
The birthday

In a little over two months it would have been the birthday of Mey Rong, he would have turned sixteen, the right age to become a Hunter.

Actrus search every night, in the military channel, news of the best nucleus suitable for a young woman.

Many nobles give their daughters the nucleus of a special monster.

This monster is similar to a jellyfish Pelagia, it is a weak and harmless monster that lives in lakes and rivers, he has one great ability the Cure.

It is very famous because the probability of success absorption of the nucleus increase of 10 %, the normal is 50% but with this nucleus is 60% of success, so there are fewer dangers of death for the girls.

The great indiscriminate hunting of the nobles has made these monsters very rare.

Actrus check all the information available and finally has one good news, has been sighted one Pelagia in a nearby lake eight hours away from the city.

The next day Actrus part for the hunting.

The lake is immense, Actrus wait on the shore, in the afternoon finally the monster appears, Actrus throws him at his harpoon with a long chain.

The jellyfish struggles but can not get free.

After many hours the jellyfish is tired and is pulled to the shore.

Actrus has his arms almost broken, he is very tired of hard work.

Drag on the lake shore the jellyfish without forces and after with his scythes, he mortally hits him.

Actrus takes only the nucleus with it because he does not know what to do with the body.

Actrus returns to the house in the night, it is completely destroyed by fatigue but he is very happy because he was successful.