
2 what a jerk

The next day...


I donned on my newly bought uniform and backpack and started my journey to school. It wasnt a long journey and i soon reached. I saw the symbol of the school. The symbol, was exactly what was printed on my handkerchief. This handkerchief was with me since young and i could never part with it. It was also the only thing that was, perhaps, left for me by my parents. Hence, it was the only clue.


Wanting to take a closer look at the symbol of the school, i ran further in. " Ah! " I crashed into someone and landed hard on the floor with a huge thud. As i fell, the handkerchief slipped out of my hand. After regaining my balance after standing up, I immediately searched for my "treasure". " Eh! What a rude person. You are the one who crashed into me yet you are more worried about your useless handkerchief ?! " I turned to look at him. He was tall and handsome yet he has such a temper. I gave him a "i dont care" look and continued what i was doing. He stomped off leaving me with a "hmph!"


As i was about to leave, i saw something shiny on the floor. It was a keychain. It must be that rude guy's. It was a metal keychain of a sunflower. Coincidentally, my favourite flower. This must be something of importance to him as the edges of the keychain were scratched and worn out yet he still hangs it on his bag.


I placed it in my pocket and went to look for my locker.


After i placed my bag in the locker, i went to find out more about the school. It pretty obvious that its a school for children from prestigious families. How did i even get in here?


"Woahh!" I said as my mouth starts to form an "o" shape.


It was...