
Chapter 3 - Growing Money

Finally, May has arrived, time to spring clean. I hopped out of bed and got the brightest outfit I owned on. Did my hair and make-up and everything else I needed to do to get ready for the day. I headed outside and weeded my carrots, they ended up being ready to harvest so, I brought them inside. I grabbed some more carrot seeds to plant, I dug the hole and saw something white sticking out of the ground.

I dug around it and it was a letter. I opened it and it read "Watch money trees on the documentary channel, and try to grow one yourself." That just added to the weirdness of this town. I finished my spring cleaning, outside and inside, and sat down to rest and watch some TV. I turned on my favorite movie, The Smurfs, just when Clumsy fell into the portal between our worlds, it changed to the documentary channel.

I tried to turn it back but, none of the buttons were working. I decided to give up and just watch it. "An alien, named Osirus, once brought a seed to Earth. Out of curiosity a random civilian planted it in their garden. Instantly a tree grew and produced money. The person who grew the tree said it produced a different amount of money every month. They claimed it could give any amount of money between $250 and $1,750." The narrator said.

"If you are trying to grow a money tree yourself, remember to water it with coffee not water." The narrator said. In order to grow one I needed to buy a coffee pot. I drove to the same furniture shop that I always go to, and bought a coffee pot. Unfortunately the cheapest was $750. I brought it home and replaced my toaster with the coffee pot. I made a cup of coffee and planted my money tree. It grew $350 instantly. Who said money doesn't grow on trees?