
Fantasy 2-Sided Romance: The case of Amano Kazuki and Kunikida Misaki

This story takes place in two different ways. I: Amano Kazuki, is a second year high school student who with social problems, is a great friend of the most popular (but friendless) girl in his school known as Kunikida Misaki. II: The reality about [Magic] must be kept secret by members of a secret society known as [The Brotherhood]. A very select group of people who are in charge of hunting [Jäger], wild beasts that live among humanity in human form and who are in charge of protecting the branch of [Midgar] within the [World Tree] - [Yggsdrasil]. But at the end of the day, this story is about the same thing. It is simply the love of a young adolescent couple whose background is a more complex story in which each of the characters will be involved in some way or another. So, the question is, who is "Amano Kazuki" in the end? - All the characters involved in this story are over 18 years old. - The story contains descriptions not suitable for all audiences such as: adult situations, inappropriate language, drugs, murders, among others. - Brands, industries, corporations and places are used fictitiously, respecting the parameters of Copyright.

_kagamineakira · Fantasy
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9 Chs

[Spoiler Alert] - Magi

Warning: Do not read this auxiliary chapter unless you have read the first four chapters of the story.


[Magus], plural, [Magi], are a select group of [Sorcerers] who have managed to overcome the limits defined by [Midgar] in order to compare their actions to what the [Gods] do. Most of the [Magus] have multiple occupations and the main one is to manage the [Magic Zones] most susceptible to the attacks of the [Jörmundgander] who seek to ascend through the branches of [Yggsdrasil].

Within [Human History] there have been an incomparable number of [Magus].

What differentiates a [Magus] from a [Sorcerer] is the omnipotent scope of his [Magic]. Being two different things, [Magic] and [Sorcery] are completely contradictory.

Around the world, there are a total of twelve [Magi], four [Great Magi] and one [Magus King], the list is as follows:

○ [Magus King] - Constantine Solomon van Hellsing (49) - Location: England.

☆ Magic: The One.

● [First Great Magus] - Ernest Goldberg van Hellsing (43) - Location: Germany.

☆ Magic: Spiritual Transfiguration.

● [Second Grand Magus] - Anna Katalisa van Hellsing (27) - Location: Kagoshima, Japan.

☆ Magic: Slayer of Gods.

● [Third Grand Magus] - Carmilla Roselei van Hellsing (27) - Location: United States.

☆ Magic: Reduction to Nothingness.

● [Fourth Grand Magus] - Eveline van Hellsing (17) - Location: Russia.

☆ Magic: Denial of Principle.

□ [Magus] - Katrina Sölum / Halvanhelév (28) - Location: Mexico.

☆ Magic: Sephiroth.

□ [Magus] - Miguel Franco / Charlemagne (35) - Location: Italy.

☆ Magic: Manipulation of Souls.

□ [Magus] - Hedrick van Hellsing / Archimedes (18) - Location: Tokyo, Japan.

☆ Magic: Fix.

□ [Magus] - Fredrick van Hellsing / Apollo (41) - Location: Tokyo, Japan (old). Argentina (current)

☆ Magic: Teleportation.

□ [Magus] - Igraine Pendragon VI / Pro Anima Artorius (19) - Location: Great Britain.

☆ Magic: Excalibur.

□ [Magus] - ? / Le Fay (?) - Location: ?

☆ Magic: Avalon.

□ [Magus] - ? / Argonaut (20 probably) - Location: In some UK country.

☆ Magic: Song of the Argonaut.

□ [Magus] - Marilyn Ainsworth / Vlad IV (73) - Location: Variable with each year.

☆ Magic [Primary]: Creation of Black Holes.

☆ Magic [Secondary]: Vampire Progenitor.

□ [Magus] - Reihanna Westcott / Dragon Slayer (25) - Location: Antarctica.

☆ Magic: Dragon Blood.

□ [Magus] - Lorelei Ghost / Heroine (?) - Location:?

☆ Magic: Void.

□ [Magus] - Fried Silverlight / Asterios (23) - Location: Afghanistan.

☆ Magic: Constellation Taurus.

□ [Magus] - Alexandra Voinovich / Queen (31) - Location: Australia.

☆ Magic: Location.