yet to consummate their marriage. At first she kept on wondering why he never made a move on her. They slept on the same bed together ever since the day he saved her, yet he never tried to touch her sexually. Clearly she knew he was not gay, but it made her both worried and curious. The worry came from thinking that he might find something wrong with her.

When she finally asked him about it, he simply said he wanted her to get comfortable around him and then allow her to decide when to finally consummate their marriage. Lux said because of what she went through with Paul, he felt that it was necessary to not bring it up or act on it until Zenith mentioned it. He didn't want her to feel pressured by bringing it up if she wasn't ready. It's also the reason why they only recently started cuddling together in bed whenever they went to sleep at night. She also expects this is the same reason he hasn't told her that he loved her, though that didn't bother her since she knew Lux was deeply in love with her. She feels his love for her every day.

His words made her take a deep sigh in relief. It also made her love and appreciate him even more.

Zenith knew that the day was coming very soon, she could feel it and she honestly couldn't wait. She was ready to give him all the affection he wanted.

"This is nice, we should do this more." The blond woman said to Lux.

"I agree, it's nice to relax here with you and enjoy the view of nature." Lux replied, kissing Zenith on her forehead.

Zenith giggled. "Smooth talker aren't you?"

"It's natural at this point my dear." Lux said while smirking.

"I suppose it is, you'd make most people jealous." Zenith said.

Lux shrugged. "They can be jealous all they want, I mean I'd be jealous of me too if I wasn't me."

"At least you're honest about it, though you don't seem like the type to get jealous." His wife replied.

"I do, for example I was jealous that Paul got to be your first husband and spent a decade with you by his side. Remaining faithful to him even if he wasn't faithful to you during the last year and a half of your marriage. A woman with your qualities is rare to come by. Now that I was lucky enough to have you become my wife, other men have every right to be jealous of me even if I don't care about their jealousy." Lux said with a smirk.

Zenith blushed a bit, she didn't know he felt that way. She never thought herself to be as special as Lux makes her out to be. It makes her happy that he has no hesitation in praising her at any time of the day. It also makes her want to try her damnedest to be the best wife she can possibly be to Lux. In her eyes, it's the least he deserves. A man as powerful as him can easily have plenty of women more beautiful and powerful than her around him to have easy access to. Yet he solely focuses his attention on her, other women don't even cross his mind.

As they watched the sunset, one thought crossed Zenith's mind.

'Damn I'm so horny for him! I want him so bad!'