
FANTASIA: This Virtual World Is A Little Bit Off From The Game I Know!

Guren, a second-year high school student, awoke in a strange world that coincidentally resembled the VR game he adored. He was unsure, however, because he lacked proof. As he searched for his reason in an unknown place and with an unknown goal, he came across various people, monsters, and other creatures that did not exist in his previous world. Thus begins the young man's adventure, the chronicle of his harem, in this world of mystery, with his trusted companion! This work will also be posted @https://www.royalroad.com/profile/277300/fictions For more people to be able to read this novel under the same title.

Tadano_Nariyuki · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Game 16: The Admission process.

The maids took care of the dishes after the meal. The Duke and his wife, as well as myself and Andrea, moved to the living room. Otherwise, we will obstruct the maids' work.

However, as soon as we arrived, the atmosphere became solemn.

The living room had two long sofas that could probably fit four people facing each other, and in the middle was a small table that was just the right size for setting the tea. Andrea yawned as she snuggled on my arm as I took my seat. She promptly fell asleep. What's the deal with this adorable creature? Is she a cat or what?

After seeing her sleep like a little creature in my arm, the dukes' wife let out a laugh...

The duke sat down as well. The duke then began to speak his goal in a sombre tone.

"Actually, Yuiren-kun... we're still thinking about giving you a reward for saving us. I know you're not asking for anything, and we appreciate your thoughtfulness, but we can't call ourselves nobles if we don't properly reward those who do us a favor, especially when it comes to our lives. So please..."

So pernicious... Is this what they mean by noble pride? Ellsworth's words prompted me to consider something. This Duke is a true nobleman who takes pride in being on the right side. There aren't many good people like this guy around.

And, while we're on the subject... isn't this a very good opportunity for us? I mean, with this we can...

In any case, let's give it a shot.

"I see; then, sir, as a reward..."

He gulped.

Ellsworth appeared to have prepared himself, based on his demeanor. Wait, I'm not going to ask for much! Probably? Is he thinking that I'll take advantage of this opportunity to make an unreasonable request as a reward? Just so you know, I'm not that much of a villain.

"Can I request that Andrea and I be granted admission to the Magical Academy?"

"...Is that all there is to it?"

Did I perhaps betrayed his expectation? Did he really believe that I would ask for too much? So, if you still don't think it's enough, I have one more question for you.

"Yes, it is. I would be happy if I and Andrea could enter the Magical Academy as our reward; it will be a big help actually. And, uhm... Aside from the admission, we need a house to lodge in. Since we just arrived in the Capital, we don't know much about this place, so if you could prepare all of this for us, that would be great."

I did not ask too much, did I?

Hm? Oh, I guess I didn't.

Hearing this response, the Duke's face brightened slightly from his serious demeanor and he turned to face his wife.

Not long after that, he returned to my gaze with confidence.

"It's simple, Yuiren-kun! You can even call it done... but..."

Is there a snag?


Hopefully, this catch isn't too large.

"I know I don't have the authority, but... Can I make a request regarding your desire to attend the Magical Academy, Yuiren-kun?"

I get a strange feeling from what Ellsworth said, but in order to find the secret base territory and the truth behind my strange disposition, I must comply with the duke's request.

"If I can do it, I'll do it... What will it be?"

The Duke replied, clearing his throat...


Ellisbeth? Oh, the daughter. What of her?


"Please look after Ellisbeth while she is at the Academy... That is my request..."

"Is it a bodyguard duty?"

"Yes, you see, that girl is a special case, and since I won't be able to be with her at the academy, I'd like to entrust her safety to you, Yuiren-kun."

Special case?

"Oh, I see..."

This way, I'll be able to enter the Magical Academy while protecting that girl Ellisbeth. I might learn something about her while also achieving my goal... so there is no reason to say no. But special case? That part concerns me...

I can't help but be intrigued by that girl for some reason. I'm not sure why, but I can't help but feel uneasy whenever I think of her. Is this what they mean when they say "intuition"? I'm curious... There is only one way to find out...

"All right, I'll take it!"

And so, with this conversation concluded, my admission to the Magical Academy proceeded at the speed of light... That is, with an additional mission.

So this time, I have to keep Ellisbeth safe while she is at school.

This story... It may not be as simple as I had hoped. But this somehow excites me!

We went back to our rooms.

"I'd like to take you on a tour of the capital tomorrow. Mai will be your guide, so please enjoy the tour!"

That is what Madam Beth suggested. Is it, however, it really acceptable to be carefree? In the first place, they were so trusting of me. They are very good people, but they are also very naive. What if I turned out to be a bad person with bad intentions? Sigh... I'm concerned about this peoples future.

I entered the room with the help of Chika who brought with us a platter of food enough for two people. And after entering she put the plate to the nearest table then left hurriedly. She's maybe being considerate about our private room.

"Omph! There you go."

I put Andrea to the bed. This girl is full of energy during the day and depleted at night. When we first met, she was supposed to never sleep, but look at her now. She's becoming more and more like a normal girls... It makes me happy in a way.

"Oh, uh yeah, Benjirou!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Once again, he went out in a swoosh with his cool appearance.

"Are you hungry? I've brought you something to eat; be grateful, I sacrificed my image of a small eater in order for them to let me take food inside the room."

"My lord..."

"Stop staring at me with those sparkling eyes! It's creeping me out!"

"Ah, yeah."

This day is taking longer than I anticipated. Come to think of it, I already stayed in this world for about a month. I first met Andrea. Then I ran into Benjioru. I'm meeting more and more people at a slow but steady pace. And they are wonderful people. When I return to my original world, I'm curious how they...

Somehow, it makes me feel melancholic... Let's stop this thought for now.

"Human-made foods aren't half bad!"

"I know, right? It tastes fantastic, right?"

"I suppose so, but, my lord, what are you going to do about tomorrow?"


"Yeah, you have a date with that maid girl tomorrow, right? That expressionless one."

"Don't call it that; it's just touring around to get a feel for the place! You're reading too much into it, and how did you even know what a 'date' means?"

"Oh, you underestimated my information gathering too much, my lord!"

This guy...

"But, no matter how hard you try to deny it, it's a date, isn't it?"

I can't say anything back... To be honest, I'm not sure what dates are like. I haven't still experience... Oh, uh yeah, I did. I went out with Hikari a lot. Is that regarded as a date? Oh, I also went out with Shizuru due to a special circumstance. But with Mai... I hope nothing goes south.

"Oh, shut up, will you? Just eat it all already; I need to get those dishes back in the kitchen."

"My lord..."

"I told you to stop with the creepy expressions!"

Sigh... This day seemed to drag on forever.

I returned the dish to the kitchen after Benjirou had finished eating. Surprisingly, there is still a maid waiting for me. Did they wait for me to get back to the dish so they could wash it? I kind of feel bad for them. So, with a polite bow, I expressed my appreciation and returned to my room. There are still a lot of things to be concerned about. But for the time being, I'd like to get some rest.

...To be Continued...

Chapter Quiz!

What will you do if you were requested to be a bodyguard of a beautiful lady?

A. Accept. A beautiful lady is a blessing to behold.

B. I will not. Just a waste of time.

C. Accept. Maybe some kind of things my be develop.

D. Smells danger, so I'll pass.

Fixed chapter is out!

Changes are present!

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