
Fantasia: The Pixie School for the Light and Dark (Book1)

In a world far far away, there where 2 schools . One for the pure of heart, one for the evil at heart. These 2 schools had 1 thing in common; it was a school for fairies. Each pixie would be gifted with any of the 4 elements: fire, water, earth or air with other additional powers that match their talents. Rarely anyone got all 4. Endora and Diana are best friends from Galania, the normal world. One becomes goods next leader with her prince, one becomes evils defender.

Little_Purple_Girl · Fantasy
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Diana: More than a deed

In the small town of Galania, a remote town surrounded by forest and forest of trees, there was a blonde girl that lay awake in bed as the town was asleep, deep in thought.

In a house, the same as many other on Oakfield street, a girl in a pink fabric night gown and blonde snowflake-y hair lay in her room full with pink everywhere. There was a pink bath tub in her pink bathroom. There was a king sized pink and white bed. She had marvelous blue eyes and pink luscious lips. This 13 year old girl lay awake in bed, waiting to be taken away at midnight.

You must be wondering why?

It's because of her long life dream: Having a happy ending. And the only way to get that is by going to The Pixie Light School in Fantasia. But the only way to get into that school is by being pure of heart and being gorgeous or handsome. And as far as everyone in Galania knew, Diana and Carlos had all the traits. But also a very key thing is doing at least 10 good deeds to have a way higher chance of getting there. Every 5 years, 4 children the age of 12 are brought to the school of Fantasia and go through 3 trials to be sorted into their school; good or evil.

But there is also The Pixie Dark School where the darkest of heart go to. And everyone in Galania knows who they where: Diana's last good deed, Endora. The other one was Aric, an unpleasant and annoying boy but not as ugly as Endora. The traits to get into the bad school is having an evil heart and also being ugly, and Endora seems to have all those traits with her ghastly roughly cut black hair hair, and her dark skin tone. She wore black ever day and was an introvert.

Back to Diana's house, she lay in bed, deep in thought. There was something on her mind, something that happened previously earlier that day that she couldn't shake off, a new affection growing in her.

"Diana, what do you want to eat?" Yelled a husky male voice from the stove of the house. The house had a cozy and homely feeling to it. There was a big brown worn out couch at the side of the living room with a little window and a chimney. There was then a door that led to the kitchen. The wallpaper was daises and pansies that matched the pattern of the dusty rug and pot that contained dandelions.

Diana sat at a high chair next to the kitchen counter as her father prepared pancakes and sausages. "Father, I'm not hungry. Maybe when I come back." Diana grumbled, looking plainly annoyed. Her father gave her a confused look before focusing on the breakfast he was making. "So where are you going then?" He asked, flipping the pancakes in the air.

"Endora's house. " Diana groaned, physically regretting her decision of going in the first place. Her father stiffened for a moment then sighed, serving the pancakes on a plate and turning of the gas. He turned to her with the plate in his hand and picked up the syrup and fork and walked up to her. He sat beside her on a long chair and set the pancakes down Infront of him.

"What is with you and that witch lately. Everyone in town is starting to talk. Saying she bewitched you or something with her ugly evil spells." He said, pouring syrup all over the pancakes. Diana rolled her eyes and played with the gold heart shaped ring on her finger. "I need 10 good deeds to be able to get into Fantasia , dad. My last one is to befriend the enemy, Endora." She explained.

Her father eyed her skeptically before digging into the pancakes. "You have your mind set on going to Fantasia for 5 years. You DO know that you won't see me until 5 years are over. And it would only be if you choose to."

Diana stared at her father, as he already knew the answer. Diana hated and dreaded growing up in this rigid town. Either being a baker or helping her father in shoe making would be her job. She wanted to be a fairy with amazing powers and abilities and fight evil fairies like that stupid witch Endora. She is known as the towns evil witch, no surprise she would get chosen, Diana thinks.

Her father stared at her, hoping she would reply but once he didn't get a reply he sighed in frustration and stared back at his food. "You really want to go, don't you? Leave me here alone in this wretched house." He mumbled. Diana stared at her father and felt tears prickle at her eyes. He was right, she was leaving her father behind but not alone. He was planning on marrying Katrine, the towns best baker. She is pretty but chubby, verry chubby with rosy cheeks and rough black hair. She has a 12 year old son and 8 year old daughter names Moesch and Moe.

