
The sale

Actrus had rented a large industrial warehouse on the outskirts of the city and with the help of Mey and Yuki, he had carried all the carapace and the two huge sickles of the mantis of level 7, even with the help of May and Yuki it took several days. because there were a large number of heavy pieces of armor.

Transformations sometimes had large or small changes in the body, such as May's blue hair or tiger eyes and Yuki's two canine teeth.

So sometimes people to hide these flaws wore masks, tunics, and hoods.

It was not uncommon to meet masked people on the street with large tunics and hoods covering the head.

Actrus with a large black hooded tunic, a gray mask with only two slits for the eyes and black gloves, enters a lawyer's office.

It is not stopped by anyone, because it is a common thing, there are thousands of people who wear masks and hoods in the city.

Actrus talks to a famous lawyer, a man in his forties, with white grizzled hair and glasses. He had a thin face with a stern look and a hooked nose.

Actrus speaks for about twenty minutes then puts on the lawyer's desk a wad of money, ten thousand credits.

The stern face of the lawyer lights up with joy, on his face appears a huge smile.

"Ok, ok, dear customer, we agree, tomorrow I will accompany you to make the contract!"

Actrus shakes the lawyer's hand and then leaves the prestigious studio.

There were numerous suppliers of weapons and equipment for the army, but only two companies had a monopoly.

The Cosmos was the largest civilian company that produced for the army, weapons, shields, armor, equipment, rations of food fluids, all had the brand Cosmos.

Almost 80% of the army's equipment came from the Cosmos Industry.

Masked Actrus accompanied by the lawyer enters the large headquarters of the Cosmos in Gray City.

Immediately a beautiful girl presents himself before him.

Actrus from behind the mask with a hoarse voice says "I'd like to talk to your representative, I need at least one department head, at least one of your bosses, it's for a very important deal."

Actrus is accompanied by the girl in a room with luxurious and expensive furniture and is placed on a luxurious leather sofa.

After half an hour a man of about thirty years appears before Actrus.

"Hi, I am the representative, what can I do for you?"

Actrus gets up and throws a wad of money, about ten thousand credits, which opens up scattering all the tickets in the room.

"I did not come here to waste time nor do I want to waste time on you. This money is for your time. I asked to speak to your boss, mine was a very simple request. "

The thirty-year-old man flushed leaves the room accompanied by the beautiful secretary.

After about fifteen minutes a new character appears in front of Actrus accompanied by two huge bodyguards.

The man is about fifty with a few white hairs, sparse on his temples and a massive build.

He has an expensive complete of designer clothing, and in his plump fingers of his hands, he has numerous gold rings with precious stones.

The man looks at Actrus and the lawyer next to him and then exclaims.

"Hello, my name is Nortus and I am the head of this branch of Cosmos in this city, what can I do for you, how can I help you?"

Actrus answers "I am here to make a big deal with you, my numerous men have killed a mantis of level 7, all the pieces of armor are inside a shed and here are all the pictures of the carapace and the two sickles."

"I initially only ask 10 million credits for everything, this money is just crumbs, they are used to pay the funeral expenses for my men killed by the mantis, I also have to pay the families of my dead hunters."

"Out of these 10 million, the expenses have been removed, nothing comes in my pocket."

"As there have been many victims, I ask besides this miserable money other objects. With the pieces of the dark green carapace, you will have to build me, three protective suits of level 7, three swords made with one of the great mantis sickles and moreover I want all the equipment for an elite army squad made up of seven men. "

"Seven state-of-the-art military bracelets, binoculars, radio sets, military protective suits for seven men, backpacks, I want everything we need for a team of seven men."

"I do not want the junk or equipment that breaks easily, because the life of one of my hunters is worth much more than his equipment."

Nortus examines the proposal, a mantis of level 7 is very difficult to kill, there are always many deaths, the value of the scythes of the carapace is much higher than the request of those few pieces of equipment.

Nortus exclaims "Ok, ok, the deal can be done, I'll call my attorney to make a legal contract, then I'll send the money to your bank accounts, the swords and armor will be ready in three weeks."

Actrus delivers to Nortus his bodily measurements of Mey and Yuki, to make custom protective armor, with a tolerance of 10%, that is, they can be adapted.

Long chapter, the Google translator smokes.

OldMerlincreators' thoughts