
Fantasy Zombie

In an apocalyptic world, one of the best zombie hunters dies sacrificing his life to save a loved one with the cure. Unexpectedly, he wakes up in a world very different from his own, and the worst part is that he has reincarnated as the creature he despised the most: a zombie.

ExcriLix · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The new beginning of the zombie

I was astonished by the recent revelation made by the girl. She's my older sister? And... most surprisingly, she's the one who caused me to reincarnate into this disgusting body!

My urge to attack her now was even stronger after hearing such a thing.

"Now, all that's left is to find my little brother and prove it to everyone. How clever I am!"

"How foolish you are!" I screamed in my mind.

The girl kept trembling with joy, but for some reason, I didn't have enough strength to attack her. Could it be because she resembled Emily? But that doesn't change the fact that she was responsible for my repulsive reincarnation into this body. I'll stay here a little longer observing her.

She turned around and started running hastily, presumably towards the village. I didn't move from my spot because if I got too close, it would cause havoc. I'll just wait and see if they don't find me.


Hours passed, and I see no signs of human life around. Apparently, no one believed her story, which is obviously understandable. I wouldn't have believed a girl blabbering nonsense about resurrecting her deceased brother either.

For someone my age, maybe I shouldn't hold so much resentment towards a girl. But she was a special case. Because of her, I'm going through great pain in my stomach due to the voracious appetite that grows within me all the time.

Damn it, I feel like I'm losing control. I'm so hungry.

I lay on the ground, looking up at the sky, clutching my abdomen as pain wracked through me.


The sky is darkening, night will fall soon. Shit.

In my previous world, blooders became very aggressive and harder to kill when night fell. That's why hunters like me prefer to hunt them while the sun isn't completely down. It reminds me of the first time I fought a horde of blooders when it was already dark. They almost bit me at that moment, but luckily, I was able to get help from another group camping nearby.

Back to the present, I'm now in the same situation as the blooders when they go crazy at night. If I don't eat something right now, I'll lose control of my body, and my state of madness will manifest to devour the whole village.

Huh? Devour the whole village... that sounds like a brilliant idea, just thinking about it makes my mouth water, hehehe. What the hell am I thinking?! I'm gradually losing my sanity. Resist, consciousness, I didn't have to endure hell for over 20 years for nothing. Despite not having part of my jaw, I felt like my mouth and throat were burning intensely, as if I were being hit with a hot pan in that area of my face.

"Hello?"... It sounded faint in the distance behind the pile of trees and bushes where I was.

It's her again... ¡Get away from me, right now I'm a danger! My body was trembling a lot, not out of fear, but because I was losing my sanity and my saliva was flowing from my torn mouth like a waterfall.

"Egil, is that you?" Hearing the name she mentioned, my body stopped trembling for a moment. Egil? Even though my brain is already rotten, I can perfectly know that was the name of the previous owner of this body. "Egil... I know... you're angry with me. They told me that the dead... get angry when you disturb their eternal rest. Forgive me! I didn't mean to wake you up, I was foolish."

This girl, she's apologizing to me. I would accept her apology if she would just get away from here as soon as possible! With my blurry eyes, I could barely see the silhouette of the girl standing in the opposite direction from me. She still doesn't know I'm here. My eyes only caught sight of the girl holding a lit candle in her right hand and a wooden bowl in her left, wearing a white nightgown that reached her ankles.

"According to the books I've read, I have to give you a plate of my blood to keep your anger under control," she said as she placed the wooden bowl on the ground. "This is the price I have to pay for reviving the dead. I have to feed you with my blood once a week." She backed away slowly before running off. "I'm so sorry!"

As soon as she disappeared deep into the forest, apologizing one last time, I approached the bowl filled with blood while trembling. I took the bowl with my dry and rotting hands and brought it to my mouth.

Glup... Glup... Glup...

As I drank from the bowl, I felt my throat starting to cool down from the burning sensation caused by my jaw. My body stopped trembling, and my sanity was able to return.

Bleeh... I finished all the contents, it wasn't delicious at all, it just tasted like iron (like blood). I believe it was sheer instinct that drove me to consume all the blood, relieving my abdominal pain and the burning in my mouth. Wait, so blooders didn't feast on people out of mere pleasure, but rather to alleviate their own pains and discomforts? Now I grasp the sheer horror of being a blooder in flesh and bone.For now, my hunger has waned, yet the night has fallen, and I sense my body growing stronger, swifter, and more energized. It must be the nocturnal effects of being a blooder. Sleep eludes me; I suspect my brain is so decayed that it no longer craves rest to sustain life. What shall I do come the morrow? I'm adrift, unsure of my purpose in this new existence; I am naught but a "pet" to that girl. All that remains is to explore this forest; time is abundant, and idleness reigns. Why not venture forth and explore my surroundings?Rising from the ground, I note my nakedness, yet feel neither chill nor warmth. The appendage of this body has already succumbed to advanced decomposition, a pitiable fate. My vocal cords lie in tatters, as though subjected to a brutal stabbing, rendering me capable only of primitive utterances.

