1 Chapter one

My eyes fluttered open to the scent of strawberries and sugar, as I sat up I saw a maid at the foot of the bed.

"Oh princess you're awake, your mother and father have had your things packed and ready for your excursion. They informed me that your clothing for today is in the back of your closet, and your breakfast is also packed and ready to go''

When she finished speaking it all flooded into my head.

So much was happening today, there was my birthday then the fact that I was going to another dimension!

"Princess are you alright?" The maid asked in confusion making me snap back into reality and focus on the moment at hand.

"Oh sorry- why yes i'm rather amazing and thank you i'll be getting dressed now you can inform my mother and father i'll be down shortly''

She nodded her head and swiftly left my room closing the door behind her.

I yawned and slowly got up taking the day in. Today I turned 16, honestly I thought I would feel different but I didn't, in fact I felt exactly the same and it surprised me. I stretched and began walking to my closet turning the door handle.

My eyes immediately looked towards the back of the closet where the maid said my outfit would be. I saw upon the middle shelf was a dark cyan blue box with a white satin bow tying it all together.

I picked up the box feeling the soft velvet on my hands, gently opening it. Inside was a light pink dress and black jacket, beside the outfit laid a silver necklace that had a small silver shell with a diamond in the centre as the pendant. I gazed at the outfit for a few moments before changing

After getting dressed I pondered at what I would do with my hair, before deciding on just leaving it out for today. I grabbed my light coral purse and ran down outside my bedroom door, on my way out however I ran into my sister Blair.

"Oh my! Lilith are you okay? I'm so sorry" Blair said in a quiet hushed tone voice picking up the book she dropped. "Oh um I'm fine and don't be sorry it was my fault I ran into you, I was being careless don't worry about it"

Her head shot up from the floor and she gave me a warm smile, I smiled back trying to reassure her everything was fine. "You look lovely by the way Blair, purple really does bring out your eyes you should wear it more often" I said smiling again well helping her up, I knew that things were harder on her lately since mother and father found out she admired girls more than boys and I didn't want to make it harder on her.

"Why thank you, you also look lovely and happy birthday by the way" I could hear her becoming more comfortable and less melancholy as she talked.

"Oh thanks, well I should be heading down stairs now so-"

I stated before being cut off by her giving me a hug and whispering the words "I'll miss you Lilith...." She sounded as if she wanted to cry and break down.

"Hey don't get sappy on me I'll be back soon I promise, just as long as you promise to stay strong alright ?"I responded letting go of our hug . "I promise" I was happy to hear that we were on the same page. "Alright now I should get going you know how mother and father hate to be kept waiting long"

I forgot I wasn't supposed to mention mother and father around her but she played it off as if she didn't even hear it, however I could tell she was still in pain from that whole situation.

"Bye Lilith" she whispered in a more cautious voice this time as I began walking towards the stairs to the main entrance of the castle. As I proceeded to the end of the staircase I began to think.

I didn't want to leave my home but at the same time I would be free from mother and fathers controlling hands, they didn't accept anything but their idea of perfect. However it was their idea of perfect that mentally broke Blair into pieces. We both always did what they said it was just she preferred one gender over the other and they didn't exactly except it.

Who knows what would happen to me if they didn't approve of who I liked, however I hadn't found anybody yet that made me feel that way so I had nothing to worry about. Nonetheless I would still have some freedom from them which was probably the only good part about this.

When I got to the entrance I was met by my parents. "There's the girl of the hour, are you ready?"

My father asked in enthusiasm. His attitude struck me by surprise, not once had I seen him with that much joy in his voice and pep in his step, not to mention he was asking if I was ready not telling me I better be ready.

"Yes father, I'm ready" Even I could barely hear my voice, I had never had him ask something so politically, it was hard to respond. "Good dear, Well I suppose this is goodbye for awhile"

Mother said as she held her arms out for a hug signalling me to come but I found it hard to move. Were these people even my parents? My father always yelled and mother never wanted any physical contact. "Common we don't have all day" she said smiling

Okay these were not my parents...no way, there was no chance my mother would touch me and she never smiles. I couldn't wrap my head around it, I so badly wanted to talk to them about Blair one more time too considering the mood they were in and how I had just seen her, but I didn't wanna push it.

I stepped closer towards them and my mother pulled me into a hug. I let out a gasp not hugging back but rather just standing there in shock as she hugged me. Slowly I hugged her back and she whispered in my ear "Lilith I know you're scared to go and I've never told you this but I love you" I just got more confused not knowing what to say, I figured maybe changing the topic would make things less awkward and confusing for me "um, mother do I have to leave? And why are you and father acting as though you'll never see me again?"

I heard her let out a soft sigh before replying with a frown"Well you're going to be future queen one day and we have to prepare you, this is part of it dear. And don't ask things that don't concern you, it's for your own good and we know what's best for you"

Her words shocked me even more. I didn't understand what she meant, this did concern me in every way. For all I know it could affect Blair to, not that it was a bad thing they were being nicer. None of this added up though and I had to leave so soon and without answers which sucked.

End of chapter one.
