

The academy had begun, Mey and Yuki were 17 years old and were in the second year in the same class, while Jenny was 18, the same age as Actrus, and was in the third and final year.

After this last year of school, Jenny would have joined the army and would have certainly had the role of an officer, had only to pass a simple exam like Hunter 3 stars.

Her future, her entire life had already been planned since her birth.

She had quarreled with the group of nobles, she was too disappointed and angry about their actions, and she did not want to see them anymore.

The left shoulder was healed but there was still a little soreness.

At this moment Jenny was alone in the academy, those she believed were friends had abandoned her, wandered in a wide, sad and melancholy.

"Tomorrow we're going to buy 10 kilos of candies, 5 kilos for me, the others for my little brothers!" Yuki said.

"But are you stupid? 10 kilos are too many!" Mey replied.

"I want mint chocolate and even ice cream with pralines!" Yuki said

"No! No, I buy only the ice cream!"Mey replied.

Mey and Yuki walked arm in arm, regardless of the looks of the other students, their friendship had become very strong.

Yuki was completely changed no one recognized her anymore, she wore very expensive designer clothes, on her wrist the brand new, more expensive pc bracelet, very flashy red hair and two small teeth protruding from her upper lip.

Even his behavior was very changed, first shy and reserved now always smiling, happy and rowdy.

Jenny stared amazed at Mey and Yuki walking together, a little jealousy filling her heart.

Mey and Yuki involuntarily walking in front of Jenny, Jenny who has repressed her feelings for days and days, bursts into a deep crying and hugs Mey.

"Forgive me, please forgive me! In the duel, I did not want you to be hurt!"

Mey no longer wanted to talk to Jenny, but right now, seeing her so weak and defenseless, she decided to accept her apologies.

Jenny tells Mey about the betrayal of her friends and her injuries.

"Does he still hurt you?" Mey said

"Yes, sometimes I feel a bit of pain," Jenny replied.

Mey's hands fill with green light and rest on Jenny's left shoulder, a light heat wraps around her shoulder and her flesh and bones gain health and vigor, all the little pains disappear and Jenny's face is much more serene.

"Thanks, Mey!" So Jenny breaks into a new crying.

"It's time for lunch. Do you want to come with us, Jenny? I always take a lot of bento with me because Yuki is a big glutton." Mey said.

Jenny grabs Mey's right arm and with a broad smile accepts the invitation.

Like a little snail, we make room for ourselves among other novels. As long as a big foot crushes us. And we ask. Because? Oh sorry I did not see you!

OldMerlincreators' thoughts