

By now the second year of the academy for Jenny was over, there were only three months of vacation left and then he would have started the last and most tiring year of school.

Ever since she was born, Jenny had been under strong pressure from the whole family to become a hunter in the army.

Her grandfather was a retired general, her father a commander of many squadrons, her uncle captain. Everyone in her family was somehow linked to the army.

He was a noble clan, rich but with duties and great responsibilities. Since she was a child, Jenny had been trained to fight, after hard and rigorous training.

In the academy, even if beautiful, she had very few friends, above all nobles with relatives in the army like her.

Her group consisted of four members, a boy named Carl as head, another short, fat boy named Franz, an insignificant tall, lanky George, and last, there was her.

Carl would have been very nice if his face was not covered by enormous craters, it was he who had wounded Mey because of his great insecurity and cowardice.

In these three months of vacation, the group decided to train all the time outside the city fighting monsters.

The party was followed by three scavenger servants who carried baggage and tents and also some bodies of the monsters killed.

When Carl and his group met a monster they did not kill him immediately but they played with him, tortured him.

For a whole month, things went very well for them, there were only monsters level 1-2 to kill, but one day their luck changed.

In the forest full of trees there was a dark area, with rotting and decaying trees, the ground was moist and muddy black. A light mist came from the ground and filled the habitat with an acrid rancid smell.

The laughter of a group of men broke the quiet of the silent forest.

"Carl, pass me the wine! Do you want to finish it all?" Franz said.

"Bleaaahh! This wine is really disgusting, keep it! Drink it all!" Carl replied.

They were completely drunk, staggered dazed without even knowing where they were going. There were only three young people dedicated more to their enjoyment than to the serious problems inculcated by their families.

Only Jenny was sober, she followed the group wearily with disgusted looks, she had seen this same scene many times, by now she was almost used to it.

In the spooky forest full of mist, suddenly a large, flea-like monster appears, followed by a second and then a third equal monster, completely surrounding the group.

Carl, Franz, and George have their eyes completely fogged, all the wine drunk makes their actions slow and uneven, their daze has disappeared followed by surprise and fear.

If they were sober they could have fought, they were just level 3 monsters, but the muddy ground and their unstable conditions made the fight impossible.

Everyone shouts at the same time "Let's run! Let's run away!"

The panic spreads completely, Carl rushes to a point free of monsters, followed by Franz and George, Jenny cannot reach them and is attacked in the back.

A poor scavenger with his back full of heavy luggage cannot run and is the first to die.

The second scavenger throws the heavy backpack on the ground but it is too late, a gray flea grabs his arm and tears it away. Rivers of blood come out of the missing arm, then the flea completes the work and with a bite, it rips the head to the poor scavenger.

The extreme fear made Carl's legs even faster, his already great cowardice has been improved.

Jenny was wounded in the shoulder and shouted "Guys Help me! Please help me!"

Carl, Franz, and George, pretend not to hear, at this time their great priority is to save their lives.

Tears of rage run down Jenny's cheeks, grab her big sword and get ready to fight the monster that hurt her.

It's only a level 3 monster could defeat him, but he's not alone when his two other companions would have finished feasting with the scavengers, she would have been in big trouble.

Carl, Franz, and George are long gone from that infernal area. Carl is very pale and upset, George has his pants soaked in his urine and Franz is full of sweat as if he had made a sauna, his plump body definitely lost a few pounds.

The three quickly left the forest, their bodies were full of little scratches and their expensive protective suits were dirty and muddy, they had abandoned Jenny and none of them had the thought of going back to save her.

Webnovel has thousands of stories, perhaps better or worse, but this is mine. Send me, stones, boulders, whole mountains. Let me see your support.

OldMerlincreators' thoughts