
Farmer in a cultivation World

kedman · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 7: Customers Causing Trouble

Inside the Farm goods shop.

After the old man left, I could not wait to see what I could buy in the farm shop since he had just made some farm points.

But before I could do that a girl followed by a boy entered my shop.

"Sir, do you sell any pet food that could raise the level of my wind fox?" Asked Jodie.

 "Yes pretty miss, we offer things that might help your wind fox level up, but if it is luck it may also gain a better understanding of its wind aura and learn a new move," I said.

"Let me tack a look in the back see what I got." When I came back I was carrying a clear bag with 34 small wind coconut inside.

Jodie's face flushed when she heard me call her pretty, which was something that Nike didn't miss.

After calming herself down, she asked, "How much does your pet food cost?"

I saw that she was interested, so he immediately entered his customer service mode and said with a bright smile, "It's not that expensive, it only depends on how much you are getting but 1 cost 156 credits and 5,304 credits hole thing." I said.

Jodie was shocked by this and Nike immediately exploded.

"You fraud! Trying to take advantage of Jodie goodwill!" Nike roared.

Nike charged forward to grab my collar, but before he could even touch him, there was a force that suddenly pushed him aside.

Nike was surprised by this, but he didn't think too much since his anger had already taken over.

He immediately called out his Flame wolf and ordered it to attack me.

I saw that this Flame wolf was only in the Iron 5 level, so I was too lazy to deal with it. He grabbed the little Lava worm that was cuddling up to him told it to attack Flame wolf.

Jodie saw the cute little worm and was immediately angry with me. She called out to Nike, "Stop!"

However, Nike was completely enraged and didn't stop his Flame wolf at all.

The Flame wolf looked at the little worm-like it was a snack and opened its jaw wide to swallow it in a single gulp, but the little worm suddenly let out a growl and the Flame wolf lost consciousness.

Both Nike and Jodie were shocked by this. They thought that the owner must have used some secret technique to knock out the Flame wolf.

Before either of them could react, the Lava worm had already taken a deep breath and gathered the flames in its mouth. It knew that its master didn't want to kill these kids, so it scattered the flames as it blew them across Nike's face.

Nike was completely blown away by the flames and when he came out of them, his face completely charred black.

On his face was a terrifying look since he could feel the energy contained within the flames. These flames contained energy that was on the Silver Grade, so if the owner wanted to kill him, it would have been as simple as flipping his hand.

The Lava worm saw that everything was over, so it dawdled over back to me and raised its head like it was looking for praise.

There was only silence left in the shop as Jodie and Nike both had looks of shock on their faces.

Seeing how shocked they were, I didn't say a thing and just waited for them to naturally come back to their senses.

After a while, Nike and Jodie were able to gather their emotions and calm down.

Nike looked at me with a completely different gaze now, it was a gaze filled with fear that contained a trace of admiration.

Jodie knew that I wasn't normal just based on the Lava worm alone, so she steeled herself and summoned her pet and said, "Sir, I would like to buy all the wind coconut you have?"

The pet that she summoned was an Iron 4 wind fox. This was a pet that had a low-grade bloodline, so it wouldn't reach a high level in its life, but this was the first pet that her parents bought for her. She couldn't just give up on it since it was sentimental to her.

I just repeated the same thing he said before, but this time my voice was much colder since he knew that these kids didn't have much money, "It's going to cost 156 credits for 1 and 5,304 credits hole thing."

He had thought that he had encountered some rich young masters based on how they dressed, but it seemed like they were nothing more than beggars. They couldn't even afford a measly 156 credits!

Jodie and Nike didn't know that I was looking down on them, but if they knew, they would have cursed him right away. They were both from noble families, which were families that had Gold Grade Beast Masters. For them, 156 credits was just a drop of water in the ocean, but they were hesitant since this was an unknown shop.

In the end, Jodie decided to trust her gut and buy the pet food for her pet since the power of the Lava worm couldn't be faked. Although it looked like it was only an Iron 1 pet, it already had the power of the Silver Grade!

I was immediately filled with joy since he had gained his first customer, but his good mood was quickly dampened by the book's voice.

"Host, you have activated a special mission."

"Host, your customers are looking down on your ability. Provide high-class service to put your customer's mind at ease and repair the store's reputation."

"Mission content: make a video of pet you sale evolving or help level up or one of your pets will be removed."

"Removed? Book, what do you mean by removed?" I asked the book in his mind.

"The pet will be officially released by the book and will be given a new home in the wild."

"Well, at least you're humane about it…" I said in a depressed voice.

While I was having a conversation with the book, Jodie was very nervous as she was met with the silence of the owner.

She hesitantly said, "Sir, will you take my money or not?"

I was brought to reality by her words and he quickly said in a friendly voice, "Of course, we'll take your money, and also leave your pet I can give a little training you can pick your pet food and pet up tomorrow.

At first, Jodie was put off by the owner's constant switching between cold and friendly, but then she realized that he had told her to come back tomorrow. Even top-grade trainers would take at least a week to train a pet, but this guy was telling her to come back tomorrow?!

Jodie was beginning to feel more and more certain that this store was a scam, but since she already decided to leave her pet here, she couldn't back out now.