
Fantasy is but a target for modern weapons

My second endeavor in writing has our protagonist Daniels sent to a strange world that will be all but too familiar for you, the readers. What differs this from other isekai, however, is Daniels ability which will let him become the living breathing incarnation of "Victory through Superior Firepower". I do not plan to hold punches with language and if I deem it appropriate for the situation, the wonderfully gory details. I hope that this can set itself apart from my other work in terms of quality, coherence, and worldbuilding. As elements may be added tags will be appropriately mirrored.

tothedome566 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Lilly's Feelings

Daniels and Lilly made their way back to the tavern without a hitch. No more strange encounters with asshole rich kids.

Though it wasn't incredibly labor-intensive, Daniels still got a little beat up. The both of them had to trek all the way there and back so they were a little tuckered out. After the nice hearty meal coupled with the walk back the two just wanted to relax for some time. They unstrapped their gear and decided to lay down for a little nap.

Daniels left his pistol on the nightstand within easy reach as he got into bed, and Lilly soon joined him. It was still odd sharing his bed with someone else, especially so a beautiful young woman like Lilly, but her presence and body warmth were incredibly soothing.

The two ended up snuggling together, not quite in a romantic way, more along the lines of just enjoying each other's warmth. Soon enough they fell asleep in each other's embrace. Daniels would later note that he'd never slept as soundly or easily even back on Earth than he had sharing the bed with Lilly. He enjoyed a serene dreamless sleep.

When Daniels awoke the room was dark. Lilly was still snuggled up against him soundly dozing. He gently stroked her hair causing her to softly smile in her sleep. He could very easily see himself falling in love with this girl. He opened up the main system menu and checked the time displayed on the small digital clock.

The clock read 12:41, and sure enough, when he checked his stats he saw that his mana was completely replenished to a full 160. He wanted to hurry and summon the new equipment but didn't want to wake up Lilly.

Taking a glance around he found an option for a queue, allowing him to pay for the equipment without immediately summoning it physically.

He returned to the MKG and immediately qued two of them for deployment. They both came with 26 round generic magazines with additional costing 18 MP. 40 round mag-ex2s could be also purchased at a rate of 25 MP per mag.

He was frustrated at the lack of available mana to summon equipment with, but for the moment decided to summon 4 26 round magazines leaving no room to summon anything else. To be properly combat effective they'd need more magazines and tactical vests to store the magazines. While Daniels could use the item box to store his mags, it took concentration to rifle through the magic storage box whereas with a vest you just grab and reload.

He wasn't able to bask in self-pity or frustration, however, as Lilly snuggled up against him in her sleep. His expression softened as he felt her body resting up against his. It was almost as if she sensed his discomfort in her sleep and moved to fix it.

Yeah, there was no doubt in his mind, he was falling hard for this girl.


The next day the two went to the guild to report completion and receive their reward. They got their 8 silver and went on to sell the abundance of slime cores. The guild paid 2 copper per core and they sold off the 60 some-odd cores for 6 silver coins to top off the quest rewards.

Daniels decided to celebrate their first successful quest by treating Lilly to a higher-class restaurant than normal on his own dime. Their usual tavern, while not considered cheap, was mainly suited towards slightly well-off adventurers who didn't mind putting out some silver for a hearty meal. The place Daniels decided to take Lilly was for all intents and purposes a modest steakhouse.

Seeing as they went for lunch, and most of the place's business came from the dinner hours, they didn't have to worry about any heavy lines or reservations. As they were brought to a table Daniels noted it was a nice-looking place. It had a good homely feel to it, not trying to be incredibly fancy or stuck up, yet still offering some higher-class meals.

They were directed to a nice corner booth and handed menus by the polite waitress. The waitress left and gave them time to decide. Lilly took a look at the menu and looked a little worried.

"Don't worry too much, enjoy yourself. I said I'm paying didn't I?"

"But it's quite expensive! The main dish here is about what you'd pay for a month's stay at a nice inn!" she replied looking worriedly.

"Please don't worry about it, I'm not exactly rich per see but I'm pretty well off. The least I could do after your excellent work is treat you to a nice meal."

She looked down with a slight blush avoiding eye contact.

"In that case, I'll have a plated silver tail of venison and toast."

He nodded and kept looking through the menu. The meal she'd asked for was only about 13 silver so it wasn't a huge deal to him. He decided on a nice highcow steak and what seemed to be some sort of baked french fry type side. It netted him around 20 silver but he was willing to pay it for a good steak, and the prospect of otherworldly french fries was too much to pass on for the former American.

