
Useless hunting

The group of fearsome hunters was a schoolgirl on a tourist trip, with a single thought, fun. Actrus and Mey in these two days had not fought even once, looked amazed at the young nobles playing with their prey. The four young nobles, including Jenny, did not fight for money, in fact, they let go of all the bodies killed, but only for training and play.

For Actrus these were two days wasted unnecessarily.

While the group fought small cockroaches level 1, one meter long, from the ground emerges a very large armored black cockroach, certainly a level 4 monster.

"Let's run away!"

"Let's run away!"

"We can not face it is too strong for us!"



While the four youngsters ran away, Actrus laughed happily because he finally had a chance.

The imposing black cockroach was a defensive type, but only a few strokes of the sword, which had been lent by Mey, were enough for Actrus to kill him. He did not want to use his transformation and his sickles, because he wanted to have a low profile, not showing all his real strength.

Jenny was the only person, besides Mey, who had noticed what was happening, had turned and seen that incredible show. That smelly young Scavenger, for her, with an old dusty coat, had killed a very strong defensive monster with only a few strokes of the sword.

That stinking boy was very strong, much stronger than his entire group, she had underestimated him because of the discharged air and also for his humble behavior.

Actrus dismantles the body and with the help of Mey puts the best pieces of meat in his backpack and the pieces of armor in his usual net, these two days at least would not have been unsuccessful and wasted.

"Let's go home!"

"The hunt has succeeded, we return home before facing greater dangers!"

The three boys who had escaped along with Jenny are preparing to return to the fortified city, they had not even taken the cores of the monsters killed, their strength would then remain the same, they had accomplished only a useless training.

Mey was very disappointed by this experience, she thought Jenny was stronger, but she was just a girl playing Huntress, it was not like she and Actrus fighting each other, risking their lives every day just to make money and survive.

"Mey, will we go together again next Friday?"

"I do not know Jenny, I'm very busy next weekend, I do not think I can come."

Send me advice and reports of errors, do not be too cruel because I write this novel just for fun and no one money. Send me the thundering stones, even if I do not understand their great usefulness, as long as you do not stone me.

OldMerlincreators' thoughts