
Farming As An OP Immortal In DxD With Zenith Greyrat As My Lovely Wife

Immortality at times can cause immortals to become bored of life. This particular overpowered immoral who is known as Lux chose to go a different route in his next life. A route that ended up with him taking Zenith Greyrat as his wife. Partially inspired by Akros_Zero’s story: Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique Skill Great Sage

SkyXanxus112 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


Lux smirked hearing her answer, he knows she's going to be a great wife to him. A quick search through her memories of her entire marriage with Paul showed him that Zenith never once thought about sleeping with another man to get back at Paul. Even though she hated his existence, she still stayed faithful until they officially divorced.

Obviously Lux greatly respected her commitment to staying true to her vows and to herself. Especially with Zenith having to deal with an excessive amount of trauma and stress because of her ex-husband. Many would call her foolish for putting up with it, but Lux could only respect that she didn't let all of that suffering she went through break her will to survive.

Not to mention even right now, as she's currently suffering a tremendous amount of pain from the ritual. Her desire to live can be seen burning like an intense flame in her eyes.

Lux snapped his fingers, his action immediately forced the ritual to stop.

Zenith felt the intense pain disappear as if it was never there in the first place. Relief flooded throughout her body, taking several deep breaths while feeling immense gratitude towards her 'new husband'.

Paul and the other two Fallen Angels frowned in confusion.

However, before one of them can even say anything, Lux snapped his fingers again. This time he allowed the snap to be heard by everyone else.

Immediately the two unknown Fallen Angels were set ablaze in reddish-orange dragon flames. Fire Dragon Slayer Magic to be precise.

Throughout his countless reincarnations, Lux learned various forms of Dragon Magic and Dragon Slayer Magic.

The first world he learned slayer magic from was Earth Land, which is in the Fairy Tail universe.

Unfortunately for the two Fallen Angels, they were burned to complete ashes within a single second.

"What the hell?! The fuck is going on here?! Where did that sound come from?" Paul said, quickly trying to locate what caused the snap.

"Now, Now you shouldn't curse in a church. That's just disappointing considering you are a former Angel." Lux's deep voice echoed as he finally revealed his presence.

Paul became shocked at the sudden reveal, he's stunned how he didn't feel this man's presence or magical power at all until now.

"Who are you?! How did you get inside without no one noticing you until now?" The Fallen Angel question, a yellow light spear appeared in his right hand.

Lux internally scoffed, as if that weak light spear can hurt him in any capacity. "A farmer." He answered.

Before Paul could reply, his body suddenly levitated in the air, in fact Paul felt that he couldn't move his body at all. He couldn't even access his magic anymore.

Unknown to the remaining Fallen Angel, his pain sensitivity levels were increased 100 times. Lux even added a seal onto his body that prevents Paul from dying no matter how much he suffers.

The immortal farmer can do many things to a person without having to touch or be anywhere close to them.

This level of hax he worked incredibly hard to achieve.

Leisurely stepping toward the male Greyrat, holding back most of his strength Lux punched him hard dead in the face. A crunch sound echoed followed by a loud, pain-filled scream.

"That's for disrespecting, slapping and spitting on my new wife. Normally I would've just erased your existence to the point where your soul cannot go through the reincarnation process. However, I know someone who wants to get their vengeance against you." Lux chuckled before continuing his stride up the stairs.

He would've just teleported directly in front of her but he didn't want her to be startled more so than she already is.

Zenith watched Lux get close to her, once he stopped, he stared deeply into her eyes. She stared right back, not backing down.

From what she can see by gazing into his eyes, he doesn't seem to be repulsed by her current state. In fact if she didn't know any better, she would swear that she could see affection for her.

Yeah she must be seeing things, why would he have affection for her if they just met?

'Then again he did ask me, who is a complete stranger to him, to be his wife. All in exchange for saving my life. I had no choice but to agree, I just hope he's not another Paul. But at least I did end up getting a new husband after Paul like I wanted so that's a win.' Zenith thought to herself. Now that she's looking at him in person, she reconfirmed that he's certainly extremely attractive.

"H-Hi…I'm Zenith Latreia." Zenith said, a small blush appearing on her beautiful face.

"Lux Arcadia, since you're my wife from now on you are Zenith Arcadia, not Latreia." Lux replied gently with a smile.

Zenith nodded.

"Now let's get you off this cross and healed up." The immortal farmer easily crushed the chains and pulled her off the cross.

He used one of his numerous healing techniques to heal all of Zenith's injuries while also purging the drug out of her system. She's no longer sterile either, he easily fixed that problem.

It only took him less than 10 seconds to have her completely healed.

Zenith was amazed, she's never encountered someone who can heal such severe injuries so fast. What's crazier is that she can feel her stamina and magical power fully restored. Even with her Twilight Healing she knows it would've taken her a couple minutes to heal everything, plus her sacred gear cannot restore a person's stamina. Phoenix Tears cannot restore magical power, blood or organ loss.

'Who in the world is he? I can tell he's very powerful.' She thought to herself.

When her feet touched the platform, her legs buckled a bit. Thankfully her 'new husband' kept her from falling. "Thank you." She told him.

"No need to thank me, as your husband it's expected that I help my wife, right?" Lux smirked.

Zenith blushed a bit, nodding her head in agreement before blushing even more when she saw him holding his hand out for her to grab.

'He wants to help me down the stairs.' Zenith took his hand, their fingers did not interlock.

