
Fantasy: Signing in from the Womb, Born as a Villain

Ji Xiu discovered that he had become the tragic villain big boss in the novel! The novel’s male protagonist has an unbeatable cheat? The novel’s female protagonist is the reincarnation of an Immortal Emperor? His own future is doomed? Ding! The God-level Sign-in System has awakened! Ding! Congratulations to the host for signing in and receiving a nine-star reward: Divine Heart Dao Bone! Ding! Congratulations to the host for signing in and receiving an eight-star reward: Devouring Immortal Demon Art! Ding! Congratulations to the host for signing in and receiving an eight-star reward: Great Luo Sword Embryo! Ding! Congratulations to the host for signing in and receiving a ten-star reward: Ultimate Transformation Great Technique! ........... Years later, Ji Xiu looked at the gods and buddhas crawling at his feet. He smiled faintly and said: I am the Heavenly Emperor, who approves and who opposes? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOT MY NOVEL, I AM JUST TRANSLATING IT FOR FUN!!!!

Mikazaki09 · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Cultivating in the Womb, The Strongest Genius in History is About to be Born!


Ji Xiu listened to the sounds outside and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

In the original novel, his father Ji Xiao and mother Lin Ru doted on him, the young heir of the Ji family. They would have given him the whole world if they could. Even later, when the entire family was destroyed, they sacrificed their lives without hesitation so that he could have a chance to survive.

They were undoubtedly the best parents in the world.

They loved him dearly!

Thinking of this, Ji Xiu's heart was filled with warmth.

Before transmigrating, he had never experienced the love and care of parents. Now, he felt exceptionally warm.

At the same time, he felt an increased sense of urgency.

"The tragedy of my future!"

"The tragedy of my family!"

"I won't let it happen!"

"Since I've come to this world!"

"I will protect myself and ensure the safety of my family!"

Ji Xiu silently made up his mind.

Then, he began preparing for cultivation.

In the early stages, the cultivation realms were divided into: Foundation Establishment, Qi Refining, Fate Soil, Star Gathering, Monarch Level, Saint Level, Legend, Divine Concealment, and Emperor Level!

Now was the best time and environment for Foundation Establishment!

In the womb, he had access to the purest innate energy in the world!

Once he was born, he would never again have such pure innate energy to absorb!

So, Foundation Establishment here was undoubtedly the best choice!

No sooner said than done!

Ji Xiu raised his tiny hand and gently tapped his forehead.


Dazzling starlight shone!

Mysterious demonic patterns were drawn out!

Then, the starlight and demonic patterns formed a strange light array.

The light array then merged into Ji Xiu's newly formed small body!

"Devouring Immortal Demon Art's first layer, tempering the meridians and transforming them into divine meridians!"

"A practitioner's potential, combat power, and future cultivation journey all depend significantly on the strength and resilience of their meridians!"

Ji Xiu silently thought.

If he could complete the first layer of Devouring Immortal Demon Art...

Then, his meridians would be capable of accommodating and circulating true essence at a speed and quantity dozens of times that of an ordinary practitioner!

To say nothing of forging divine meridians...

He could easily defeat dozens of practitioners of the same level!

"Let's begin!"

Ji Xiu whispered to himself.

Then, following the Devouring Immortal Demon Art's first layer path in his mind, he began guiding the purest innate energy to temper his meridians!

Zing! Zing! Zing!

Ji Xiu's small hands pressed together, and blazing starlight burst forth!

Mysterious demonic patterns flowed through his tiny meridians.

Thus began the most powerful transformation of his meridians in history.


A day quickly passed.

The innate energy had completed a full cycle through Ji Xiu's meridians.

Although it was just one cycle, Ji Xiu already felt exhausted.

But to his delight...

His meridians seemed to have strengthened and widened significantly.

Moreover... most importantly...

After a day of cultivation, he now had the ability to see inside his own meridians.

Looking within, Ji Xiu saw that his once weak and fragile meridians now sparkled with divine starlight.

Even more...

Mysterious demonic patterns and increasing starlight were merging and integrating with his meridians like rivers converging into the sea.


"This is exactly the effect I wanted!"

Ji Xiu exclaimed in excitement.

He quickly calmed his excited mind and continued using innate energy and Devouring Immortal Demon Art to temper his meridians!

He knew this was just the beginning.

Only when quantitative change led to qualitative change...

That would be the time when the first layer of Devouring Immortal Demon Art reached great perfection, and his divine meridians were forged!

"Before birth!"

"Forge divine meridians!"

"Achieve Foundation Establishment Perfection!"

Ji Xiu set a small goal for himself.

In the Tianxuan Continent, even the most talented geniuses with once-in-a-thousand-year extraordinary cultivation aptitude, starting at the age of three, would take at least three years to reach Foundation Establishment Perfection.

But for Ji Xiu...

A few months in the womb would be more than enough.

Because he possessed the top-tier Divine Heart Dao Bone bloodline!

In addition to the eight-star transcendent Devouring Immortal Demon Art!

And... being in the womb, the unique and perfect cultivation environment!

The right time, place, and people!

With these three advantages!

Ji Xiu was confident he could achieve Foundation Establishment Perfection before birth!

And it wouldn't be an ordinary Foundation Establishment Perfection!

It would be the most perfect Foundation Establishment in history!

Bar none!


In the womb, Ji Xiu lost track of time.

Every day, he diligently absorbed innate energy to forge his divine meridians!

One day, the innate energy automatically stopped being absorbed!

Ji Xiu, as if called by fate, suddenly opened his eyes!

Looking within his meridians!

Every meridian shone brilliantly!

Filled with starlight!

Like a divine miracle!

Perfectly aligned, matching the heavenly way!

Moreover, the demonic patterns had completely disappeared, having perfectly integrated with his meridians!

At this moment!

Ji Xiu exhaled and softly muttered

"Foundation Establishment Perfection!"

"The most perfect Foundation Establishment in history!"

"Furthermore, my divine meridians are successfully forged!"

"So satisfying~~"


At this moment, Ji Xiu's meridians were now supreme divine meridians!

His cultivation had reached Foundation Establishment Perfection!

In the Tianxuan Continent, many cultivators would spend their entire lives without reaching Foundation Establishment Perfection.

But Ji Xiu, even before birth, had already reached Foundation Establishment Perfection!

And forged the strongest divine meridians in history!

If this news got out...

Not only the Tianxuan Continent but even the upper realm descendants of gods, emperor's heirs, divine dynasty princes, and the young masters of longevity families would cry out!


Ji Xiu did not get complacent.

Because this was all part of the plan.

After all, he had the right time, place, and people all aligned.

If he still couldn't achieve perfect Foundation Establishment...

That would be inexcusable!

Just then...

Ji Xiu suddenly felt a violent tremor, the amniotic fluid surrounding him slowly draining.

A chill ran up his spine.

At the same time, joyous voices sounded outside.

"Hurry, hurry!"

"Madam is going into labor!"

"The young heir is about to be born!"

"Everyone in the Ji family, get busy!"

"My goodness! Finally, the day has come!"

"Our young heir is finally arriving!"


Ji Xiu took a deep breath and silently thought

"The time has come!"

"I am finally going to be born!"