The elders need Diana's permission for them to get married but she can't seem to agree to it. She is not over the loss of her mother that happened 2 years ago. She just wants her mothers love back. "Don't worry father, I'll come visit when I get chosen." Diana said, sniffing a little.

"IF you get chosen. Can't be too sure." Her father assures , making Diana giggle.

"Well father, I have to go." Diana says , hoping off the stool and picking up the basket. Before she walked out the door her father called back; 'Be back in time!'

She smiles and walks out the door, not knowing that a surprise awaits her...

Diana walks past carts, markets and busily children. "Diana, mija." Mrs. Gloria said. "Hello Mrs. Gloria. Loving those flowers." Diana called back, waving at the latina woman caring for a garden of flowers. As Diana walks by a bunch of children bump into her. "Watch where your going." Diana growls, angrily dusting off her pink and white dress. "Sorry Dian." Carlos, Diana's best friend, said. He had black wavy hair with green eyes. He then had a blue shirt and white pants on but no shoes.

"Carlos, have some decency. How can you get into the school for good acting like THAT?! " Diana shrieked as he caught a ball that Janet, a short plump girl, threw to him. "I don't want to go to that stupid school. I want to stay here and help my mama with the bakery." he explained, looking at Diana with stars in his eyes. "Ugh, you're too soft for me Carlos. I'm not going without you so work on your deeds, hon." Diana explained, gesturing to his bare legs.

Before Carlos could testify there was a sound behind him. "Carlos, cariño, come and help me carry the pastries in the shop." His mom called. "Ok mama, I'm coming." He called back out, catching the ball from a girl named Hana , a blonde pretty girl, then passing it to Nate, a red head boy, who began running off with 4 other children.

"Such a mama's boy, aren't ya my dear 'carino'." Diana teased, punching his shoulder slightly. Carlos couldn't help but laugh. "See you later Diana." He called as he ran over to his mom who was about his height. Diana giggles as she continues her journey to the far part of town where Endora and her father live. Since they had been cast out by many people, the elders thought it would be good for them to stay out of societies reach. Endora hasn't been seen in years unless by the elders for their yearly check.

Diana walks up to the front porch and cringes at the condition of the house. It has green ivy growing on it's walls and it's door is falling of it's hinges . The garden beside it looks like it has been attended to in years with dead crows around it. Diana hesitated before knocking on the red door with paint peeling off.

It sounded dead quiet in the house until she could hear the sound of boots click-clacking on creaking wooden boards and the hissing of a cat which was new to Diana.

"Go away who ever you are. I know well enough it is not the elders as they came 2 weeks ago so take your shitty insults and crap and get off ma porch, you hear." Said a feminine but raspy voice. Endora. "Endora, darling, it's me" Diana said in a preppy voice.

"Ugh, you again. Beat it, I'm not ready or want any of your weird and bland pastries or your stupid beauty products." Endora's voice hissed through the door. There was also another hiss, which Diana was to scared to ask what it was. "I'm not here for any of that and I brought sweet sugary pastries this time. I want us to have a picnic together. I was hoping we could talk a little before tonight happens." Diana convinces.

There is a long pause before the door could be heard being unlocked and it creaks open revealing a girl with rough hair. Diana cringes at the sight of her: black skin and crooked button nose with big bug brown eyes and puffy eyelids. Endora had on a long black dress with big black boots. But what surprised Diana most of all was the fluffy white kitten cradled in her arms. The kitten had big blue button eyes. Anyone who would see Endora now would think she has gone insane as she was not thought to be the kind of girl to be seen with a CUTE kitten .

"Why have you been coming to see me every single afternoon? Why can't you leave me alone for once?" She grumbled but all Diana could pay attention to was the white kitten in the witches hand. Endora knew she was staring but shoved it off.

"When did you get such a cute kitten?" Diana asked, trying to pet the kitten but Endora moved if farther from her reach. "Answer my question, princess." She barked. Diana sighed, contemplating what to say. "I want you to go to fantasia with me, Carlos and Aric. I want us to get our own fairy tale like tinker bell. You do 10 bad stuff and I do 10 good deeds and your my last deed. Your more than a good deed to me now." Diana said with a sigh. She didn't know where the whole speech came from but Endora seemed to buy it as she responded with a sigh.

