
FANTASIA: This Virtual World Is A Little Bit Off From The Game I Know!

Guren, a second-year high school student, awoke in a strange world that coincidentally resembled the VR game he adored. He was unsure, however, because he lacked proof. As he searched for his reason in an unknown place and with an unknown goal, he came across various people, monsters, and other creatures that did not exist in his previous world. Thus begins the young man's adventure, the chronicle of his harem, in this world of mystery, with his trusted companion! This work will also be posted @https://www.royalroad.com/profile/277300/fictions For more people to be able to read this novel under the same title.

Tadano_Nariyuki · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Game 14: The Plan.(Fixed)


I let out a confused voice after hearing the request to carry this girl inside the mansion. Wait, why me? Isn't it better to let the—eh?! The guards had left already?! So fast!

Ah! I know! The butler. There should be, right? Even one? 

I darted my eyes to the linings of the ones who gave their greet.

Oh, I found one...

...and the butler of the family is a dandy old man with the looks of about 60 years old or older. Uwaaa... Letting him carry the young lady is a bit.. plus, Benjirou couldn't even go out, for all that's present are humans. (Note: He's just looking for some sort of valid excuse.)

Furthermore, all that is present here was none other aside from these assortment of frail looking maids, with the appearance of bunch of idols cosplaying maid outfit.

Am I really the last option here?(Yes you are. So save that virgin excuses and go forth!)

It is not the time to space out. But with the presence of these maids who are seriously looking at us... who wouldn't get embarrassed in that kind of situation?

Even Andrea was staring daggers together with that maid, Mai. This Chika here seems to not really mind, though.

But even though the situation was not easy, I lifted the girl and carried her like a princess towards the mansion. What choice do I have anyway other than to do it quickly? And besides, that tamed look of the duke and his wife makes it even harder for me to refuse. There's no trap inside that mansion, is there?! I'm having kinda mixed feelings about this. Something like inbetween good and bad intuition, I guess?


"Mai, lead Yuiren-sama the way to my girl's room. And Chika, get the room for little Andrea and Yuiren-sama ready so they can have a room to rest. "

"As you wish, Beth-sama!"

Mai then led the way after that synced reply to their mistress, and Chika there was pulling the hand of Andrea as she dragged her inside, following us from behind while being led by Mai.

Whoa, wait a sec!

"Eh? You are letting us stay here?!"

I asked. Isn't this a bit too much? I mean, we are strangers, you know?! Did this family ever hear the phrase, "danger awareness?"

Of course! That is given, Yuiren-sama! "

Ah, no that is certainly not given, maam!

"We cannot just drive away our savior right after arriving home, can we? And besides, we haven't even thanked you properly yet. "

Nggh... What kind of deity is she?! What a lovely person! But, I wonder, is this really acceptable?

"Oh, no. But..."

"Do you have a place ready for your arrival, Yuiren-kun?"


"N-no, not really. But..."

"Then it's settled! Come on, inside! And don't be so reserved!" Ellsworth inquired.

Ahh... that last part got me. I have neither place to stay nor knowledge about this place.

This Duke and his wife are more pushovers than I expected. And with their flawless combination, there seemed to be no other choice but to accept their offer.

Sigh. Yare-yare daze! Good grief (He just wanted to say this even once.)

"In that case...Sir, Madam, we'll be in your care!"

"All right! Let's go inside, and Yuiren-sama, don't be so stiff with us. Please be at ease and feel free to treat this place as home while you're here!"

"Right... Thank you!"

With that cheerful greeting, our party's lodging for the first day in the capital was arranged in a more convenient manner than I had anticipated.

Still... Will this be all right, I wonder?

"Let's go to your room, Andrea-chan! We have a lot of cookies there!"


Andrea nodded and they went inside after being enticed by cookies. Were those two already friends? Andrea, that girl... her face even turned like as of a tamed cat.

Nonetheless, this mansion is impressive. A fountain with live gushing waters stood in front of its entrance, just after entering the gate. Everywhere you looked, there were plants beautifying the gardens, which were decorated with every type of flower you know and don't know. The garden on the left side was filled with cosmos and roses, while the garden on the right side was filled with yellow and white flowering bushes. A location that screamed nobles. So, nobles really enjoy squandering their money on such frivolities, huh?

When we entered the mansion, we were greeted by a spacious reception area, and we followed Mai's lead then went straight to the upper floor. There was no elevator, but the stairs leading upstairs are so soft that the steps are barely audible. I was expecting float magic, but I guess houses in the capital are just like medieval houses, huh? Though these things are really sight to behold.

There was also a faint odor of sanitizing agent, which was probably due to the recent cleaning. It had a strong lemon scent that was soothing and pleasant to the nose.

Damned rich people.

When we got to the top floor, there was a long hallway waiting for us to explore. And after passing through three rooms, Mai came to a halt at the far end of the hallwall. Finally, we appear to have arrived at this young girl's room.

"Please, Yuiren-sama, enter and place the young lady in her bed."

Without even looking at me, she said.

"Got it."

With a 'clack' Mai opened the door slowly in a graceful manner. Entering the room, it was once again unnecessarily made into a big spacious luxury lodging that if measured can much the entire kitchen our house on Earth.

"Uwaa. This mansions size sure is amazing, huh?"

"Of course."

Mai followed in after closing the door. And as soon as I placed the young lady on her bed, Mai enclosed her in this thick, warm blanket that was as soft as a pure cotton garment that you won't find anywhere else.

