
Fantasia: Tale of Corrupted Hero's New Life in Another World

Release Schedule: Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 00.00 AM. GMT+8 Time Zone. ———————————————————————— Someone is called a "Hero" for the magnificent feats he/she has done in life. Whether it is great goodness or evil, it's up to people who define this great and terrible deed. Everyone can become a "Hero" when they completed an amazing deed that can astound the collective — a feat worthy of Legends. A paragon of righteousness in one side can become the root of evil on the other side… A villain for someone can become a hero for another... Good or bad, it's up to the collective to decide... And, this story is a story about a young man who was once called "Hero" in another world in a different time. However, this story isn't about the fantastical tale of a man who's the personification of justice, righteousness, and goodwill who slays evil for the greater good and betterment of people of the masses. Nay, this young man was great indeed. But, he was also terrible. He was the type who was honest to his desire. Self-centered, selfish, lustful, ruthless… He was the personification of each of those words and more. And this is his tale… The tale of Corrupted Hero in another world called "Fantasia"…

CrazySnail05 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

After picking up his new magic instructor, Bryan was going to train his martial art. The same development with what happened when he picked up his magic instructor also happened once again. After picking up the most prettiest female Knight from Emperor's 12 Swords, Bryan's martial art training started for earnest.

With the female Court Magician, Bryan learned the magic system of that world. The magician herself also knew how to entice and motivate Bryan. The same thing happened when he must pick up his martial art instructor. He was taught to handle many types of a weapon by the Knight.

Bryan seemed to have higher specs than what he had previously. It seems as though he had been upgraded as he was crossed over to that world.

His strength, stamina, dexterity, body coordination, reflex, perception, comprehension, and other specs were a dimension better than what he could remember from the old him. He chalked it as his cheat as the "Hero".

Other than that, Bryan's relationship with his two mentors was beyond the normal Mentor-Pupil relationship. It could be said that they were Bryan's mistress. As a matter of fact, it wasn't a guarded secret in the castle. Almost everyone knew about "Hero's" relationship with his two mentors.

When Emperor and Princess knew about this, they didn't seem to mind it. In fact, they encouraged the Magician and the Knight to seduce Bryan so his loyalty to the Empire was absolute.

Bryan had even told the Princess, who told him that his choice was only normal. In her word "Sir Bryan is a mighty and magnificent Hero. It's only normal for someone like you to have beautiful women around you, no?"

However, Bryan was unaware of the scheme brewing behind him. Actually, his two instructors weren't any better than the princess. Both of them were ambitious fellows and wouldn't think twice to sacrifice their bodies to get a hold on more power.

Once they had succeeded in becoming another chain to shackle Bryan, they obtained some privilege from the Emperor, just like what they hoped since the beginning.

And so, Bryan's fun training under his two instructor continued. In the end, he spent around ten months under their tutelage. They stopped their tasks as his instructors because they couldn't teach something to Bryan anymore. Bryan had long since surpassed them. As a matter of fact, Bryan had completed his training in his eighth month after his arrival.

They continued to mingle because those two realized that they were growing stronger as they sparred and had some discussions with Bryan.

And so, from Bryan's instructors, they became his companions instead.

Time passed and the day for subjugating the first target of the Human Empire finally came. Emperor sent off Bryan and his party, which consisted of the Princess, the Magician, the Knight, and two combat maids, took off to their first destination to the Draconian Mountains in the central continent.

As an aside, the Princess was actually a good magician who was skilled in support magic like Healing, Barrier, etc.

Because of the existence of magic, their travel was better than expected. It was also thanks to Bryan's creative idea he ripped off from fantasy stories in his original world. He and the Magician had created some interesting magic tools that increased their fame and wealth. Some of those inventions helped them to have more comfortable travel.

One of the examples of their inventions were interspatial bag with bigger space inside and the tent with similar magic enchanted. Although they ventured into the thick jungle, crossed dangerous river and sea, and climbed up and down steep mountains, the hardship was less than what they initially expected because of those magic tools.

Bryan spent two months to reach the Draconian Mountain. After arriving in the territory of Dragon kind, they summoned the Empire's army through another invention Bryan and Magician had created. It was a mass teleportation magic.

And so, the war to subjugate Dragon kinds started.

It was a brutal war beyond what Bryan had experienced. Although he had tasted his first blood by killing a criminal who had been sentenced for death, his first war opened his eyes to the danger of the real war. More than once he almost died. He was supported by his party that helped him so far.

Bryan had mistaken their action for loyalty, love, and affection towards him. On contrary to his belief, the Princess, the Magician, and the Knight helped him because he was still useful. They didn't want him to die early because he was the import tool for the Empire to conquer the whole world.

Dragons were terrible opponents to face. They were called the strongest race in that world for a reason.

Dragons were very strong, physically and magically. In their original form, their shape was varied from the western dragon to eastern dragon from Bryan's original world. Furthermore, they could transform into humanoid form with nimble and agile movement. They were magically gifted.

If a single demon had the aptitude for magic equal to ten of the average human magician, a dragon had the aptitude for magic equal to ten of the average demon. A single regular dragon had the strength of a hundred average magicians and soldiers. Furthermore, the royal dragon was truly a nightmare to fight in Bryan's perspective.

Although Royal Dragons were terrible and dangerous opponents, Bryan still triumphed and succeeded slaying the Dragon King.

Unfortunately, after the death of the Dragon King, the moral of the dragon didn't decrease. They turned berserk and attacked everything indiscriminately. It was a nightmare for normal soldiers and logistic personnel.

At least, the Empire's side won the war. And Bryan has successfully enslaved the Dragon Queen and her daughter, Dragon Princess, as a trophy for war. The other male Royal Dragons, the Princes, were killed ruthlessly. Out of a thousand dragons existed, their number had decreased to pitiful two digits. Almost all of them were female dragons. In fact, the number of surviving male dragons was countable with a single hand. Moreover, all surviving dragon were enslaved by the Empire to increase their decreased number. The empire planned to use them as their soldiers' mount before attacking their next target.