
Fantasy Online System

A mysterious pandemic called "sleeping beauty syndrome" has terrorized the world, causing deaths everywhere. Fear and depression begin to envelop the world as people decide to end their lives. As the pandemic is getting worse, one of the famous game companies releases a game called FOS (Fantasy Online System), successfully reducing depression levels significantly making the game very popular throughout society. One day, a high school student named Ethan receives a mysterious message from someone named Athena while playing FOS. He finally tries to find out about the mysterious message which turns out to have something to do with the emergence of this pandemic. Will he successfully find out what the message means?

Little_BlackHorse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter 22: Two rivers

Asher accepts the mission and soon Rufina explains at once that the fortune teller in question is not a fairy, but a guardian creature. All fairies of Malana village believe it looks like a bird with white wings and tells that the creature is in the area around the river to the north of Malana village.

"Alright, we'll go there and bring the creature here."

"I'll wait for you here. Good luck." Rufina flew away leaving Asher and Chronos to disappear somewhere.

Asher and Chronos step out of that place and immediately leave towards the intended location. However, Asher suddenly stops walking when he sees two rivers near Malana village.

"Wait a minute, Rufina doesn't say there are two rivers close to this village at all." Asher furrowed his brows. "We should go back and ask Rufina."

The two of them went back there to look for Rufina, however, the room where they originally met with Rufina is closed and there is no one there.

"Damn! What should we do now?" Asher grumbled in annoyance.

"Ash, how about we go around this village and find out where the river is."

They decide to go around the village and ask everyone in the village, but no one speaks to them, and choose to ignore Asher and Chronos.

"Chronos, so what should we do?" Asher let out a long breath. "Everyone in this village doesn't want to talk to us."

"I don't know either, Ash." Chronos then opened his info column. "But, it does say here that the elves in this village don't like to talk with strangers."

The two of them finally decide to leave the village and go to those two places. However, when they arrive in front of the village door, they see no way out of the village other than a rope connects to a controller attached to a tree trunk.

"Ash, maybe we should take the transportation to get out of this village." Chronos' finger pointed to a small cable car which is connected using a rope.

"Yeah, that's a good point." Asher snapped his finger and nods. "Come on, we must find the creatures."

During the ride, Asher can feel a gust of wind that feels so strong that making the cable car he is riding feels a little swaying. His hands tightly grasp the handle of the cable car without letting go.

"Hey, Ash calms down everything will be fine." Chronos laughed at Asher's face which looks so tense. "Just relax, man"

Asher rolled his eyeballs. "It's easy to you to talk like that." His index finger pointing straight down. "Look at how high we are, from here to the ground."

"Calm down, this is just literally a game."Chronos laughed looking at the state of Asher's face.

Finally, they reach the surface and find themselves coming out from inside a large tree trunk.

"Oh, maybe this is how the village elf Malana travels from the village to the surface" Asher gazes around the room made of tree fibers and branches.

"No wonder we don't see it when we first come here because it turns out that this place is inside a tree." Chronos shook his head over and over.

"I guess to avoid being attacked by predators, but I don't know." Asher shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, look there are so many shops here selling other items."

They decide to look around the shops and manage to buy a few items.

'You successfully purchase Hi-potion 2x, bomb 6x, remedy 1x'

[Hi-potion: Restore HP (Health Point) of an ally in a big amount]

[Remedy: Item that heals all status effects for one character except knocked out and doom, and in some cases, Curse].

"Alright, I think the items I need are enough." Asher looks at Chronos. "How about you?"

"I'm done. Okay, it's time for us to explore this place."

The two of them go back into the forest and continue walking according to the directions on the map they see, However, a few minutes later Asher hears an unfamiliar voice from behind the bushes a few meters from him.

"Chronos, do you hear that?" Asher stopped walking and try to be quiet for a moment.

"Yes, it sounds like someone is in pain, Ash."

They slowly approach the source of the sound and found a fairy lying on the ground with a bruised face and a badly bruised wing.

"Chronos, we have to help this fairy."

Asher slowly approaches the fairy and tries to help her, however, the fairy immediately pushes away Asher's hand and looks at him with a sharp gaze.

"Get your hands off me, stranger!" She looked at Chronos with a piercing gaze. "Stay away!"

'Hey, we just want to help." Chronos wrinkled his brow seeing the fairy's rude actions. "Just calm down, my friend."

"I don't need your help! The fairy slowly stands up, but his wounds make it difficult for him to move. "Ugh, dammit!"

"Don't move, I'll use my healing ability." Asher cast his ability and slowly light appeared around the injured elf.

"Hey, what are you doing?"She dilated her eyes.


The fairy's bruises slowly reduce and the wound slowly recovers. Asher continues to repeat the same spell over and over again until the entire wound vanishes.

"Alright, I feel your wounds have healed." Asher smiled at the injured fairy "At least you can move now."

"Wait, aren't you guys players hunting for the rare item, right?" The fairy's expression showed on her face. "What actually do you want from me?"

Together, Asher dan Chornos shake their heads and say they are here because looking for the white bird-shaped creature.

"Oh, I know the creature's location." The fairy flicked her fingers quickly. "I'm willing to help you, but I have a special request.

"Geez, this fairy has a lot of desires." Chronos shook his head repeatedly.

"Quest 10: Finding my twin (optional)"

Recommended player level: lv 9-11

Reward: 100 Gold; 1x Remedy

The elf who has been helped turns out to know about the exact location of the river in question, but she wants to save her twin sister who is being captured by the goblins.

Recommended class: All classes

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