A sleeping girl's blushing face is a sight to behold, but seeing her in a sound sleep, I let out a yawn and a sign of exhaustion for the first time since arriving in the capital. I didn't do it on purpose, promise!

Mai turned to me as soon as she saw this and said.

"So you get tired too, huh?"

Hey, what does that even mean?!

"Of course I do! What do you think am I?"

"Guren, the pervert?"


"Fufu. Yuiren-sama, you're weak on these kind of teasing, aren't you?"

When she said that, Mai smiled warmly teasing me. She has a cheerful expression on her face as she returns to open the door once more.

What, so you can also make that kind of face.

(Wait, is that my heart pounding?!)


"What is it?"

"Nah. I was just thinking that you can also make such a cute expression. That's all."

"Cu— What are you talking about?!"

Flusterered, she said. Her tone rose slightly, and she flushed mildly, which was unusual for her emotionless face.

Ara? Oh my, girl. You teased me and said I was weak when it came to being teased. So, how do you refer to this? Girl, your flushed face is giving you away.

"E—enough of this!"

Kuku. She's pretty cute. I assumed she was some sort of Andrea. But that isn't all. That's quite surprising. Is this what we call a "Gap Moe?"

But the most surprising is... I feel at ease speaking with her. I don't feel awkward around her because she's casual but polite. I'm not sure why.

"Let us go to your room, Yuiren-sama, and you can rest there until dinner."

"Yeah, I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

"It's no matter."

Perhaps I was just a little tired? If that's the case, then let us rest for the time being.

The room assigned to me was in the opposite corner of the mansion. On the opposite end of the hall from the young lady's room. Regardless of how you look at it, the hallway itself is unusually large.

"Here it is, Yuiren-sama; please have a good rest, and don't hesitate to call for us if you ever need anything."

"Yeah. Thank you."

Mai left me in the front of the said room after a courteous bow then headed back to the young lady's room. And then, as I decided opening the door was Andrea munching again cookies that was probably from Chika. It was also a huge room. What would you expect?

"Andrea, you're eating too much! You'll get fat!"

[Don't be concerned, Master. A humunculus, like me, never gains more weight than our bodies require.]

She responded while still stuffing snacks into her mouth. Is that really true? That's very convenient if that's the case. I recall Hikari and Shizuru-sensei saying something similar. Why do they want to be thinner in the first place? A plump body is okay too, you know?

"Where did you get that confidence?... Guh!"

So tired...

I let myself fall on the bed that was as soft as its appearance suggest. And with a relieved sigh, I closed my eyes.

[Query: Master, what will be our plan here on out?]

"Yes, my lord. I want to know as well."

The subject for conversation started as Andrea went to hit main goal of our travel. And Benjirou, who had been lurking in my shadow, appeared with the intention of learning as well. Plan. Yes. That is significant. I swear I didn't forget (Note: He just did.)

"Plan, huh?"

I replied in hushed tones, opening my eyes and looking up at the ceiling. In any case. Why is there a ceiling above the bed I was lying on? Its weird.

But plan... If I want more knowledge, then there is one for that. And it is...

"I want to try entering the Magical Academy."

"May I inquire as to the reason, my lord?"

"Yep. You see, this world differed from the VLF in several ways. For starters, I want to see the purpose of the Magical Academy, which was not present in the VLF. And the other reason is..."

"What about the other reason?"

I paused as I straightened my back and sat on the bed, my gaze fixed on both of them.

"I know the location of the base has been altered."

[{Query: Altered? What do you mean, Master?}]

"It is as exactly as I have said. I first noticed the changes when the data from Benjirou was transferred to me. The Magical Academy was presented while the base territory that I made was not."

(Guren answered Andrea with his brows furrowed. Seemingly, he was thinking about what happened to the base and thus he was trying to make theory. But the solution that he had come to was...)

"Therefore... Andrea and I will try entering the Academy. While you, Benjirou, try to investigate in the library in secret. I doubt there is much for us there, but it's better than nothing. For now, let us have this as our basic plan. Well have the details if we already have enough informations."

"As you wish, My lord."

[{Affirmative, Master!}]

And as it come to this. A voice from the outside of the door resonated.

"Yuiren-san, Andrea-chan... The dinner's ready, please come with me in the dinning room."

The conversation about the planning had ended. And as soon as it does a consecutive persistent knock was heard from outside. With this rough attitude and cheerful voice, it was Chika for sure.

"Benjirou, go hide back in my shadow... Ah, by the way, do you even get hungry?"


"I... don't. Yes, I don't get hungry, My Lord. Please don't mind me."

"Why the pause?"

Benjirou placed his hand on his brow in a silent act of coolness. What's up with that expression? It was as if he were in a fashion magazine having a photo shoot.

So you do get hungry, huh?

"Yeah, that won't help, Benjirou-kun! haaa... I will have request to Chika later to bring food here. For the time being go back in my shadow."

"My lord..."

Benjirou said softly with a sparkling eyes.

"Stop that, its creepy!"

Forget about Benjirou, but that expression should only be exclusive for cute girls!

With all been said and done, with a whoosh, Benjirou return to my shadow.

"Let's go, Andrea. Chika is waiting."

[{Yes, Master.}]

As we open the door, the way to the dinner is on.

...To be Continued...

Chapter Quiz!

If you are Guren what will you prioritize?

A. To tour the capital, of course!

B. Find a way to sneak in to the women's bath and peep on Mai!

C. Eat! Food is the most important thing!

D. Enter the academy as well! I wanna learn magic and be popular with girls there!

Fixed chapter is out!

Look forward for the further changes, you all!!


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