Surprisingly to her, Paul had only stopped screaming in pain once they reached the second to last stair. Much as she hates to admit, Paul is stronger than her by a good margin. That punch shouldn't have hurt him nowhere near that bad, broken nose or not.

The blonde woman became more surprised when her 'husband' told her the reason.

"It's simple, I heightened his pain sensitivity level by 100 times." Lux said as if it was a normal occurrence.

Well to be fair, to Lux this was barely child's play if anything in his eyes.

"How did you do that?" Zenith wondered. She only saw him use fire magic and levitate Paul.

"A skill I gained some time ago." Lux answered. 'Some time ago' means at least thousands of years ago.

"A skill?" Zenith said.

Lux looked at her, softly smiling and admiring her beauty. "You'll learn in due time my dear wife, I promise to tell you anything you want to know I have nothing to hide from you."

Part of her wanted to pout, but she just let it go. Everybody has their secrets and they just met even though they are husband and wife now.

Zenith only nodded before turning her attention to the man who she despises with every fiber of her being.

"Paul…" She uttered his name in pure fury and hatred.

"You can harm him as many times as you want my dear. I placed a seal on him that prevents him from dying." Lux told her.

Both Zenith and Paul were greatly stunned hearing his words.

The blonde woman wanted to ask 'you're able to do that?!'

Instead she nodded slowly, the first thing she did to her ex-husband was kick him hard in his balls.

Paul shrieked in pure agony, he wanted to grab his crotch so badly. Unfortunately, Lux's telekinesis is still in effect.

For the next hour, Zenith unleashed all of her pent up hatred for Paul by beating the absolute hell out of him. Whether it was punches, kicks, knees, elbows, choking, gouging etc it didn't matter. She did anything she could using her own body to physically cause him pain.

Then for the next hour, she used her magic to make him suffer even more. Lux stood by her side the entire time without saying anything other than giving her a few suggestions on what she could do to hurt him more.

By the time the third hour came around, Paul was mentally broken. While he didn't die, the constant immense pain finally caused his mind to shatter.

Did Zenith care? Absolutely not. Considering the hell Paul put her through, he deserves nothing less.

During that hour, Zenith repeatedly stabbed or slashed Paul's body with a katana Lux provided for her. It was his suggestion that she used a weapon this time around.

Finally 35 minutes into the 4th hour, Zenith dealt her final blow which was to decapitate Paul. She had already stabbed him in the heart and stomach multiple times, plus she castrated him.

When she cut the head off, the immortal farmer removed his seal to let Paul die. He immediately turned his body into ashes.

Zenith felt exhausted after attaining her vengeance for her and her children. No longer will she have to deal with him again, she's free of his suffocating clutches.

"It's over, I avenged my children…Rudeus…Norn…now you can finally rest in peace. Once again I'm sorry that I was too weak to protect you two, I'll always love you forever." Zenith whispered the last few words.

Her legs felt like giving out, thankfully Lux stepped right in front of her before they got the chance. He smiled at her and pulled her into a warm hug. "It's ok to cry Zenith."

"I've already cried so much." She replied, trying to keep herself together.

"Doesn't matter, you can cry however many more times you need to. I'll be by your side the entire time being your shoulder to cry on." Lux said. He's really enjoying this husband and wife thing.

"W-Why? We don't know each other that well yet, there's no need for you to keep helping me this much." Zenith responded, this man stood by her side for hours while she tortured Paul. Torturing someone is extremely out of character for her, yet all Lux did was aid her. Not once did he try to stop her like most people would, he let her vent every ounce of pent up fury she had without batting an eye.

A light blush appeared on her face, she tilted her head up to look at the man who became her husband today.

"So? It doesn't matter, we'll get to know each other in the upcoming days. Plus I'd be a shitty husband if I didn't help you every step of the way in your time of need my dear Zenith." Lux leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

Zenith isn't new to romance by no means, she was married for a decade after all. Her official divorce had been finalized barely a month ago. Literally a week after her miscarriage.

But his kiss on her forehead caused her to blush like a tomato. While she was embarrassed, she didn't move out of his arms. Instead she hid her face in Lux's muscular chest.

The immortal chuckled at her behavior, glad that she wasn't put off by his kiss.

"U-Um don't I kinda smell? I was in pretty bad shape before you saved me. I…I haven't been able to take a shower in 3 days since that's how long I've been kept by Paul and the others. They hardly fed me, I haven't had any food since yesterday morning." Zenith told him.

"Nope, you don't smell bad whatsoever. Though I do know a spell that can help you." Lux replied.

Snapping his fingers, he performed a cleaning spell that works as a shower. He learned it from a random grimoire he found. Although it's not as good as a real shower, it still gets the job done if one is in a rush.

Zenith blinked several times in confusion, suddenly her body felt as if she just took a hot shower. She doesn't feel dirty anymore, even her mouth feels like she's brushed her teeth.

That second part in particular is due to Lux breaking down and experimenting with the original spell from the grimoire.

She looked up at Lux, all he did was give her a wink.

'This man…'

Building up her courage in order to show at least a bit of appreciation for all that he's done for her today. Zenith kissed him softly on the lips for a few seconds before breaking it. Her heart was beating a little faster than usual in her chest. "Thank you…for saving me and helping me."

"Damn…your lips are amazing and you're welcome." Lux said, he's definitely going to kiss her again real soon. It's gotta happen naturally.

"So… you're a farmer?" Zenith asked him, still in his arms.

He didn't reply verbally, it wasn't needed since his smug smirk gave her the answer.