The waitress came back and took their orders before asking what they'd have to drink.

"We are well known for our sharp champagne if you would like to have that. It comes included with the highcow steak."

"Could I?" Lilly asked timidly.

"Sure. If we could please have a glass of the champagne and would you happen to have any sparkling water or anything of that sort? I prefer to stay sober myself."

That was a blatant lie, Daniels loved nothing more than a couple beers after a hard day's work, but he knew he needed to stay sharp in case anything happened. Handling guns drunk is highly discouraged, and champagne was a bit too high class for his cheap beer pallet.

"Of course. So that will be a plate of silver tail venison with bread and a highcow steak with a side of kartoffelscheibes?"

"Yes please."

"Alright it'll be out in 10 minutes, thank you for your patronage," the waitress bowed and left to take the order to the kitchen.

Another waiter came by with glasses of water while they waited, and Daniels was surprised to see ice chunks in the water.

While they waited they chatted a little bit, learning a thing or two about each other. Through their conversations, Lilly learned that Daniels had the mindest of live free or die, which was not a thought process that was very widespread. This world has been ruled by monarchies and empires pretty much the entire time civilization has existed. Daniels elaborated on the lengths his home nation had gone to become free and stay free. It surprised Lilly that people could truly rise up against rulers and rule (for the most part) by the people.

Daniels found out that Lilly had a profound love of reading. Despite his attitude and mannerisms, Daniels himself loved nothing more than to sit back or lay in bed with the kindle app. As he told Lilly about Kindle he could practically see stars in her eyes.

Soon though, their food arrived. They ate their meal in comfortable silence only occasionally mentioning how good it was. And it certainly was good. The "highcow" steak tasted far better than even the best-prepared steaks he'd ever had back on earth. Must be a different species of cow or the like. And the fries, who knew that baking fries would be so good? Now all he needed was buns and ketchup and he'd be able to recreate a good old-fashioned burger. Now that was a happy thought.

Lilly'd ordered another glass of champagne, and the effects were showing. When they got up to leave she was a bit tipsy. Daniels tried to help her walk but that didn't help either.

[What is that shit? Straight ethanol?]

Just like back in the forest, Daniels gently lifted her in a princess carry. Her soft eyes and flushed cheeks looking up at him, she was absolutely stunning. Daniels wasn't one to take advantage of a girl though. He walked back to their inn with a couple of people congratulating him on his "score" and more than a few looks of scorn.

[It's not what it looks like though...]

When he entered the inn the receptionist woman gave him a stern disapproving look. He would've explained but it seemed that Lilly'd fallen asleep in his arms.

[Oh well, wouldn't be the first time this has happened.] he thought to himself.

When he made it into the room he tried to lay her gently on the bed, but as he was about to turn and walk away she grabbed his head and pulled him into a deep yet awkward kiss.

He pulled back after a moment in shock.

"Lilly what are you..."

As he pulled back she started to cry.

"You... You don't want me?" she softly cried in her drunken stupor.

"No no no, I never said that. I'm just worried the alcohol has got you feeling weird. I don't want to do anything that you'd regret," he told her softly, "Lilly, I really do think I love you, I just don't want to hurt you."

Tears welled up in her eyes at his confession. He reached down and hugged her warmly.

"You're so nice to me... Laying down and snuggling with you just feels so right." she said in between sobs.

"Shhh, I feel the same." he stroked her hair as she drunkenly sobbed, "Lilly I know you've gone through hell, that's why I want to make sure you're happy and well taken care of. I know we haven't been together that long, but trust me when I say I'd go to the ends of the Earth for you."

She sniffled, "Earth?"

He kept gently stroking her hair and rubbing her back, "Do you remember when I said I'm from very far away?"

She lightly nodded.

"I'm not from this world Lilly, I've been reincarnated here from Earth. It's been quite a ride, and I likely would've been very lost and without direction had I not met you. I don't believe in love at first sight, but I do believe everyone's got someone they're destined for. I don't know if I'm destined for you but I certainly know that I feel a strong bond for you that transcends friendship. I love you, Lilly."

Her crying stopped slowly but surely as she calmed down. Soon he was left with just the sound of her softly breathing. he gently laid down in bed with her. It seemed she was fast asleep. He continued to softly stroke her hair as she curled up to him in her sleep. He softly kissed her head and felt her tension ease away in his arms.

[Lord I thank you for this gift you've given me. For her.] Daniels prayed in his mind as sleep took him.

I apologize for it being shorter and later than normal

tothedome566creators' thoughts