
Mystery or Merical or Curse


Name: Satou

Age: 26

Race: human

Gender: Male

Job: engineer

Assets(money): ¥36,000,000

Knowledge of engineering and gun manufacturer

Info version 1.0

My name is satou I'm and average work in Japan. Always working not doing much else eat,sleep,and work.That what I always have done thing until that day every thing change for the better or worse. I was going though my every day routine and at work I was working with wire in a high electrical power box about

865,000 volts. Suddenly the power turn back on the power to the box. It electuted me and I was blasted back ever thing when blurry and then black. All was dark there was nothing I could not feel any thing it was like an abyss. This how the story begins

Prologue end

!!!!!!! read this in vertical scroll !!!!!!