
Fantasy Assassin in a modern world

Fade was a legendary assassin that could kill just about anyone, as long as the price was right and the reason was just. One day as he was reminiscing about his life when he lost someone important, he fell asleep. When he woke up he was in a weird place, a different body, a different world.

lynerparel · Fantasy
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281 Chs


Loki looked at the different poisons on the table most of them appeared to be poisons made from different mushrooms and plants. There were also the poisons that appeared to be made from the venom of animals. Loki then noticed that among the bottles of poisons and antidotes was a letter. 

"Here I got all the non-lethal poisons I could find on such short notice. Even though these things won't be able to kill a normal person normally, it just makes them feel numb or extremely uncomfortable the worse would make them puke and faint, they are especially ineffective against a martial artist like you. Still, a large amount could potentially kill even someone nearing the Grandmaster level. I don't know what you were planning to use the various poisons for, but just in case I also gave you the antidotes for each one." 

Loki sighed as he shrugged his shoulders. "As thorough as usual."