
Farmer's Wife Has Magic Skills

Chu Qingzhi, a modern cultivator, went down to earth to experience love. She was forced to transmigrate into the body of a peasant girl in the ancient past. Her family had a total of nine children. She had no choice but to shoulder the burden of supporting the family. She used spells to tame a tiger as her mount, a black bear as her guardian, a wolf as a helper, and a monkey as the pathfinder. They went hunting together. She then sold ice cream, which she made using an ice spell, on the streets. She planted herbs for medicine, offered clinical diagnosis and treatment to patients, and attracted princes and nobles who fought over her. Even the emperor addressed her with a respected title. To become immortal, she supported her family while searching for a husband. *** Ever since the poorest family in the village brought their daughter home, they thought their lives would only get tougher. To their surprise, they started building a house and buying land... They didn't just bring their daughter home, but they brought the God of Fortune home! *** A general, who even the princess refused to marry, returned to the country to rest for some time. Suddenly, he married a peasant girl. Just as everyone waited for them to be ridiculed, dignitaries came to visit one after another. The empress dowager held Chu Qingzhi's hand. "Qingzhi, will you be my younger sister?" The emperor looked Chu Qingzhi up and down. "My lady, are you willing to join my harem?" The crown prince grabbed Chu Qingzhi's sleeve. "Qingzhi, I want ice cream."

Beyond the Moon · History
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802 Chs

A Mission

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Shen Ruyue said in surprise, "Qingzhi, I think it's amazing that they haven't withered after so long."

Chu Qingzhi's eyes curved. "They represent Jinghong's love for me. Of course, they won't wither."

Shen Ruyue pulled Chu Qingzhi to sit on the bed and gossiped. "Qingzhi, how are you getting along with Jinghong?"

Thinking of the person she liked, Chu Qingzhi couldn't help but blush. "Jinghong has taken good care of me all the way and treats me especially well. Be it his looks or his behavior, he's my ideal fiancé."

Shen Ruyue was happy for Chu Qingzhi. "That's good. Brother Jinghong looks like an extremely reliable man. Qingzhi, you're really lucky."

"My luck is indeed not bad." Chu Qingzhi also gossiped. "What about you and Eldest Brother? Have you made any progress?"

Shen Ruyue smiled shyly. "A little, but not a lot. However, Xuhua treats me very well."