I carved some trees with stones and placed rocks in specific spots. There, I've marked reference points in case I get lost. Remembering the way back, I took a little stroll around, walking among the bushes. Many local animals were already asleep, and I disturbed a few of them. Suddenly, a large number of fireflies gathered around me. They were of various colors and slightly larger than those in my previous world, about 3cm tall and wide, whereas in my world they were barely 1mm tall and wide (or less)."How beautiful..." I said, mesmerized, completely relaxing among them. Some even landed on my body..."Ouch...""Huh?" I heard a noise on my side, turning my head slightly to see a firefly tearing off a piece of my rotten flesh, chewing it with delight. Suddenly, all the fireflies around me landed on my skin, trying to devour me too."Ahhh!" That was the only reaction I had to seeing all these insects trying to eat me. They were scavengers! In a sudden movement, I tried to brush them off by slapping my body, but it didn't work. My only option was to run!"Pat, pat, pat..."I ran wildly in random directions trying to avoid those bugs. The fireflies in this world are terrifying!Clap...Through carelessness, I tripped over something on the ground, falling down.Splash!I felt my whole body wet and colder. It seemed I had fallen into a shallow river. I looked up to see if the insects had gone away...And indeed, they had. More specifically, they didn't cross the river with me. Do they fear water? Suddenly, some flickering lights of the fireflies disappeared, and they began to move away from the area, gradually seeing how the lights shrank until they disappeared. I don't know what happened there. Swimming towards the area to get a closer look at what was happening.Rib... Rib...That sound, it was coming from a frog. As I got close enough, I observed the supposed frog that had scared off those creatures.What a size! It was a colossal surprise to notice the massive size of the "frog"; it was as big as a husky breed dog and was chewing on something that produced a colorful substance spilling from its mouth—it was feasting on fireflies.Bon appétit. Accidentally, I brought dinner to this monster. I think... Perhaps fireflies will be my greatest enemy in this world. Maybe I should adopt a frog like this in case something like this happens again, but for now, I'll step back and leave the scene....The sun began to peek over the horizon, tinting the dark blue sky with a golden orange hue. My legs were wobbly as I walked.Phew... Thank goodness I memorized the way back to my comfort zone. I say that because this is the only area I know in the whole forest. I approach the empty bowl to sit next to it and play with the plate for a while as I ponder. This place is full of fantastic animals; I wonder if there are exclusively these types of animals in this area or if they exist throughout this whole world. Perhaps there is magic in this world, considering what that girl said about a spell with which she revived me in this body. What kind of magic did she cast on me? With that power to bring a soul from a parallel world to a completely different one, wouldn't it be forbidden magic? Now that I think about it, I can understand the language she spoke; I think it's something this body already knew. Remembering the expression on the girl's face, I deduce that she was very innocent; perhaps she believed her brother would revive by magic and without a scratch, like anyone who hasn't seen the process of human decomposition with their own eyes. In that, I also questioned if there were more like me, a blooder, if there were, how come there hasn't been an apocalypse in this world, then I could consider myself a "special individual."I pondered for a long time while rolling the bowl from side to side like a wheel. Until suddenly, I had a need for information about this world; if it's a parallel world and possibly one of magic and fantasy, then the history, language, races, mathematics, science, geography, and era are all different from mine.

I need information, I said to myself, but the biggest obstacle to my goal is how to achieve it. I can't go through towns scaring people while asking for information with my terrifying appearance, and my only option is to explore the area to see if there's an abandoned house with old books that I can read and gather information from....After further exploring the area, I found absolutely nothing. This is already frustrating me, and without realizing it, it's almost midday. I know this because I used the method of inserting a stick into the ground and watching the shadow move to determine if it's midday. The stick should cast no shadow because the sun will be at its highest point. With that said, I returned to my comfort zone.Pat pat pat... I heard footsteps not too far from me coming from behind some trees to my right. I hurried to hide behind a bush, crouching among them, waiting for the approaching individual to appear.


"Whoah..." emerged a girl with blonde hair and turquoise eyes, looking exhausted. That... She was the girl from yesterday. "I have to get used to passing through here; I almost tripped over a rock," she murmured with a frustrated expression.

What is she doing here? I wondered, and I noticed that she carried a small metallic bell in one hand and in the other, a thin book with a very worn cover.

"Egil..." I heard my supposed name from her. "I hope you're okay, you know... I'll say it again, I'm sorry for waking you up, and I hope you forgive me." Then the girl threw the small bell in a random direction. "I know you're here; I know because the spell I cast on you was a spell about master and servant, and now my soul is bound to yours. I understand if you don't want to see me, maybe you still hate me, but at least respond to me with the bell I threw at you. If you ring it once, it's a 'yes,' and if you ring it twice, it's a 'no'," she lowered her head while closing her eyes with concern. "Would you... forgive me?"

She's waiting for my response, and honestly, I don't want to forgive her. But something tells me she doesn't deserve my hatred. She was a careless girl who innocently believed she could revive her brother without any consequences, and now she's regretting what she did. According to my experiences and my "mature" mind, she's still very young and has a whole life ahead of her. If I were the original soul, maybe I wouldn't forgive her, but if it's me, honestly, it's best to forgive her. I believe she has learned her lesson by giving so much blood for me. I picked up the small, shiny bell, barely the size of an adult thumb, and rang it.


The girl lifted her head, wide-eyed.

"Would you... really forgive me?" I noticed her nervous face as she repeated the same question.


I rang the bell again to reassure her. She looked relieved, with a slight smile.

"Can I see you?"

Ring Ring...

"I see, hehe. But if you want, I can teach you the things I couldn't do as your older sister when you were alive. I heard you never received proper education due to the lack of money," the girl commented, then lifted the small, battered book with strange writings, trying to show it to me. "I can... teach you like in schools. Look at the book I bought for you; I know it's not very good, but at least it covers subjects like language, mathematics, and history."

That's it! That's what I was looking for. She can teach me the basics. But... she talked about the old situation of this body as if it were foreign to her. So I deduce that we grew up in separate places.


I quickly rang the bell as a sign of approval. The girl's face lit up with a big smile; she was obviously very happy.

"That's great. Do you want to start now?"


The girl sat on a nearby tree and leaned against it.

"Well... let's start with history. I'll tell you about the origin of the world and how the gods kept the world under control of evil..."

I positioned myself in a place where I could hear well, but without getting too close to her.

And one day went by and those days turned into weeks and 6 months passed quickly...
