1 Summon The Hero...

"Shaaaza....." sorry license issue this is not fabricated made in china "well shit this is harder than my highshcool life was." "well if the spell is wrong must be made in china."


"Shit how is he know we need to close the magic factory right away." 'buzzzt' police megaphone ringing

"Police show your hand in the air."

"Whatz up Peter still catching rat under your desk ?"

"Well the last time I check they party last night "HEY PETER WANNA JOIN IN !! 'yeahh" well i said no but just took sip of drink."

"Well how about you naelson still watching your old vintage video tape its making me puke and ate it again like those scummy bill on fancry brod restaurant."

"Your bill sir." hand over piece of paper.

"No thanks 'Hoaaghhhh chuh' you can have it back."

"Haha you got me man." Running away after that to toilet sound of flap can be heard even outside. just imagine the sound yourself i cant think of that or did you ?

"Well where i left off mhhmm okay, bumba da bing badum ala sha*** abracadabra let it go let it go whatever idk the tax anymore... I summon you two eyes white person with tax problem."

"Fwoooosssshhhh" wind blew gas smoke everywhere... "Eyy snoop you smoke weed here cause its became foggy man."

"Eyy yo sorry man cause my whole mansion is rebuilding ya not problem with that, for apology hit this its safe."

"Thanks man well its safe if i am hit weed with you."

"WouuOouu 'alright guys he is with snoop its safe go back all personnel fall back its safe."

"Where... where am i... ?"

"Welcome Luke sky runner now defeat the demon king or whatever and i shall pay you back with high interest this is the contract sign here."

"Ohh ok then.."

"Wait there is also health insurance sign here too." "well for lincense there is no problem hmm."

"its all."

"Okay then what do i do now ?"

"Well kick some ass and save princess from black thug."

"Here is 50 caliber loaded magnum and AR 15."

"A frickin GUN ?!"

"Yeah free fire arm country you still thinking we use bow and arrow, probably even congress fairy cowboy party."

"Hiyaa 'Yohaoooo" bang bang bang....

"Neiggghhiinggg 'clap clap clap' "

"Well make more sense."

"For the first queesstt is hmm.. wait sec i gotta need rewatch the playthrough."

"ohh yes yes you gotta need solve innocent problem."

"Hey there Boy I need some money you guys have some why dont we have fun somewhere."

"Do you mind credit card."

"Well not wrong."

After that they began clearing problem by problem until they made counseling office on towns vill.


The end

What you still search for more fine i will do it myself. chapter 2 soon
