
New transformation

For a long time Actrus has stopped absorbing the cores of level 1 because for him they have become useless because of the low energy obtained, now it absorbs only cores of level 2-3 that have a greater concentration of energy.

In his right hand is the rainbow core of the level 4 chameleon monster, the hard battle was due not to the monster's strength but to his ability to mimic the environment.

This ability to mimicry would have been very useful to Actrus if he could get it.

Actrus is ready, the usual ordeal begins, the pain is not very strong, the bones, the meat and the blood of Actrus have been remodeled several times and this is only a weak remodeling compared to the level 5 core of the rhinoceros beetle.

After almost three days Actrus has finally absorbed the rainbow core, its armor has not changed much but now has a new ability, does not become invisible but its colors change with the surrounding environment is able to camouflage.

In a prairie under the sun is not very useful, but in a forest full of plants mimicry is very useful. You have to move very slowly and adapt the armor to the environment continuously, it is very useful because you get closer to the monsters without many of them are aware of it.

The strength, the speed, the defense, have not increased much, but the ability of mimicry helps a lot Actrus in the hunt.

After about a month Actrus returns home, now his life has changed a lot before he could barely survive in the ghetto but now he has become very rich and also has a maid.

"Welcome back, owner!"

"Aiko I told you many times not to call me master, I am Actrus only Actrus!"

"Aiko, please, you can make me a bath, I want to wash."

"Ok maste .... sorry, Ok Actrus!"

After the bath Actrus adjusts the long black hair in a single tail and dresses in very comfortable clothes made from an expensive fabric that makes it look like a noble baronet.

"Mom have you prepared dinner? I'm very hungry!"

"Sit down at the table is almost ready!"

"Aiko, but where are you going?"

"Mada .... sorry Zay I go to the kitchen to eat alone."

"But what are you saying? Soon hurry up to go to the table otherwise the dinner gets cold!"

Aiko sits at the table looking at the beautiful Mey with those strange hair light blue certainly the new fashion among the nobles.

These very rich nobles were a mystery to her, they were really crazy and treated her like a family member, Zay often hugged her and Mey called her big sister.

"Mada ..... Zay can I have a day off this Sunday? I would like to go to my grandparents who live in the public housing."

"All right, all right! Do you need money? Do you want a salary?"

Zay gets up and starts to hug Aiko.

On Sunday, Aiko is ready to take the small commuter train that would take her from the city center to the suburbs where her grandparents' home was located.

Zay hugs her almost crying.

"Are you ready? Have you got everything?"

"Yes mada ..., Yes Zay I'm ready!"

"Be careful! Here's a bit of meat you can take it to your grandparents."

Zay delivers about 50 kilos of meat in a large package to Aiko. The meat of the monsters of level 4 and above is very expensive and only the nobles can eat it on rare occasions.

"Mada... Zay is too expensive, I can not accept it!"

"Take it, get it! I have a full fridge, do not worry!"

"Thanks, Zay!"

Actrus also plays its part and delivers 600 credits to Aiko.

"Is my salary?

"No, no! Buy some gifts for your grandparents!"

Aiko leaves the house with big bags and parcels and her head really confused.