
The hunt continues

On a high hill, Actrus watched, from far away, with a pair of binoculars a giant insect over 35 meters high. This huge mantis was the boss of the whole area and with its enormous strength reigned supreme.

This enormous mantis had carved out the hard rock, creating its den inside the mountain.

It was an insect of level 7, its strength was enormous, its speed was extreme, with its huge wings could also fly, making it unchallenged by everyone in both air and land fights.

His two scythes were about twenty meters long and his dark green armor made him very compatible with the colors of the forest, so the forest had become his kingdom.

A city could be completely destroyed by its fury, there were many cases in which only one level 7 insect had slaughtered alone thousands of army Hunters.

It was an insect that was in no way to be teased.

Actrus, while Mey and Yuki were at school, had observed the habits of this huge monster for three weeks. Now he was not alone, any more could fight with Mey and Yuki, but it would really be a very very difficult and dangerous fight.

Before doing anything he had to talk to Mey and Yuki.

By now two months later Yuki had become a regular guest in Actrus' house, calling Zay "mom" and the maid Aiko "big sister".

Actrus after dinner talks with Mey and Yuki, not participating in this discussion Zay not to make her worry.

"Mey, Yuki, there is a great mantis of level 7 in the forest and I want to face her, it's too dangerous, it will be a really difficult fight even if we get ready."

"We do not have to face little monsters, this time it's a really dangerous colossus, if you do not feel it, we can renounce it, it is not obligatory."

Mey starts talking "Actrus, I trust you, even if my strength is less than Yuki's, with my little strength I will always follow you, even if it will be dangerous."

Yuki also replies: "I come too! I do not care about getting hurt, because I have Mey who heals me!"

Ed starts to kiss on the cheeks and hug Mey.

"Leave me, leave me! You're too sticky!"

"Girls, thank you for accepting, you will have to help me prepare a trap the next Friday, with only our strength we can not attack that beast directly, we must use all our intelligence."

Actrus goes shopping again, buys huge chains, paralyzing fluid, harpoons, a huge net, spheres of a smoke bomb, is now ready for hunting.

The chapters are too short I know, all the fault of the translator.

OldMerlincreators' thoughts