" By the way, I do have a picnic spot I discovered days ago. Follow me I guess." She mumbled, closing the door behind her and walking towards the garden. She led Diana deep into the garder which seems to be bigger than the ones deep in the town. Then they approach a little feild with a white fence surrounding it. It had a big pond in the middle of the field. Diana looked at the field of fresh flowers; pansies, dandelions and daisies. They opened the fence door and began to approach the pond that had different breeds of fishes swimming in it. There where also different Lili-pods floating around the water than had frogs leaping from one to another. Diana gapped at the awing scene.

"Well, this is it." Endora sighed out. Diana looked at Endora then back to the pond. Endora just rolled her eyes and plumped down on the soft grass in front of the pond, laying the kitten on her lap. Once Diana got out of her shock she took out the red and white squared blanket from the basket and laid it on the grass. She then sat down on the blanket so elegantly that it made Endora scoff.

Diana stared down into the pond full with colorful fishes of different breeds; A spotted mandarin, An emperor angelfish, a symphysodon, a lionfish e.t.c. "Onyx. His name is Onyx." a raspy voice said. Diana turned to Endora, confused. Endora just stared at the pond, stroking the cats fur with a finger with seemingly in deep thought. "The cat's a boy, his name is Onyx. I found him in the forest one night, a week ago. He seemed lost and confused so I took him in. I was only allowed to keep him if I was the one taking care of him and I agreed. "

"Why would you rescue a cat?" Diana asked, visibly shocked. There was a quick silence before Endora spoke again. "It wasn't scared of me at all. I didn't rescue it I just took it home with me because it wasn't scared of me." She sighed out, shifting her attention to the purring cat on her lap. Diana was stunned before turning her attention to the cat. She noticed it had a very unusual mark; like a pair of wings.

"Can I pet it?" Diana asked. Endora shrugged, nodding a yes. Diana reached her hand out but the cat turned vicious and scratched her finger, startling both of them. "Oww, what in the world-" Diana said, hissing in pain. A hand then reached hers and dipped it in the freezing pond water, making her hiss more out of pain. Her hand was now pulled out of the water and rapped in black cloth. Diana looked up.

"Don't give me that look. It's my fault anyway, I'm a bad influence on her." Endora said, not meeting Diana's eyes. Once Endora finshed rapping the wounded finger she clutched Onyx to her chest and stared at the pond deep in thought. Diana just focused on the field of flowers. The silence seemed to fragile to break.

"Do you think Fantasia is real?" Endora asked, finally coming back from her dazed state. Diana thought of an answer and sighed out. "Fantasia is real. It's a world away from this town with forest and forest of trees stretch wide out. The first time I heard about Fantasia I was 5 and my mother would tell me wonderful stories about it like she had BEEN there, you know. I fell asleep dreaming of this day and I don't know. Fantasia seems so real and my heart KNOWS it's real." Diana said staring down at her cloth wrapped finger. Endora glanced at Diana before sighing.

"I don't want to go to Fantasia. Everyone may hate me but my pa doesn't. He loves me, i can't just leave him alone in this putrid town with annoying children and rude people. He took care of me with all his heart, even with everyone thinking I was a threat. They don't hate my father because he isn't my skin color you know, he's normal but he'd never let me face it all alone." Endora confessed, toying with the snow white fur of Onyx.

Diana looked at Endora, startled. She didn't expect to see or hear Endora like this therefore didn't know what to say or how to react. Onyx hopped off Endora's lap and ran off to chase a wondering butterfly. Diana thought of this as a chance and lept unto Endora, pulling her into a long deep hug. Endora stiffened but soon relaxed a bit, pushing Diana off.

"You're not alone ok, you have me now. We are going to face Fantasia together. We'll make sure to give your dad a proper good bye, ok? Don't worry, from now on it's me and you against the world." Diana rambled, pulling Endora into another hug. Diana began hearing sniffing noises and jumped back to see Endora rubbing her running nose and puffy eyes.

"I'm not crying, your perfume is too strong." Endora mumbled, making Diana burst out in a giggles, making Endora snort. Before they knew it they where holding hand walking back while laughing and talking as the sun set behind them with Onyx in Endora's other hand and The picnic bag in Diana's other hand. The way Diana ended her day was unexpected. Who knew it would end with her giggling and eating pastries with Endora Moore.

Back to Diana's room, she stared down at her finger still wrapped in black cloth, contemplaiting about her new found soulmate in friendship.

After thinking, Diana turns to her side, her hair covering her face apart from the area her eyes where. Diana knew...

Endora is more than a good deed, she's her best friend....