
Who... are... you??

Just after the walls exploded, a shadowy figure emerged, saying " I'll help you... my name is.... Yakunitatta Shinsetsu... " as he raised his sword for a slash, disappearing from where he's standing then reappearing on the other side of the sewer, just when he reappeared, the crocodiles heads got cut off, making them die on the spot and also making the dark-gree colored water into a blood-red colored water.

Everyone looks at Yakunitatta with a very shocked face ( their jaws dropped onto hell lol ) . He then looked towards them and said " come with me... " , all of the students then talked with each other to go with him or not, " Alright we will come wi- " " NO WE WONT!! WE DONT NEED SOMEONE LIKE YOU!! WE CAN HANDLE OUR SELVES BECAUSE WE ARE NOT FUCKING PUSSIES!!! " Hokori Gōman replied with a arrogant and angry tone, Gōman is one of Orokamono's bullies, then someone spoke saying " Yeah!!! We won't come with you! So get fucking lost! " Tsuyoi Gōman replied with a arrogant tone.

Dokusha became so furious and pissed off that he said " Shut.... your FUCKING mouth!!! " Making the two brothers shocked as no one stood up to them before. The brothers stopped speaking and decided to come with them, tho they are very embarrassed ( bruh... they became the quiet kid so fast lol, their probably blushing right now * blushing because of embarrassment * LOL hahaha )

While traveling with Yakunitatta, they encounter some monsters in which Yakunitatta said it'll be good training and it can help with increasing their levels so they can protect themselves, and so they do it, most of them level up, get coins, upgrade skills, buy skills, buy equipment and many more! They've become like a gamer who chose to do all the side quest first then go up to face against the first boss in a MMORPG game. Facing up to Low level monsters have became an easy task, it had tooked them approximately 10 days to reach their destination, the secret base located in a...

Any ways hope you got entertained and so on bye! ( the hidden base their next target / where they need to go now bruh, you guys will find out soon enough where the hidden base is😉 )